Simple reproduction of chokeberry

Black-chokeberry propagation is carried out in several ways. Among a number of methods, the most popular is seed and layering. It is they that allow you to maintain the maternal qualities of the plant.
Reproduction of chokeberry: the most effective ways

Chokeberry or chokeberry, as it is also called, belongs to the pink family. The plant is presented in the form of a low tree or shrub. Popularly, leaves, berries and roots are used to treat a number of diseases. The homeland of the chokeberry is the lands of North America.
Popular methods of mountain ash propagation:
- seeds;
- layering;
- cuttings;
- dividing the bush;
- vaccination;
- root suckers.
Observing simple rules, get the desired result it won't be difficult. In just a few months, the plant will delight you with colorful leaves and incredibly healthy fruits that harbor a lot of micro- and macronutrients.
Breeding rules by cuttings
Gardeners use both lignified and green cuttings to propagate their favorite varieties.
Lignified cuttings

Last year's branches are used for planting material. Cuttings are removed in the second part of September. If you do this later, they will not will have time to take root before the onset of frost.
The upper part of the cutting is cut at an angle, and the lower one in a straight line. The length of the planting material should be within 20 cm with several full-fledged kidneys.
Planting cuttings is carried out in a moist nutrient substrate at an angle. In this case, no more than two buds should remain above the ground.
When planting, it is necessary to monitor the distance of the branches. The optimal indicators are 10-12 cm. After the procedure, the soil is abundant water and mulch.
Propagation using green cuttings

This method is used less often, as it requires some effort. Cuttings are planted only in a cold greenhouse. The soil should be composed of deciduous soil and compost... You can also add a small amount of coarse sand to the composition.
Cuttings are removed only from healthy and large branches. Their the length should not exceed 15 cm. The lower leaves must be removed, and the upper shorten by half.
For fast rooting, it is recommended to make several shallow cuts in the lower part of the planting material and one under the upper leaf plate.
Before planting chokeberry, you need to dip the cuttings in growth stimulant. They are kept in this state for 8 hours. At the end this time they spend landing. Instances are placed at an angle, observing distance of 4 cm.Keep the greenhouse at a temperature not lower than 250FROM, watering periodically.
You can transplant green cuttings after 10 days. The first few months, young chokeberry is often and abundantly watered, removed weeds and loosen the soil. They are transplanted to a permanent place in the first month of autumn.
Seed propagation

Chokeberry seeds can be bought in specialty store, and prepare yourself. For this ripe berries thoroughly grind with sate, and then rinse under running water.
For better germination, it is recommended to stratify the grains before planting.
The prepared planting material is placed on a small deep in the nutrient soil. After the procedure, the garden bed is mulched with using humus.
Only the emerging seedlings must be watered abundantly and often. They are transplanted to a permanent place only for the next fall.
Chokeberry grafting and dividing the bush

The graft is carried out in early spring. For this procedure, rowan seedlings are used.
The shoot is cut, leaving 12 cm above the soil level. At the top its parts make a deep incision, which will connect with the handle. Graft cut in the form of a blade and placed in the stock. The joints are processed garden var and wrapped in a transparent film. Remove polyethylene after month. This time will be enough for the scion and rootstock to grow together.

Division of the root system. Since the roots of chokeberry are located almost above the soil surface, it will be easy to separate them.
First you need to dig out the bush. Then with the help of a sharp knife, divide it into several parts, removing old and affected roots. All it is recommended to treat the places of cuts with plenty of charcoal. It will save plant from diseases.
As soon as the planting material is prepared, you can start forming the holes. Put a small amount of humus on the bottom of the groove, superphosphate, and place the root of the chokeberry on top. Then sprinkle with plenty of soil, tamp and pour with warm, settled water. They take care of such a plant as an adult bush.
As you can see from the article, it is very simple to grow chokeberry in your summer cottage. If this is your goal, then use one of the above methods and follow the sequence of actions.