Rye as fertilizer for potatoes
As soon as gardeners do not contrive to keep their land plot fertile, and the potato crop does not become scarce: they prepare organic fertilizing with their own hands, buy complex preparations for fertilizing the soil ... However, there is another excellent way to enrich the garden with the help siderates, in particular, sowing rye after harvesting root crops.
Properties of rye as a siderat
Rye serves as an excellent fertilizer in the garden, not only for potatoes. This is due to the fact that as a result of sowing such green manure:
- The soil structure is improved. The root system of rye is very developed, it loosens the soil well, increasing its moisture and air capacity.
- The reserves of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are replenished. The green mass of green manure is tender and quickly decomposes, saturating the garden plot with organic matter, humus and microelements.
- Obstacles are created to the emergence and reproduction of weeds. Weeds, even such as sow thistle and wheatgrass, do not grow well in an area sown with rye.
- Pests are oppressed. Rye is especially effective against nematodes.
A characteristic feature of this green manure is that in the process of decomposition, it returns to the earth all the substances taken for its development, but in a more accessible form. Also, rye is absolutely unpretentious to the soil - it grows equally well on sandy and clay soils, and on black soil.
For all its advantages, rye also has disadvantages that should be taken into account:
- plantings dry out the soil very much during growth;
- skipping harvest time and bringing the rye to ear will cause the greens to coarse and difficult to cut and grind.
When can you sow rye?
As a siderat, winter rye is mainly used, respectively, and it should be sown before winter. Immediately after harvesting the potatoes, the vacated area must be loosened, but not deeply. The sowing depth of rye is about 5 cm.
The approximate time of sowing green manure is from the third decade of August to the third decade of September.
You can sow seeds in the following way:
- beds with aisles 15 cm wide;
- in bulk (seeding rate - 1.5 kg per hundred square meters).
Winter rye is one of the most frost-resistant and drought-resistant siderates. However, in the case when it was not possible to carry out the autumn sowing, it is possible to plant spring rye in early spring.
When and how to remove green manure?
Gardeners use two methods of cutting and embedding rye for fertilization:
- Before the frosts... The green mass sown in the fall can be cut 10-14 days before the onset of frost and embedded in the ground (not very deep).
- Before planting potatoes... Overwintered seedlings grow very quickly. When they reach 30 cm, using a scythe or other tools, cut the greens at the root and chop them. Then embed in the soil on the bayonet of the shovel. Usually this procedure is carried out 2-3 weeks before planting the potatoes.
When using rye as fertilizer, it is worth considering that the decomposition of green mass occurs only if there is a sufficient amount of moisture. Therefore, if there is no rain, you will need to water the site.