A variety of ficuses for growing indoors
Ficus are shrubs, trees and even vines, many of which are gigantic in size. Consider a variety of ficuses suitable for home cultivation. Ficus is not just a single plant, but a whole family. Its flowers make the room more comfortable, and its leaves improve the microclimate and supply oxygen to the home.
General description of ficuses
The variegated forms of ficuses with golden and black foliage are especially beautiful. Ficuses are popular with those who like to grow plants in style bonsai, as the plant looks spectacular and is easy to form.
Small annual plants or tub shrubs are suitable for decorating rooms. They are used for winter gardens, medium and spacious premises. Ficus looks good on a window, wooden lattice or on special stands.
There are different types of ficuses for any type of room. The plant can have a variety of forms - mini - bonsai, small tree or ampelous hanging.
A variety of ficuses in nature
Breeders have developed many varieties of ficuses with characteristic features. Plants are divided into three main groups depending on their care requirements and external parameters.
This is a variety of large branchy indoor ficuses in height can reach 2-5 meters. The plant is distinguished by a stiff stem that holds the shoots. The culture can have different leaf shapes. The leaves grow on small branch stalks. The shape of the plates is heart-shaped, ovoid, xiphoid and oval. Indoor plant lovers choose it because of its rapid growth and unpretentiousness. You can find specimens grown as bonsai.
From tree varieties, varieties such as Retuza, Bengalsky, Microcarpa and Blunt can be distinguished.
Ampel ficuses
These types of ficuses are of the decorative type. This includes compact and dwarf varieties with elongated shoots. The leaves have dark green shades and rounded shapes. Such plants are shade-loving and are grown even in open areas.
The stems have liana-like shoots and do not require support. The plant is distinguished by elongated thin shoots hanging down. The culture is propagated by buds and layering. The cuttings quickly develop a root system. Such species take root very quickly.
Popular ampelous varieties include Creeping, Mountain or Rooting.
Shrub crops come in the form of short and tall specimens. The stems are complemented by erect and branching shoots. They can grow from a central stem or multiple stems. They have oval-shaped leaves, tapering to the ends. Plates come in variegated and deep green shades. In their natural environment, these types of ficuses can reach 60-70 meters.
Small varieties are suitable for indoor conditions, for which easy care is required. Of the shrub varieties, it is worth noting the varieties Parcella, Raznolistny, Melanie and Karika.
Popular varieties
Let's consider the most common varieties of ficus, which are used in landscaping offices and interiors. They proved to be excellent in indoor floriculture.
Ficus Benjamin
This variety is ideal for home cultivation. The plant is distinguished by oblong leaves, which can have variegated or monochromatic shades. The trunk has transverse brown streaks. Ficus has an excellent branched structure and a voluminous crown.
The plant can be quite diverse - with green and white stripes, with white blotches, or have light green shades.
It is worth noting that this variety of ficus does not like frequent watering, it does not tolerate the sun's rays.
Depending on the shade of the leaves, it can be located in the shade or in a lit area. It is important to find the right place to plant the plant. If the indoor air is too dry, the leaves may fall off.
Rubbery ficus
The name of this variety of ficus is due to the high content of rubber in the juice. When grown at home, this type of plant does not branch. Its leaves are placed on the surface of the trunk. With proper care, it can grow up to two meters. The culture is distinguished by dark green shades with light spots. In some cases, sap is released on the leaves, which is often used in industry in the production of rubber. The plant is especially popular with phytodesigners.
This type of ficus requires special care. It is important to ensure a moderate temperature regime. Water should be done after the soil dries well.
The culture prefers a lot of ambient light, but no direct sunlight. Drafts must not be allowed.
Bengal ficus
The variety is an evergreen tree with oval-shaped leaves. Plants are green with light green veins. At home, it can grow up to three meters.
Bengal ficus is a light-loving culture. It needs to be grown at 14 degrees in winter and 30 degrees in summer. The plant requires moderate watering. Watering should be done more often during the period of active growth.
This ficus can be in the form of both a tree and a shrub. The adult plant has a rough bark of light gray tones. Ficus is distinguished by elongated leaves with a smooth and glossy surface. Foliage can have a different color, both monochromatic and variegated.
It is important for the plant to provide special care. In winter, the permissible temperature values are 12-14 degrees, and in summer - up to 25. Ficus feels good in diffused light or in light partial shade. You can water the plant when the topsoil dries up.
The variety is a small tree with a beautiful crown. Can have multiple tables. Leaves can be recognized by their irregular jagged edges. The plates have a rough surface. The culture is known for its unpretentiousness. When grown at home, it is important to keep it in direct sunlight. Reproduction occurs by vegetative methods - by layering and cuttings.
At home, this variety of ficus grows 40-70 cm in height.
Differs in leaves in the form of a triangle and rounded edges. But when grown at home, it does not bloom. It grows quickly and increases by no more than 25 cm per year. To give the plant the desired shape, you need to cut the crowns. Flexible branches are used to create all kinds of compositions.
With proper care, triangular ficus can grow up to a meter in height. The perennial culture has a lush crown. The leaves are deep green.Some specimens bear fruit perfectly at home. The variety is distinguished by its unpretentious care, resistance to pests and an unusual appearance.
This ficus variety is grown as a bonsai. It is distinguished by a bizarre barrel configuration. The elongated leaves are glossy and green in color. The crown seems wide, since the tree branches beautifully.
A bright place indoors is suitable for growing, but the sun's rays should not fall.
In the summer, watering is required as the soil must be moist. When it gets colder, watering should be reduced. Optimum temperature values are 15-25 degrees.
In nature, such a ficus manifests itself aggressively and grows at the expense of other crops, which it strangles. But this does not happen at home. In floriculture, it is grown as a bonsai. The trunk looks like braided roots growing along a winding path. The crown looks neat and has a light gray tint.
When growing a plant, care must be taken. Ficus likes partial shade, temperature conditions within 16-22 degrees and watering without drying out the soil. Drafts must not be allowed.
This type of ficus is a creeping shrub. At home, it can be grown as an ampelous plant. The shape of the leaves, reminiscent of oak specimens, is distinguished by originality. The plant is distinguished by shoots of a brownish-greenish tint.
In order for the plant to grow well, it is important to observe the temperature regime within 17-22 degrees.
For this type of ficus, it is worth creating diffused light or partial shade. Ensure good watering in warm weather. In winter and autumn, watering should be moderate.
Parcel belongs to unusual types of ficus. The plant is a compact tree with elongated leaves with pointed edges. Ficus can be recognized by its unusual colors. It has green leaves with yellow (white) stripes or blotches. The plant is distinguished by a branchy table and shoots with dense foliage. The parcel is not growing too fast.
It is important for this culture to provide special care. Compliance with the temperature is required in the range of 18-20 degrees. In summer, more abundant watering is needed, to which spraying should be added. It should be borne in mind that ficus does not withstand bright lighting and drafts.
Ficus rusty
This type of ficus is distinguished by shortened oval-shaped leaves and a dark green tint. The plate has a smooth surface on the top, and more relief on the back. Shoots of a rusty-brown shade look original. The plant has a dark gray bark and luxurious crown.
The shrub should be grown at temperatures between 16 and 23 degrees. It is necessary to ensure a high level of humidity. Spraying is suitable for this. Ficus grows well in bright and diffused light.
Sacred ficus
At home, it is grown as a bonsai. The plant has heart-shaped leaves, a strong trunk and gray shoots.
Ficus does not like direct sunlight, temperature changes and coolness.
A variety of ficuses and rare specimens
Rare varieties of indoor ficuses are native to Japan, India, Thailand and China.
Plants differ in size, leaf shade and stem shape.
The shape of the leaves of this plant resembles a bell. The plate has fused and bent down edges. The trunk can reach a height of 1.5 meters. The bark of the plant has a silvery tint. Over time, its surface becomes darker and aerial roots are formed. At high humidity, the culture is not afraid of direct sunlight. This variety of ficus does not tolerate frequent transplanting.
A variety of ficuses - reed
This variety is native to Africa and has smooth leaves.In order for the bush to grow better, it is necessary to put a vertical support. Ficus is characterized by unpretentious care. Good growth requires high levels of moisture, protection from direct sunlight, and abundant watering.
Under natural conditions, this variety can reach 25 meters. If you grow it at home, you get a dense bush. It needs to be formed regularly. As a result, a miniature bonsai can be created.
Microcarpa is a small-leaved species. Oval leaves have a smooth surface and a rich green tint.
Ficus variety - Palmera variety
This variety of ficus is distinguished by its bottle shape. The stem expands at the base and becomes thinner at the top.
The plant has a heart-shaped leaf. The plates have a relief pattern on the back and light green shades.
Ideal for bonsai cultivation. You can grow a bush from seeds and the plant does not require additional pruning.
Features of ficus care
Regardless of the choice of a variety of indoor ficus, it is worth following the general recommendations for caring for a beautiful plant:
- The shrub pot must be positioned so as to avoid direct sunlight. It is important to consider that the shade is also detrimental to such crops.
- It is required to provide a certain temperature regime. In summer, the temperature should be no more than 25 degrees, and in winter at least 15 degrees. Sharp jumps negatively affect the development of the root system. As a result, growth stops and foliage begins to turn yellow.
- A prerequisite for maintenance is moderate humidity. The frequency of watering is determined individually in each case. The best option is to water every three days. In the cold season, watering is enough once a week. You will also need spraying 2-3 times a month.
- Top dressing is an important step in care. The procedure should be carried out in spring and summer. From March to September, feeding is done twice a month. For this, liquid mineral fertilizers are diluted in water.
Ficuses do not tolerate frequent transplants. They are sensitive and can shed their leaves. It is necessary to transplant the bush if the pot is completely filled with roots. In this case, in a tight container, the plant begins to wither. Transplanting should be done in larger pots.
Reproduction and protection from disease
Reproduction of indoor ficus varieties occurs by cuttings, leaves and branches. The easiest option is to reproduce by rooting the leaves. For this, the leaf is cut and placed in water until the roots appear.
When grafting, you need to take into account some rules:
- The water in the container with the handle should be changed periodically so that it does not rot.
- To create a greenhouse effect, the vessel must be covered with a container and opened for ventilation.
- Planting readiness is determined by the number of roots.
- For planting, the bottom of the pot must be covered with drainage.
- To prepare the soil, you need to combine peat and sand in equal parts. Then add some turf.
- The sprouts should be planted in well-moistened soil.
It is important to take action against the main pests and diseases of the ficus plants. Of the pests worth noting spider mites and mealybugs. Treatment with special preparations should be carried out at an early stage.
Diseases in ficuses appear when the soil is too wet. As a result, the root system decays.
For better aeration, vermiculite or perlite should be added to the soil composition.
Ficus is an ideal plant in terms of design. It can be used as a single copy or combined with other species to create a seamless composition.