We reanimate the dying anthurium plant

Anthurium in the interior of the room A beautiful, long-blooming anthurium in the apartment takes pride of place. Bright flowers and beautiful arrow-shaped leaves of the anthurium plant are the hallmark of the home, where there is enough love and care for all its inhabitants. A demanding flower loses its decorative effect at the slightest deviation from the content norm. Flowers become especially capricious over the years, losing foliage.

Signs of the need for flower rejuvenation

The plant must be planted and rejuvenated

On the forums of flower growers, you can find out that in some cases, without special care, the old anthurium continues to bloom at the age of more than 10 years. In others, the plant needs reanimation after 4-5 years. Therefore, it is not age that makes the flower grow old, but improper care.

Anthurium needs to be savedSigns that a pet is asking for help and needs rejuvenation will be its appearance:

  • the anthurium stalk was bare high from below;
  • the flowers are crushed or the plant does not bloom;
  • leaves shrink, many side shoots appear;
  • The trunk is pulled out, while the leaves fall off.

In any case, if the flower has lost its decorative effect, and it is a pity to part with it, it should be reanimated. But first, analyze and determine what is missing in agricultural technology, so that henceforth the plant will please for a long time with its appearance.

Basic care requirements:

  • year-round keeping in the light without direct sunlight, ensuring daylight hours for at least 12 hours;
  • elimination of any kind of drafts;
  • creating a comfortable temperature for ambient air and ground;
  • creation of a zone of high humidity around a flower of any kind by evaporation and spraying;
  • appropriate soil and watering no stagnant water in the pot;
  • regular watering with settled soft water and plant feeding;
  • timely transplantation and reproduction;
  • fight against diseases and pests.

If the set of measures is completed, then the anthurium will not need rejuvenation for a long time.

Signs of improper flower maintenance

Improper watering resultWhen a plant is actively gaining green mass, new inflorescences appear, there is no reason for alarm.

If the leaves begin to curl into a tube, reducing the surface area, this is already a signal of a lack or excess of light and dry air. If black spots appear on the leaves, the plant is watered abundantly and stagnant zones have appeared in the substrate. The tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to raise the air temperature and eliminate the draft.

It is necessary to rearrange the anthurium to another placeToo hard water has a detrimental effect on the plant. Therefore, when drinking water has a high content of hardness salts, it must be softened by passing it through a special filter or using the freezing method. If the water is not completely frozen, the hardness salts will remain in the liquid layer, and the ice can be used to water plants. Signs of watering with hard water are blackening of the tips of the leaves.

Yellow leaves and stems of dried flowers must be cut off with scissors, after having disinfected them to stop damage to the plant.

The flower dies, how to save the anthurium

A dying plant can be saved with a part of the stem with aerial rootsThe plant is stretched out and sheds its leaves intensively - you need to carefully examine the stem. This type of aroid is partially propagated by aerial roots. On the stem, you can see the designated bulges, in these places, under the conditions, the plant can take root. In nature, a drooping branch takes root into the soil even through the air, trying to reach the nutritious litter. If these processes are alive, then although the anthurium dies, it can be saved.

These anthurium root systems are to be restoredIt is necessary to check for the presence of pests and diseases on the plant that led to the drying of the anthurium. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the condition of its root system. At the same time, act carefully, the roots are fragile. Only light and fleshy roots are considered alive. Yellowed and brown weaves no longer work. They either rotted from improper maintenance or are prone to infectious diseases. If the anthurium has dried up in the ground part, maybe there are live roots with which you can revive the bush.

By dividing the plant into rosettes with roots, you can rejuvenate and restore anthuriumIt happens that a flower, without external signs of root decay, sheds its green dress for six months, in order to be reborn later, but this happens if the roots remain alive.

How to rejuvenate anthurium

Young flower from cuttings with aerial rootsRejuvenation is conducted in two ways:

  • activating aerial roots;
  • restoring the health of the root system.

Aerial roots will begin to develop in a warm and humid environment. Therefore, the best way would be to put the plant in a warm place and create a belt of sphagnum moss around the growth points of future roots. In a constantly damp substrate, after a week - two the plant will take root. Then this part can be cut off with a sharp disinfected knife, sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground cinnamon.

Such a seedling can be immediately rooted in a pot, having prepared the desired composition of the tropical soil. Sphagnum will not interfere with this, the roots will break through the pores of the moss, reach the nutrient mixture.

But if the plant is very elongated, then in this way you can root another piece of the plant stem. During the regrowth of the roots, the plant is not watered, so as not to spoil the idle soil. It is only sprayed on top. As the messenger of the salvation of the anthurium, a new leaf will soon appear on the seedling. After that, create conditions for the anthurium for its early development. The plant does not need fertilizing for the first 2-3 months, the soil is filled, and there are still few roots.

The root system of a sick plant must be washed and carefully examinedIn order to understand well the condition of the rhizomes and understand how to reanimate the anthurium, you must carefully wash all the roots, and they are very fragile. Then cut out the decayed and brown parts. If there are growth points on the light roots, they will be visible. Place clean, disinfected and dried roots in a pot with a drainage layer and suitable nutrient soil. The capacity of the dishes should correspond to the size of the root system. If there are few roots left, then the container should be small.

Plant the plant according to all the rules and wait for the result. Such work may not be required if only the ground part of the anthurium dies, the roots remain viable. Then, after cutting off the top for separate rooting, the entire pot is left at rest in a warm and bright place. After some time, young shoots should appear, which can subsequently be transplanted. This is also one of the ways how to rejuvenate anthurium.

A significant role in the revival of plants is played by the subsequent care of them, as for a loved one who is recovering after a serious illness.

The composition of the soil for rooting anthurium

Anthurium soilFirst of all, you should know for sure that any disease brought in with the ground can be the last straw for a weakened plant. Whatever composition is prepared, it should be disinfected in any way. The final processing should be carried out with permanganate, after which the clod of earth is dried.

Recommendations for adding a large amount of sphagnum moss are correct, in addition to moisture-retaining properties, it is also bactericidal. The danger is that if the soil is dry from above, the moss near the root retains moisture, so there is a danger of over-watering the plant. Perlite and vermiculite keeps moisture well in the soil, giving it away if necessary. Ground charcoal makes the substrate porous and creates nourishment centers for the plant. Bark, necessarily, riding peat, the leaf substrate provides the necessary acidity. Sand is a source of silicic acid. A small amount of biohumus fills the composition with useful microflora.All these substances are vital in the composition of the soil. Vermiculite is good to use as a top filling so that moisture from the pot evaporates less.

Anthurium transplant - video

  1. Leila

    This is all that remains of Anthurium, please tell me not to save him?

    • Natali

      Let's try to fight for the plant. To fight, you will need new soil, a weak solution of manganese, root or any other means for the formation and restoration of roots, scissors, 2 drops of iodine per liter of water and patience. Remove the plant from the pot and clean the roots. Remove damaged roots, and rinse the remaining ones in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The upper part of the plant also needs to be carefully cleaned of dry or rotten parts. Save the living leaf. Dry the roots, wash the pot with a manganese solution or take a smaller one. Sprinkle dried roots with root. Plant the plant in the ground and sprinkle with iodized water. Do not pour on the root, it is better under the wall of the pot. Treat the recovered leaf with a solution of succinic acid (2 tablets per 1 liter of water!. This will be a resuscitation for your plant. I think everything will be fine. The main thing is that the roots remain alive. If they disappear, you will have to work more. In this case, immerse the remaining petiole in root solution for several hours, and then plant under a hood.

      • Leila

        Thank you very much Natali for the advice, on the same Thursday I will do everything as you advised me. I hope the flower will survive. Please tell me more, but does it affect what day of the week to transplant flowers and on which moon? Thank you in advance.

        • Natali

          I don't pay attention to this. My goal is to save the plant. You need to do everything at any time.

  2. Irina

    Anthurium is also dying for me, help save

    • Olga

      I think he's rotten. Remove the remains of the bush from the pot, check the roots. Cut off the rotten ones, rinse what is left in a solution of potassium permanganate and treat with a fungicide. Perhaps it will not be possible to save two large leaves, but if I am not mistaken, there is a young leaf growing down there, so there is a chance to save the flower itself. And yes, it is better to change the land.

      • Anastasia

        Tell me something else you can do with it or not (((
        photo what it was and what it became (((

        • Olga

          Most likely, the problem lies inside the pot. You will always have time to throw it away, first try to find out if there are live roots. Free the bush from the ground, remove all damaged and rotten roots, rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate. Treat with a fungicide (they work well against fungal diseases, especially putrefactive ones, Fundazol and Glyocladin). Change the soil. I would have taken a smaller pot, the bush is now quite thin. If at least one root is left, the plant will be able to recover again.

          • Anastasia

            I took it out of the pot about 2 weeks ago, washed the roots, removed the bad ones. I soaked it in potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, then sprinkled it with coal and planted it, only I partially changed the earth and the pot is the same. Poured phytosporin in a few days. I don't understand anything in the roots, there was only one pink, the rest were dark and how the cover is removed and inside there are pink threads

      • Anastasia


  3. Maria

    Hello! Please tell me how to revive a flower? Rusty coating on leaves and stem. And in general, he has become all kind of brown .. Is there a problem with watering or is the flower sick?

    • Natali

      Try to revive the flower. You will need a good quality fungicide, a potassium permanganate solution, and a new soil. Remove the plant and rinse the roots thoroughly. Remove all affected areas. Leave as few leaves as possible. Check the roots for rot and remove damaged ones.Treat the cleaned plant with a fungicide, and additionally rinse the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. If there are few good roots, use root root to restore them. Plant the flower in new soil and cover with a transparent cap. Remove the ventilation hood periodically. Remove the cap after the first new leaf appears.

  4. Maria

    Another leaf

  5. Alyona

    Good afternoon, I have Scherzer's Anthurium. leaves a new leaf about once a month. The leaf opens, grows 3-4cm and dries up. Once every 2-3 months, it starts up a flower in the same way. What to do?

    • Olga

      Try to look into the pot and check what's going on with the roots. Perhaps there (or in the bush itself) someone or something started up or a sore appeared. Completely free the bush from old soil, treat with fungicide and plant in a new substrate. Also, do not forget to feed the anthurium, but not immediately after transplanting.

      • Alyona

        Yesterday I just could not bear it and did everything indicated, the roots are gorgeous. Replaced the soil. Just in case, I poured it with root root and sprayed it with epin. One more leaf died this week. The flower climbed a little and I even think this one will die. what else can you do?

        • Olga

          I would have waited a little longer, because applying a bunch of drugs at once is fraught with consequences and then the bush will definitely die.

  6. Natalia

    Hello. Tell me what could be with anthurium? New leaves turn brown almost immediately. New flowers do not open and also turn brown.

    • Olga

      Unfortunately, there is no photo. Brown leaves can be for many reasons, from overflow to fungus. Try to add a photo for clarity.

  7. Natali

    You haven't uploaded a photo again.

  8. Svetlana

    Hello, tell me what to do with my flower, is it still possible to save it? A month was on vacation, my mother watered. By the time I arrived, I cut off all the leaves as they were yellow and dry. And this is what remains of my Anthurium

    • Natali

      Urgently remove the plant from the soil, check the roots for rot. Rinse thoroughly in potassium permanganate, treat with fungicide, sprinkle slices with activated carbon. Plant in another container (smaller in volume) with fresh soil. Treat the upper part with a fungicide too. If there are few roots, sprinkle them with rootstock before planting. Spill the planted plant with iodine solution (2 drops per 1 liter of water) Sprinkle the leaves with a solution of hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 5 drops per 1 liter of water.

  9. Sonya

    Hello. Please tell me what to do with antorium, if the trunks are thick, brown, covered with scales, the leaves are stained, but at the same time it blooms. How to rejuvenate and plant it

  10. Natalia

    very helpful advice, thanks. in the future I will contact you.

  11. Aigul

    Help save

    • Natali

      First you need to remove all foci of decay. Then rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate, dry, sprinkle fresh sections with ash or activated charcoal, sprinkle the roots with a growth stimulator and plant in a well-calcined soil in the oven, cover with transparent dishes and give time to return to life. Open every day for at least a couple of minutes so that the decay process does not resume.

  12. Maria

    Please, save me !! Kid with purple flowers. She has been living with her mother for 5 years already. She gave me sprouts with roots. All was good. Then at the base of the leaves I began to notice black grains of sand, like from the ground, even less. I washed them, washed them off, but they appeared from time to time. Then the leaves began to deteriorate: the shine disappeared, the feeling that they had been covered with sandpaper, brown shades appeared, the leaves dry at the ends, the new leaves immediately open with the dried half. What is it, how to treat it?

    • Olga

      It looks like the flower is sick, perhaps this is the result of waterlogging. First of all, remove the bush from the pot, free it from the old earth. Examine the roots, they are most likely rotted too. Cut off those, place the rest in the fungicide solution.Plant in fresh soil, take a pot or a new one or wash well with potassium permanganate.

      • Maria

        Olga, thank you very much! Hope he gets well

  13. Yulia

    Hello, help save the anthurium, even the youngest leaves dry, what can be done?


