Propagation of grapes by layering in the summer
Now it is by no means uncommon to see grapes planting at their summer cottage. The variety of culinary recipes and preparations will allow you to enjoy delicious dishes, and its beneficial properties will help to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
There are a large number of methods describing the propagation of grapes using layering in the summer. These methods have a good result on earthen areas not infected with phylloxera, which attacks the roots of the grape plant. Before planting the bushes directly, you should make sure that there is no such harmful insect in the soil. What is Dolma? - read our article!
Propagation of grapes by layering - what is it?
For propagation of grapes by layering in the summer, it is necessary to use only a healthy and well-bearing mother bush. Its lower shoots should not have wilted ends or leaves, then the likelihood that they will not take root increases.
Next to the bush, at a distance of at least twenty centimeters, dig a long hole with a horizontal slope of forty degrees and vertical walls. The depth should not be less than fifty centimeters. Next, put a mixture of manure and black soil in equal proportions into the hole, and dig it up well. Again, adjust the angle of inclination to the fruiting bush. Before the direct burial of the shoot, remove all leaves from it, except for three pieces that have a growth point. Then cover the layering with the top layer of soil, compact well and gently pour water. The minimum watering volume is two buckets. After waiting for the water to be absorbed, the hole must be covered with the remaining soil, leveling the soil level.
Regular watering produced depending on weather conditions. If the weather is hot without precipitation, it is advisable to water the grape bush every day. As the layer grows, stepchildren will appear on it. They must be removed in order to avoid a shapeless bush. Leaving only growth shoots, you can grow a vine up to three meters high by the end of summer. The grafted layering will allow you to remove single bushes, both for further reproduction, and for removing a new bush to replace the old one.
Transplant rules and care for layering
- The shoot used for the diversion must be healthy and viable and not too short. The transplant is carried out in boxes, preferably wooden, 50x20 cm in size.
- The eyes below ground level are blinded. This is necessary in order to avoid unnecessary seedlings. The number of peepholes above ground level should not be less than three.
- All freshly planted cuttings should receive sufficient sunlight.
- Cutting care consists of daily watering, loosening and removing grass and weeds. The optimal watering interval is every 10 days, but can be done more often in dry weather.
- The final transplanting process for permanent cuttings should be carried out in the evening.
- It is not recommended to remove the layers from the box in order not to damage the root system. For this, the box is buried in the ground, after which the walls of the box are carefully removed one by one, and the resulting space is filled up.
Green way - divorce with green layers
If the bush has long shoots with buds, then you can use the green method. To do this, the layering is fixed in the form of a sinusoidal wave: one part is buried in a hole about five centimeters deep, the second part spreads over the ground, then the hole and the ground part goes again. The area of the shoot buried in the ground should be fixed with a wire. At the end of earthworks, the bush and shoots are thoroughly watered with water on a regular basis.
Short way - divorce with short layering
Short vine branches can also be used for propagation. Next to the bush, a hole is dug five centimeters deep and thoroughly watered with water. Part of the short shoot is lowered into it so that a reserve of fifteen centimeters remains above the soil level. Next, the hole should be covered with earth and carefully compacted. A support in the form of a stick is attached to the protruding part and fixed. Securing the layering will prevent the trunk from bending or bending to the ground.
This method will allow you to propagate grapes in the summer and get your first harvest by autumn.
Air method - divorce with air layering
This method of reproduction has existed for a very long time and at the same time does not lose its popularity. Usually held during the spring season. A shoot that already has its own bark will serve to form a new root system. Its top is cleared of leaves. Then, departing from it about twenty centimeters, a circular incision is made in half a centimeter along the diameter of the trunk. The exposed part is carefully wrapped in wet moss and wrapped in black polyethylene. This facilitates the eruption of new roots. In the autumn, all shoots with young roots are cut off.
They should only be planted in a cool place, be it a greenhouse or a large pot. The final transplant to a permanent place is made only in the next spring.
Lignified method - divorce with lignified layering
This type of breeding is also carried out in the spring, in extreme cases in the fall. The hole to be formed should be about sixty centimeters deep and located towards the lowest shoot from the bush. A mixture of manure and black soil is poured into the hole, everything is carefully dug up and only then the layering is deepened. Moreover, an escape with three eyes should remain on the surface.
If the bush urgently needs to be propagated in the fall, then the upper part of the layer left on the surface is covered with earth with a layer of twenty centimeters. Usually, new branches grow on the layer in the first year, and you can even collect a partial harvest. Separation from the main bush is made only after three years.
Kataviak way
This type of grape divorce is not like all the previous ones, since the layering is carried out with the help of a whole bush, and not one shoot. Transplanting in this way allows for the reconstruction of the entire vineyard. All bushes that grew without support are transplanted along the necessary structures or walls.
Also, the Kataviak method is required when landing maiden grapethat cannot grow without support.
Chinese way
For the Chinese method, a healthy and ripe shoot is selected from the lower area of the bush, which is buried in a twenty-centimeter hole, previously flavored with a mixture of manure and black soil. The outlet is carefully fixed with a wire and covered with a top layer of soil. In the lower area of the shoot, towering above the ground, all eyes are removed.
With the growth of layering, the main thing is to sprinkle the hole with earth in a timely manner, which contributes to the uniform reproduction of all their nodes.
Propagation of grapes by layering requires close attention and patience. A transplant carried out in accordance with all the rules and regular care will ensure a strong and healthy bush, as well as a bountiful harvest.
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