Rowan Nevezhinskaya - sweet-fruited variety

mountain ash Nevezhinskaya Rowan Nevezhinskaya is a unique plant that has long been used in landscape design due to its elegant and slender tree shape. And rowan is not only beautiful, but also very tasty and healthy. Sweet berries can be eaten raw without waiting for them to be frozen. What is so remarkable about the variety and how to grow it?

Rowan Nezhenskaya and Rowan Nezhenskaya are one and the same variety. The name was obtained as a result of an abbreviation, and the name was given in honor of the village of Nevezhino, where the culture was first encountered.

What does a plant look like

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash grows as a rather tall tree up to 10 m high. The crown of the tree depends on where it is planted and how much light it receives. In well-lit places it is a spherical tree, and in a shady corner - a beautiful slender pyramid. The average lifespan of mountain ash is 30 years, but there are also older specimens. Flexible shoots are covered with brownish bark and large feathery leaves of rich green color.

At the end of May, rowan blooms in large lush inflorescences, consisting of many small flowers with a pleasant aroma. At the beginning of autumn, fruits in the form of small bright red apples begin to ripen on the tree. They are delicious and sweet, with a subtle sourness. Young mountain ash bears fruit already for 3-4 years, and up to 40 kg of harvest are harvested from an adult specimen.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is self-fertile and needs pollination. You can graft into the crown or plant next to its other varieties (Nevezhinskaya red, yellow or vat).

Rowan Nevezhinskaya - features of cultivation

This dessert variety is one of the most unpretentious. It is characterized by high frost resistance. Shoots are not afraid of even 50 ° C frost, and the roots tolerate freezing up to 14 ° C frost at a depth of 40 cm. The ovary is not afraid of cold and ovary - with return frosts up to - 2.5 °, the yield is preserved. The tree can live on almost any soil, but as a horticultural crop it grows better on loam.

Plant care includes a minimum set of measures, namely:

  1. Weed removal and loosening the trunk circle.
  2. Abundant watering at least 3 times per season, especially in drought.
  3. The introduction of humus and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and superphosphate and ash in the fall.
  4. Crown formation from 4 years of age by thinning.
  5. Spraying a tree to prevent diseases and pests.

The Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is propagated only by cuttings or by grafting. If you plant seeds, then in young plants the berries will lose their taste and dessert characteristics and will be bitter.

Video about the cultivation and useful properties of rowan Nevezhinskaya


