Uncomplicated planting and simple care for hazel grouses in the open field
Planting hazel grouses and care in the open field does not require special skills, so every gardener can independently cope with this task. It is enough just to know the features of these plants, as well as to provide the most favorable conditions for their growth.
Grouse flowers and their varieties
Varieties of hazel grouse:
- Grouse is chess. It is the most popular variety among gardeners due to its bright color and unpretentiousness. Plant height reaches 30-35 cm, flowers are deep purple with a checkerboard pattern.
- Grouse is imperial. Royal variety, which is considered the most prominent representative. The height of the plant will burn up to 1 m. The bright red-orange flowers are much larger in diameter than other representatives of this flower.
- Grouse Russian. The presented variety is currently listed in the Red Book. Plant height no more than 40 cm, bright chocolate flowers. In its natural environment, Russian hazel grouse is found in mountainous areas or on the steppe plain.
- Grouse Persian. It grows exclusively in warm regions. Plant height can reach 1.2 m. Up to 30 purple flowers can be located on the stem.
Planting hazel grouse flowers
Many gardeners are wondering when it is preferable to plant hazel grouses in the open field. It is believed that the most favorable time for planting flowers is the beginning of autumn. When choosing a place, it must be remembered that plants love sunlight, a penumbra will be acceptable only for some species. The depth for each flower is individual, it should be 3 times the size of the bulb.
Planting hazel grouses in the open ground and caring for them in the Moscow region differs from caring for plants in the south of our country in terms of the depth of planting the bulbs and the amount of watering. This is due to the difference in climate, in the winter season in the Moscow region there can be severe frosts, and in the summer there can be a lot of precipitation. Therefore, you should not rely on all the recommendations without taking into account the local climate conditions. It is permissible to use charcoal for drying the soil and as fertilizer.
Planting hazel grouses in open ground in spring is only permissible for late flowering plants. Landing takes place as follows:
- Prepare a flower well that will not be too wet. Often coarse sand is added to the hole, which helps to get rid of excess moisture.
- The plant bulbs must be pre-dried.
- The bulbs are carefully placed sideways in the prepared soil, even minor damage can lead to decay.
- The hole is lightly sprinkled with sand.
Plant care
Planting hazel grouses in the open field does not imply special care. It is important to remember the following maintenance rules, which apply to many colors:
- Plant bulbs should be moistened at least 2 times a month, since dry soil is detrimental to flowers.
- After flowering, often this time falls on July, it is required to completely cut off the part of the plant that is on the surface of the earth.
- Plant feeding is carried out twice a season.
In a winter with little snow, the plant must be additionally covered to prevent the bulbs from freezing. For this, spruce branches or reeds are perfect.
Planting hazel grouses and caring for them in the open field during flowering periods involve fertilizing with fertilizer. Flowering plants should be fed with dry complex fertilizer, combined with humus. It is enough to scatter the resulting mass around the perimeter of the site and only then pour water over it.
During the cold season, it is important to add minerals such as potassium and superphosphate... Fertilization is carried out in the usual way.
These plants require special moisture; with inappropriate care, bulb rot may begin. To eliminate this disease, you should carefully dig the plant out of the ground and treat the rotted bulbs with a weak solution of manganese. After this procedure, it is necessary to completely dry the plant and only then plant them again in the ground.
For the imperial hazel grouse in the open field, special care is needed. Often, for a long time, the plant does not bloom, the problem may be insufficient depth in the soil, which leads to freezing of the bulbs.