Reproduction of Afelandra - how to quickly and easily get new beautiful bushes
Despite the rather capricious nature of the tropical beauty, many flower growers dream of Afelandro. And although it is demanding to the conditions of maintenance and care, the reproduction of aphelandra is not a complicated procedure, no different from other indoor flowers. The fastest and most effective way to get a young plant is by cuttings. In addition, this plant at home is also capable of setting seeds that germinate well. Thus, you can grow a dozen bushes at once and give or sell to friends.
How and when to cut Afelandra
There are two ways to cut a bush with gorgeous decorative foliage:
- Sheet. You should find a branch on which inflorescences have not tied, and cut off the young leaf, capturing the axillary bud. Sprinkle the cut with charcoal and root it in sand or perlite. You can first put it in water, but in this case, the leaves often rot.
- Apical cuttings. To do this, you need tops from young shoots about 10 cm long with a pair of leaves. They also take root in sand or with the addition of loose earth.
Cutting is also a great way to rejuvenate an old plant. Over time, the bush loses its decorative effect. Its lush crown begins to gape with bald patches, because the branches are stretched, and the lower leaves fall off. Then the plant is cut, and cuttings are cut from the shoots.
Propagation of Afelandra by seeds
It is better to sow freshly harvested seeds. Some varieties bloom until autumn, while others ripen the seeds closer to winter. The collected seeds should be sown in a small transparent bowl, which is closed with a lid. This will create a greenhouse environment and maintain a constant level of humidity. The planting substrate must be loose. A mixture of sand and peat is suitable. Instead of peat, you can take leafy soil. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated periodically.
Grown seedlings must be sorted out in separate cups. At this stage, sod land is added to the substrate, in addition to sand and leafy soil. If possible, you can purchase a special soil mixture for Afelandra. With good care and regular feeding, young plants can bloom in the first year of life.