What are plant growth regulators and how to use them
Experienced gardeners claim that to obtain early and guaranteed harvest, special regulators must be used growth for seedlings, which improve survival, accelerate fruiting and help crops to cope with adverse weather conditions. Versatility of these drugs allows them to be used with equally high efficiency in gardening and vegetable growing. From this publication you will learn about the varieties and methods of using growth regulators present today at the domestic market.
What are you represent growth regulators
Organic plant growth regulators are drugs that stimulate the production of special phytoharmones in plant tissues - low molecular weight organic substances that control all processes of plant development.
The funds include:
- Biologically active substances (amino acids, proteins, natural phytoharmonic precursors).
- Micro - and macronutrients.
- Vitamins.
All growth regulators for seedlings have an essential activity, thanks to which the processes of survival and adaptation of young plants to new conditions. After data processing with preparations, seedlings become more resistant to fungal infection, easier transfers a transplant. Crops that have been treated with growth regulators are less attacked by pests, they are subsequently much earlier than "their brothers" enter the flowering and fruiting phase.
Growth regulators their classification and methods of application
As noted above, the processes of development, flowering and fruiting crops are controlled by phytograms. Every substance is responsible for a solution strictly defined task. All organic growth promoters are accepted to classify by the type of responsibility for a certain process in the development of a plant.
Preparations containing auxins are ideal as regulators growth for seedlings, as they are responsible for root formation, metabolic processes, growth of the main shoot. Auxins contribute to the formation of the ovary, accelerating the process of fruit ripening. These substances are produced in the roots and upper parts of shoots.
Cytokinins control the formation of buds and side shoots. Universal preparations for plants with cytokinin increase the rate of division cells, accelerating bud formation and leaf growth. Raising the level of this phytoharmonic prevents premature wilting of green mass, which significantly prolongs the life cycle of the plant.
Preparations with biologically active substances from the group Gibberellins are called fruit growth stimulants. The thing is that this phytoharmon is responsible for the accumulation of nutrients in plant tissues than stimulates accelerated growth of the stem, flowering, fruiting.
Brassins are responsible for the work of the plant's immune system. Growth regulators for processing seedlings, which include brassin, significantly increase the resistance of young plants to adverse weather conditions and pests.
Knowing the effect of these phytoharmonics, you can easily select necessary preparations that stimulate a specific function of the plant.
Growth regulators seedlings for various crops
Preparations that stimulate plant growth improve the resistance of crops to diseases, increase the yield of treated crops and have a positive effect on the quality of the fruit. To simplify the task of choosing the best remedy, we will consider the most popular drugs presented on the domestic market today.
All chemicals that stimulate the growth of seedlings must be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In case of an overdose, the effect of inhibition of growth, decay of the root system and a significant decrease in plant vitality can be observed.
Growth stimulant for cucumbers
Modern industry offers a huge range of products to stimulate seedling growth cucumbers... Among the most effective are Silk, a growth regulator and fungicide.
Application of this tool:
- significantly increases the survival rate of seedlings under adverse weather conditions;
- helps to increase resistance to fungal, viral and bacterial infections.
The drug is used for soaking seeds and spraying seedlings in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
After processing the material by Silkom, an increase is observed:
- the number of ovaries by 15-30%;
- resistance to various diseases;
- survival rate in adverse weather conditions.
Silk is non-toxic and economical. The visible effect of the drug is observed for 14 days after the treatment of plants.
Growth stimulant for pepper
The complex use of growth regulators will help to get a rich harvest of pepper:
- For pre-sowing seed soaking, use Kornevin solution. The amount of solution is made at the rate of 1 gram of dry matter per 1 liter of water.
- After the emergence of seedlings, treat the seedlings with the drug "Zircon", which significantly increases root formation and has a positive effect on the formation of ovaries.
- When transplanting pepper seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to treat the root system of plants with root.
Experienced summer residents recommend spraying plants with Zircon solution every 15 days to increase the yield of pepper.
This approach leads to the early appearance of flower ovaries, and also increases their resistance to pests.
Growth stimulant tomato seedlings
A rich harvest and high quality tomatoes will help to get competent use of specialized growth regulators.
"Epin Extra" is a preparation that contains a phytohormone from the brassinolide group, which has a positive effect on the immune system of tomatoes. Epin's application increases the survival rate of seedlings with sudden jumps and drops in temperature, drought, exposure to bacterial, fungal and viral infections, the harmful effects of pesticides. Presowing seed treatment allows you to get seedlings that have strong immunity to most common tomato diseases.
"Growth-concentrate" is a balanced vitamin complex of the humic group, which includes micro and macro elements necessary for the vital activity of plants.
Growth Concentrate is used for tomatoes in the following cases:
- with pre-sowing soaking of seeds (1 tsp / 2 l of water);
- to stimulate root formation of seedlings (20 ml / 10 l of water);
- with foliar dressing (10 ml / 10 l of water);
- with root dressing (20 ml / 10 l of water).
The use of the "Growth-concentrate" preparation for tomatoes has an effect in the form of: an increase in sugar content by 3%; yield by 25%, reducing the incidence of tomatoes by 40-60%.
Growth stimulant for grapes
Experienced gardeners recommend dusting the "heel" of grape cuttings with Kornevin, which stimulates root formation. To increase the yield of seedless grape varieties, the method of processing the vine with a Gibberellin solution has shown itself well.Preparations with this phytoharmonic do not affect the development of the root system, but are responsible for stimulating the plant's ability to divide cells, which has a positive effect on the growth of the vine.
Growth regulator for fruit trees
Speaking of plant growth stimulants, one cannot but mention preparations used by gardeners to increase the yield of fruit trees. Promalin - the growth regulator of fruit trees is responsible for improving the shape and the size of the fetus, stimulation of the ovaries, especially after frost damage to the kidneys. This drug is widely used in nurseries for better branching of seedlings. fruit trees.
To increase the number of ovaries, single or double spraying is practiced. In the first case, a solution of 100 ml of Promalin is made per 100 liters of water. When processing two times, a solution is used at a concentration of 50 ml of the drug per 100 liters of water.