For residents of the Urals and the Moscow region - species of plants grown through seedlings, sowing seeds in March
Sowing seeds for seedlings in cool and variable climatic conditions, in which the plants do not have enough warmth for final development and maturation, begins in February - March. If February is characterized by the planting of seeds of crops that germinate for too long and have a sufficiently long growing season, then March is acceptable to sow early varieties of vegetables and flowers, which you still want to admire until the end of the summer season.
The natural climatic conditions of the Urals and the Moscow region are characterized by abundant rainfall and low temperatures; summer is not hot here.
If we consider the regions of the Urals, then changeable climatic conditions are observed on its territory, which is the cause of too dry or too humid areas. The Moscow region is characterized by a more moderate climate, which leads to short summers. So it is necessary to choose which of the plants to sow for seedlings in these regions, based on the characteristics of the vegetables and flowers themselves, in order to ultimately get the desired harvest, providing proper care for them throughout the entire growing season of development and fruiting.
The first half of March is always reserved for sowing vegetables, the ripening time of which is slightly longer than that of early crops, but the second half of the month is reserved for early varieties of vegetables.
March is characterized by a long day, which provides a sufficient amount of natural light for the seedling shoots, and this eliminates the use of artificial lighting devices to create effective photosynthesis processes.
Read the article: when to plant tomato seedlings?
How do summer residents of the Urals and the Moscow region begin their seasonal work?
Tomatoes are no less thermophilic than eggplants, and are also planted at the end of March. Naturally, the best yields are produced by hybrids. Here are some of the most unpretentious: Shuttle, Explosion, Pink giant, Moscow delicacy, Blagovest F1, Rookie RO. Seedlings of tomatoes during the growing period must be picked several times, planted in the ground in mid-May. It should be noted that March seedlings are always stronger than February seedlings as they absorb more natural light and are thus programmed for high yields.
Growing seedlings in March in the Urals and in the Moscow region cannot do without everyone's favorite sweet pepper, because the period from sowing to harvesting is one hundred and fifty days.The more preferred varieties for the Moscow region are Rhapsody, Fidelio, Atlantic, Agapovsky, Semko, Buratino, for the Urals - Montero, Selvia, Edino, Alyosha Popovich, Gamrok. Disembarkation is carried out in mid-May.
In the second half of March, you can also sow crops such as leeks, black onions, early carrots, radishes, dill, mustard, Chinese cabbage, salads, spinach, celery, basil, broccoli, kohlrabi cabbage, cauliflower, white cabbage.
When growing seedlings of vegetables, it is necessary to strictly monitor soil moisture. For seedlings, both drying out of the soil and its excessive moisture are harmful to the same extent.
Seedling flowers in March
Growing seedlings in March is the cultivation of not only future high-yielding vegetable crops, but also flower plants that can delight with their flowering all summer and decorate the landscape flower bed design:
- With the help of seedlings in the natural climatic conditions of the Urals and the Moscow region, floral annuals are often grown, such as petunia, begonia, viola, sweet peas, lobelia, verbena, ageratum, phlox, pansies, asters.
- Perennials also need seedlings - cornflower, carnations, cornflowers.
- Flowers that propagate by tubers are also grown from seedlings - dahlia, peony.
- Flowers are a decoration not only for street beds, but also for home windowsills; during March, seeds of indoor flowers are sown, such as hippeastrum, lemon eucalyptus, palm trees of various types, balsam, pelargonium, fuchsia.
What is better to plant in March in the Urals and in the Moscow region, the practice of summer residents shows. Many amateurs, conducting experiments, achieve high yields and beautiful landscape design of their suburban brainchild.