Mandarin jam recipe
All lovers of healthy treats can please themselves and their loved ones by making jam from tangerines, we will describe the recipe for cooking at home below. Since the main product is available all year round, there will be no problem making jam.
Chemical composition and useful properties of the product
This kind of vitamin-mineral complex allows you to stimulate the immune system, improve the body's defenses against viruses and infections, support the cardiovascular system, and have a strengthening effect on the condition of joints and bones. The product improves appetite. Why should you deny yourself the pleasure of tasting a delicacy?
Harm of tangerine jam
Before use, it is worth considering the calorie content of the product. In 100 grams of tangerine jam contains 276 calories. With heavy use, it can provoke weight gain, problems with the pancreas and with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, uncontrolled use of the product is a threat to diabetes, the development of hypertension and a strong allergic reaction.
How to choose the right tangerines
In jam recipes from tangerines it is not indicated which fruits should be taken. Let's see what kind of tangerines are better to choose for making a fragrant delicacy.
A minimum of chemical additives in sour Abkhaz and Georgian fruits, therefore, they are safer for the body and healthier. Turkish fruits have no seeds, they have a slight sourness, but are often processed with chemicals, it is better not to choose such varieties for tangerine jam with peels. Spanish varieties are very sweet, large and juicy - ideal. Mandarins from Morocco are very beneficial, as they have a high percentage of sweetness (less sugar is needed during the preparation process), seedless and with a thin skin.
Choose fruits according to your tastes and preferences, just remember that the body should receive benefits from products, not harm.
Cooking applications
Tangerine jam can be used as a stand-alone dessert. And you can also add the product to baked goods, other desserts, sauces and marinades. The product has high thermal stability and is able to retain all its useful properties even after baking.
The delicacy is in perfect harmony with dairy products, fruits, cereals and even meat.
Tangerine jam at home
Our recipe tangerine jam will be a tasty and healthy addition to your diet all year round.
To make jam, you need only sweet varieties of tangerines, the sweetness of which can replace a larger percentage of sweeteners.
For cooking you will need:
- sweet tangerines - half a kilogram;
- a glass of sugar;
- 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Let's look at the simplest tangerine jam recipe with a photo step by step.
The first step is preparing the products. Tangerines must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, peeled, pitted, and white veins. Wash the lemon, cut in half, squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice must be filtered.
The second and third step is to take a container with a thick bottom. Put the peeled wedges on the bottom and sprinkle with sugar. Put a saucepan or stewpan with tangerines on low heat and gradually, stirring, bring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
The fourth step is to remove the container from the heat and use a submersible blender to grind the tangerine-sugar gruel to a homogeneous state. Add lemon juice.
The fifth step is to put the container back on the fire and simmer for 40 minutes.
The sixth step - in a boiling state, pour the mass into sterile jars and close tightly with lids. Store in the refrigerator or in the basement.
During the cooking period, you need to constantly stir the jam, and do not forget to remove the foam.
There are an incredible number of tangerine jam recipes with photos, let's get acquainted with some more.
For preparation you will need: one kilogram of tangerines, one cinnamon stick, half a kilogram of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, 2 star anise, 50 milliliters of high-quality cognac.
The result is a fragrant and unique tangerine jam with peel.
For cooking, you need to take tangerines, wash them, peel and peel them. Divide the slices among themselves and cut each in half lengthwise. Cut the peel into small pieces. Separately put the peel in a saucepan, simmer with sugar and the pulp with sugar. Simmer the slices for about 15 minutes and the peel for 25 minutes. After combining the contents of the containers, add seasonings and cognac and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Remove from heat and grind the resulting tangerine jam until smooth using a blender. Put again on fire and cook for 10 minutes. When hot, the resulting mass must be poured into containers with a tight-fitting lid. Thanks to the crusts, the product acquires a subtle bitter note.
Another interesting recipe for tangerine jam includes the following ingredients: tangerines, sugar, ginger, lemon juice, cinnamon, pectin (for 20 mandarins about 20 grams).
Peel the tangerines and put them through a juicer. Add water to the juice in a ratio of 1 part water to 3 parts juice. Put on fire and cook for 15 minutes (the juice is boiled down by about 1/4). Mix sugar with pectin and add to juice. Leave the jam on the fire to simmer for at least another 10 minutes, until it darkens. Transfer the jam to prepared containers and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
Take a spoonful of jam and put on a cold saucer, if thickening is observed, then the jam is ready.