Early radish without watering (video)
Radish is a very healthy early vegetable. It is rich in many vitamins that the body needs after winter. Summer residents and gardeners love to grow it. What is the best way to organize the cultivation of early radishes on your personal plot in order to get an excellent harvest and make a minimum of effort? It is known that this vegetable requires abundant watering twice a day, which requires additional care.
Modern gardeners recommend growing radishes under film. This method does not require frequent watering, you just need to moisten the soil well before sowing seeds. In addition, these radishes grow faster and yield excellent yields. Learn more about this in the video.
Read also the article: how is radish good for the body?
It is important to grow radishes without watering. In spring, there are usually problems with water, the breeze blows moisture out of the soil, the sun evaporates. And the poor vegetable is standing, shivering in the cold spring wind. Is there before the filling. And under the simplest cover he is comfortable. And under the sealed film there is a lot of evaporation, even the glass of the camera fogged up. Therefore, the gardener is spared unnecessary work, and the plant is good. Under cover radish pours better than its open-air counterpart.
Another advantage of this temporary shelter is mobility. In a minute, you can take it off, remove it until autumn, or maybe cover then heat-loving plants. If you throw a net along such arcs, then you can get rid of insect pests. Thanks to the author for the idea. Simple and effective.