Hoya propagation by cuttings - the secrets of successful rooting
Due to its long strings and decorative appearance this vine will turn your house into a jungle in a short time. For a short time Hoya propagation by cuttings will help to get a lot of new plants. This is one of the easiest ways, practically without giving negative results. How to take cuttings correctly and in what way is it better to root them?
Blank cuttings
For everything to go well, you need to prepare the cuttings take sharp scissors, after wiping them with alcohol. Better for reproduction use healthy shoots, but not too long. This will need more moisture, and the tips of the shanks may dry out. It is enough for the stalk to have 2 a leaf and a couple of live buds.
Hoya breeding cuttings - what and how to root
You can root cuttings in different ways by planting them in:
- Small pots with a loose substrate. In it, the hoya grows well roots and will form from 2 to 4 young leaves in a year. Scourges most often appear only the next year.
- Plastic cups with vermiculite. Florists who practice this method have noticed that cuttings grow faster in it. After 11 months, they build up new lashes and in the first year they can give a twig or two up to 40 cm long.
- A glass of water. Cover the glass with foil on top, make a hole in it and insert the handle into it. The foil will protect from light to prevent green algae from appearing. The roots will appear in about 2-3 weeks and then the hoya can be planted in the ground.
When rooting in water, it is advisable to add a little growth promoter.
The cuttings should grow the roots in the greenhouse so that they do not dry out. From time to time it needs to be ventilated, moistened with soil (vermiculite) or added water. It will be possible to remove the shelter after the first signs of growth of leaves or whips appear.
Young bushes should be placed for growing on a light windowsill in a room with a temperature of at least 22 ° C heat. To make the process more active, you can sometimes fertilize the hoya with water from the aquarium. A mineral complex for orchids is also suitable.
If for propagation of hoya cuttings planting the material was ordered through the mail, problems often arise. With the wrong packing cuttings dry up and lose their elasticity during the journey. They need to be put for a couple of hours in sugar water and the turgor will be restored.