Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
It is no secret that some insects cause people a lot of inconvenience. Some pose a threat to the future harvest, while others interfere with a person's full rest by annoying buzzing and even biting. What to do to save yourself and your loved ones from an unpleasant neighborhood?
Unusual properties of plants
Here, a little secret will be revealed to the readers, which may be useful to many.
If insects overwhelm people in a suburban area, it is not at all necessary to immediately run to the store for chemicals. For help, you can turn to our caring mother nature. After all, she created a mass of repellent plants that can seriously resist a variety of insects that harm humans and plants.
This is well-known
This fragrant, needle-leafed shrub can ward off mosquitoes and flies. If the goal of a person is to prevent insects from entering the house, the plant can be planted near the country house. It is also interesting that the acrid smell of rosemary has a negative effect on cats as well. Therefore, if these animals are unwanted guests, then you can be calm, they will not step into the yard where rosemary grows.
This herb, along with medicinal properties, has the ability to resist mosquitoes. But the growing plant has practically no effect. To protect against insects, the leaves of the thyme must be rubbed. Lubricate open areas of the body with the resulting gruel. Now you can be absolutely calm - there will be no annoying bloodsucking around.
Many people enjoy its smell when added to food as a condiment. But mosquitoes, horseflies and mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of garlic. This amazing culture, planted along the beds and along the perimeter of the garden plot, is able to protect from flying scourge both during work and during rest.
You can also sprinkle the beds with garlic juice. For healthy crops, this procedure will not be scary. And it will have a depressing effect on insects. It is unlikely that they dare to sit on the tops, and they will not fly next to the beds.
The scent of basil is disliked by flies and mosquitoes, aphids and spider mites. A pot-grown plant can be taken out and placed on the veranda while resting to protect itself from insects. Basil will protect a person in a certain area if it is planted next to that place.
This melliferous herb with white flowers and lemon or orange scent is not to the liking of blood-sucking. It can be planted near recreation areas and not far from the beds in order to scare away insects from people. By the way, it will be useful for plants adjacent to lemon balm, since it will also protect them from pests.
If a decision is made to go to the forest or take a walk near a natural reservoir, it is enough to rub open parts of the body with fragrant leaves. In addition to repelling insects, this procedure will to some extent replace the deodorant, giving the skin a pleasant scent.
A fragrant plant with a high menthol content is unpleasant for mosquitoes, mice and ants. Mint escape annoying insects in the open air. And the dried twigs will drive rodents and ants out of the house.
Mint mulch will be a protection for pumpkin, cabbage and zucchini... Midges and caterpillars will not dare to visit such a vegetable garden.
This herb will protect asparagus and strawberries well if planted nearby. Slugs and snails will not claim the harvest. And after its "work" in the garden and in the garden, parsley will become a wonderful seasoning for many dishes and marinades, will provide the body with useful vitamins and minerals.
The aroma of this plant is just a storm for mosquitoes. It is many times more effective than artificial repellent. It is worth rubbing the skin with leaves of grass, and mosquitoes will fly away headlong!
A beautiful delicate flower grown in a flower bed is not only pleasing to the eye. It has crushing power, scaring off ants, fleas, ticks, crickets. Expels chrysanthemum and many domestic insects - enough dried twigs to spread out under mattresses, rugs, in wardrobes and on kitchen shelves. So planting a chrysanthemum in your garden is definitely worth it. And beauty on the site, and benefit after flowering.
Delicate and touching in its defenselessness, an annual of various colors and shades, with its pleasant aroma, inspires terror in insect pests, including leaf beetles, aphids and tomato hawkers.
But one thing should not be forgotten: caterpillars and slugs are extremely fond of petunia. Therefore, before decorating your site with petunia, you need to think carefully.
An indispensable option in the fight against mosquitoes, tomato hawk moths and diamond bugs is to plant these bright, attractive flowers with a persistent smell on your site. They will become a barrier to harmful insects and will protect melons, pumpkins, zucchini and tomatoes. A plant planted near the house and windows will not allow blood-sucking people to stay indoors.
There are many more different herbs that can be useful in the fight against unwanted insects and pests of garden crops.
But it must be remembered that when there are compost heaps on the site, an environment favorable for parasites develops there. And then you cannot get rid of them in full.
Videos about plants on the site that will help protect against gnat