Rhododendrons in the Urals: care and planting in a harsh climate

rhododendrons in the urals care and planting Rhododendrons in the Urals, the care and planting of which require flower growers to take into account the climatic features of the region, are common when creating landscape design. One of the defining factors is the selection of a suitable variety with good frost resistance and a long flowering period. The decorativeness of rhododendrons is associated with its lush and elegant flowering.

Features of growing rhododendrons in the Urals

pink tree

"Rose tree", as rhododendrons are also called, are shrubs related to heather. There are about six hundred wild-growing varieties and several thousand cultivated ones. Among all the variety, only a few are adapted for growing in regions with harsh climates.

The features of the plant include the following points:

  • exactingness to the composition of the soil and place;
  • low growth rate;
  • preparation for winter;
  • the need for top dressing and high-quality watering.

Since rhododendrons in the Urals are more difficult to grow than in warm regions, it must be borne in mind that the laying of future spring buds takes place precisely at the end of the season of the previous year.

Rhododendrons for the Urals are varieties that can withstand low temperatures.

These include the following:

  • Katevbinsky Grandiflorum;Variety Katevbinsky Grandiflorum
  • Roseum Elegance;Roseum Elegance variety
  • Nova Zembla and others.Variety Nova Zembla

Those varieties of rhododendrons that belong to zones 3 and 4 of frost resistance are suitable for growing in the climate of the Urals.

Rhododendrons in the Urals - care and planting attract the attention of flower growers

Planting a plant is a responsible event, on the correct implementation of which the further development of the plant in the future largely depends. The first is choosing a suitable location.

Choosing a landing site

places where rhododendrons are grownThe site should be protected from wind and bright sun. In this case, the shadow should not be thick, otherwise the plant will not bloom. The optimal landing site is under the house, on the north side or in partial shade.

The soil should be well moistened, but without moisture stagnation. Therefore, before planting a rhododendron in the Urals, you need to make sure that there is no close occurrence of groundwater.

When digging a hole for planting a bush, drainage should be used.

Requirements for soil composition

compact bushHeathers, including rhododendrons, grow best in acidic soils that are rich in peat... Care and planting of rhododendrons in the Urals include the selection and preparation of the soil.

It should include:

  • pine bark with needles;
  • peat;
  • sheet soil.

You can not apply fertilizers that promote alkalization of the soil. Banned - ash and manure.

Directly landing

trunk circle mulchingThe pit for planting is prepared relatively small, given that the root system of the shrub is small, which spreads in the upper layers of the soil.

The order of work:

  1. Pulling out the landing hole.
  2. Filling of rubble as a drainage layer.
  3. Falling asleep a layer of soil mixture.
  4. Planting a plant and adding soil. In this case, the root collar should not be buried in the ground, but be located flush with it or be slightly higher.
  5. Compaction of the soil.
  6. Mulching.

Mulching is an obligatory stage of precipitation, which will prevent rapid drying of the soil and overheating of the root system on warm days.

What fertilizers and when to apply

rhododendron site decorationWhen carried out according to all the rules of planting in a prepared soil mixture and mulching, caring for the plant will not be difficult. Fertilizer can be applied immediately after planting if done in spring. It is recommended to use a ready-made feed, which is intended specifically for rhododendrons.

The shrubs planted before winter are not fertilized immediately after planting, but are waiting for spring.

In spring, the bush is fed with complex fertilizers, which will contribute to better growth and flowering. When the flowering period ends, rhododendrons are fed with potash and phosphorus compounds. It is advisable to do this before mid-summer. Closer to autumn, no top dressing is applied, since the plant goes into a dormant state, and fertilizers can provoke a growth spurt.

How to understand that a plant lacks moisture

successful cultivation of rhododendronsUsually watering is carried out 2 times a week, during flowering - more often. If the air is too dry, add water spray. With a lack of watering, the leaves droop, and brown spots spread along their edge. In late autumn, the plant is very heavily watered for better wintering, and they stop there.

Additional terms

preparing for winterMaintaining the acidity of the soil should be carried out constantly. For this, the water used for irrigation is acidified with oxalic or citric acid. Care after planting a rhododendron in the Urals does not require loosening the soil so as not to injure the roots that are located close to the soil surface.

A separate issue is preparing the plant for winter. Most varieties grown in the Urals can easily tolerate light frosts down to -10 ° C.

But since lower temperatures in the region are not uncommon in winter, it is necessary to carry out insulation:

  • deciduous shrubs bend to the ground and cover with spruce branches on top;
  • evergreens - require shelter from wind and frost.

For the winter, it is also necessary to insulate the root system of rhododendrons - pour leaves, peat under the bush, cover with spruce branches. Full covering is carried out by organizing a frame, on top of which agrofibre and roofing material are used.

Growing beautifully flowering rhododendrons is possible even in the Urals. The main thing is to follow all the rules of planting and care, including preparing the plant for cold weather.

Rhododendrons in the nurseries of the Urals - video


