Russian vegetable garden

DIY Russian vegetable garden Excellent harvests without chemicals, small planting areas, growing vegetables according to tradition with a slight amendment to modernity - this is the Russian vegetable garden. For centuries, the Russian vegetable garden was planted in Russia, the Norwegian - in Norway, so various newcomers to the Russian garden are quickly eliminated.

Everything has its place in the country... There is no need to adopt someone else's gardening, as we also have our own traditions and rules. It is better to treat your land well and with gratitude and then it will answer you with an excellent harvest. If you cannot visit the garden often, then you do not need to plant moisture-loving vegetables and plants.

Initially, think about what you have enough strength for, you do not need to rush to everything at once. You don't want to be disappointed. Choose the right plants for you.

There are two groups into which garden crops are divided. They are different in terms of care requirements. The first group is very moody. She needs constant watering, weeding, feeding. And the second group grows by itself and watering is required once a week.

  1. Tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers are the first group. These vegetables are very whimsical, they need special care and constant watering.
  2. Beets, carrots, lettuce, garlic, onions, radishes, pumpkin, peas - this is the second unpretentious group. It is for those who do not have the opportunity to water more than twice a week. Even growing only them, you will get a good harvest and excellent preparations for the winter. Effortless and time-consuming.

With a little more effort, you will get a good return. This is a Russian vegetable garden, where the main thing is to pick up plants on your shoulder. And then he will thank you.

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  1. Taisiya

    Yes, it is very precisely written that you need to choose the right plants according to your strength and not plant everything in a row. It must be remembered that a good harvest directly depends on the efforts made. Once I also wanted everything to grow in the country: from parsley to eggplant. But, even if there is an opportunity to often come to the dacha, all the same, there will not be enough forces and funds to grow a wide variety of crops. The result is disappointment. Now I have determined for myself the optimal amount of vegetables to which I can give everything I need (watering, weeding, feeding, spraying, etc.) and get an excellent harvest. This is a small patch of potatoes, beets, carrots, as well as beans, some cucumbers and picky greens.


