Orchid reproduction: separation and planting of the baby

orchid babies with roots Almost every self-respecting flower grower has a beautiful orchid. Lovers of an exotic flower strive not only to keep their pet in good condition, but also to get new plants. One of the effective and simple ways of reproduction of orchids is the separation of children, because the flower seeks not only to grow leaves and peduncles, but also to continue its kind.

Read also the article:orchid care and reproduction at home by seeds!

How to separate children correctly?

With the help of sharp scissors, an adult child must be carefully cut off from the shoot, without damaging the roots. The shoot itself, on which she grew up, does not need to be removed, it is quite possible that children are still forming on it. Sprinkle the cut points on the shoot and the baby with crushed activated carbon.

Babies are separated from the maternal escape only if they have already formed their own roots at least 5 cm long.

After cutting, the young shoot of the orchid should be given time for the cut part to dry.

Baby transplant

Place a stick in a transparent pot to fix the orchid during future flowering and fill it with a special substrate (crushed bark). Instead of a pot for the first time, you can use a plastic bottle, having previously made holes in it to drain excess liquid. In such a container, the roots and the state of the substrate will also be clearly visible.

Place the baby as close to the support (stick) as possible and slightly cover the roots with the substrate.

How to prepare an infusion for watering a baby?

Since the bark is almost dry, after planting a young orchid, it must be watered. So that it takes root well and quickly gives new roots, you can add special preparations purchased at a flower shop to the water. Folk remedies such as garlic infusion have also proven themselves well. With regular use, it strengthens the general condition of the plant, stimulates abundant flowering and improves immunity against diseases.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 liter of settled water;
  • 2 small cloves garlicpassed through the garlic.

Put the prepared garlic in water, close the jar with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through a sieve.

Place the pot in a deep tray and pour the prepared infusion directly into the substrate. Leave the orchid for 30 minutes. For mature plants, it is recommended to increase the holding time to 3 hours. Then take out the pot and drain off excess liquid.

Planting orchid babies - video

  1. Tamara Martynova

    My love for orchids started 3 years ago. I am constantly reading something new about them. And now I myself want to share my unspeakable joy about them: they bloomed now in April, actively, with large inflorescences and until September ... then buds woke up on the same peduncles and after a while they bloomed again violently ... this summer two children appeared, waited for autumn to separate and transplant, but ... my orchids again released two new peduncles (!!!) ... the aerial root system is very developed ... so, my favorites will delight with their beauty all winter ... the question is: is it possible to separate children in the future, if they already have 6 large sheets and I think that in the spring they may have flower stalks (?!) ... is it possible to transplant completely into a large pot with such a green mass or leave it in the same (d14x h12) &

    • Olga

      According to all the rules, it is recommended to separate the children after flowering. If the mother plant is healthy and does not lack nutrients that it "shares" with the babies, wait until it blooms and then be sure to separate the babies into separate containers.Left in the same pot with the parent, young orchids will still deplete him over time. If the old orchid starts to hurt, it makes no sense to wait until it fades.


