Rocambol: agricultural technology for the cultivation and reproduction of giant garlic
Millions of gourmets in the world prefer the amazing "congener" of leeks and garlic. Amazing rockumbol, the cultivation technique of which is simple in the middle lane, is very popular among farmers. For its planting, a site with a high percentage of humidity (80%) is chosen. The culture consumes a lot of water, which is why it tastes milder and more delicate than garlic. Still, there are other features of growing giant garlic.
Rocumbol: agricultural technology down to the smallest detail
A well-lit place for agriculture is chosen. Then the soil will warm up perfectly during the day. In addition, when planting rockambol and caring for it, you must follow the crop rotation technique.
Bulbous crops should not be the predecessors of this garlic variety. In front of him in the garden should grow:
- tomatoes;
- cucumbers;
- zucchini;
- pumpkin;
- legumes;
- cabbage.
It's not worth the time with the landing of the rockumbol. If you plant it in dry ground, then only the leaves will grow, and not the roots.
The soil for planting must be prepared in the fall. To do this, add up to 40 g of potassium salt per 1 m², and superphosphate... If possible, wood ash is added to these fertilizers in a proportion of 110-190 g / m². If it was not possible to carry out such measures in October, then at the beginning of spring the site is fertilized with complex compounds or ash (30-40 g / m²). Also, farmers are advised to use rotted manure, which contributes to a good yield of side onions.
Growing rockambol in spring requires stratification of planting material. The bulbs must be kept in the refrigerator for a month before planting.
Preparatory work and the process of planting rockambol
First you need to sort the large, small and medium bulbs. Then they should be carefully divided into teeth, which should also be calibrated. This procedure is the most important in the agrotechnology of rockamboll, since the productivity and yield of the crop depends on it.
Further actions of the farmer are reduced to:
- removing excess husk;
- removing bright yellow skin from children;
- soaking the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate or ash lye for 8-10 hours.
To prepare ash liquor, you need to dissolve in a glass of ash in 200-250 ml of water. The mixture must be boiled for an hour. After cooling, it should be filtered.
The listed procedures are mandatory when growing rockambol from children. In addition, the gardener is required to loosen and moisten the garden well.
Also, the farmer should strictly adhere to the crop planting scheme:
- embedment depth - 8-10 cm;
- interval - 15-18 cm;
- the distance between the rows is 30 cm.
To protect the plant from the cold and keep moisture in the ground, the site mulch... A mixture of peat, straw, and sawdust is used as such a shelter. The thickness of such a layer should be more than 5 cm.harvesting
The breeding methods of rockumbol largely depend on the cultivar.In some cases, this is done with the help of seeds or babies, in others - with teeth or snag.
We grow rockambol: agricultural technology from watering to feeding
Humidity is the main requirement that must be met when growing rockambol. During the period of laying the bulbs, when the first shoots appear, the planting must be regularly watered. It should be borne in mind that mulch retains moisture for a long time and prevents the formation of a crust on the soil surface. After water procedures, the bed must be loosened to provide the plant with access to oxygen.
Rocumball hairstyle needs feeding:
- First. It is carried out in early spring, when there is still snow in the garden. Ammonium nitrate is evenly distributed on it at the rate of 20-30 g / m².
- Second. When the first 2-3 full-fledged leaves appear, slurry (mullein infusion) is introduced, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Up to 2-3 liters of solution are consumed per 1 m².
- Third. 3 weeks after planting, the bed is watered with diluted nitrophos. To prepare it, you will need 2 tbsp. l. dilute the mixture in 10 liters of water. 1 watering can is added for each m².
- Fourth. The procedure is carried out during the formation of adult bulbs (after June 15). Such a nutritional mixture will consist of potassium sulfate (it can be replaced with wood ash) and superphosphate (1 tablespoon of each component). Fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of liquid. Consumption of working solution - 4-5 l / m².
The flower arrow must be removed immediately. Otherwise, it will take all the nutrients and water from the bulb.
Thanks to such a feeding system, the cultivation of Rockumball onions will bring excellent results. As already mentioned, special attention should be paid to watering. When an agricultural crop is actively growing, it needs a huge amount of water. So, for 1 m² of land, farmers are advised to bring up to 12 liters of liquid. In hot weather, you need to moisten the soil daily or every other day. In this case, it is important to monitor the rate of drying of the soil cover.
Rocamboll: harvesting and storing crops
Yellowed leaves at the bottom of the plant are the first signs of the beginning of the harvest of the hairstyle. It is not worthwhile to wait with this event, because in wet soil the head quickly begins to rot.
The harvesting procedure is carried out as follows:
- dig (pull out) the bulbs with a pitchfork;
- shake them off of wet soil;
- laid out on a horizontal surface for drying;
- after a month, the dried tops are cut off, leaving part of the stem (stump 2-3 cm high).
When harvesting, you do not need to immediately remove the leaves of the rockumbol. The secret of this technology is that during the drying period, the bulb will draw out all the juices from the greens and, as a result, will become more juicy.
It is recommended to store raw materials in a dry and dark room. The air temperature in it should not exceed 8-9˚С. In such conditions, the rockambol remains in excellent condition until spring. Some housewives keep it in the apartment. Still, this will not prevent the bulbs from retaining their freshness and juiciness until the January holidays.
Rockumball diseases: ways of protection
Like all bulbous plants, Rocambol is susceptible to fungal diseases and the invasion of insect pests. In most cases, the ground part of agriculture is affected by either rust or powdery mildew. The bulb and root system most often suffers from bacterial rot or fusarium.
The main pests of rockumbol onions are:
- tobacco thrips;
- wireworm;
- nematode;
- onion fly.
To protect agriculture from dangerous diseases, it is necessary to carefully examine the planting bulbs. If they have mold or suspicious growths, it is best to dispose of them. At the same time, the site is recommended to be treated with disinfectant solutions.
In this case, many people use:
- Fitosporin (15%);
- Bordeaux liquid;
- copper oxychloride.
These drugs are made in accordance with the instructions.At the same time, you can fight the onion fly using the usual mixture:
- wood ash (100 g);
- tobacco powder (1 tbsp. l.);
- red pepper (1 tsp).
The gardener is required to strictly adhere to the rules of crop rotation. In the same place, the culture should be planted only after 4 years.
Dusting with the resulting composition is carried out in mid-spring. If pests reappear, the event is held in July. The listed recommendations related to the agrotechnics of rockumbol will help the farmer grow a rich harvest. As a result, the farmer will be able to enjoy the fruits of his labor for a long time.