Although bright, but edible and tasty - lilac-footed row, photo and description
Ryadovka mushrooms can boast of a huge variety, but many mushroom pickers undeservedly bypass this type. Popularly referred to as the bluefoot, the lilac-footed row, the photo and description of which we will study today, scares everyone off with its bright color. The opinion that only poisonous mushrooms can have rich color colors is erroneous in the case of such a row. This variety is completely edible, cooked properly, and very tasty. The mushroom has one more important advantage. This is a pleasantly fruity fleshy pulp that boils down quite a bit. However, it is worth knowing it "by sight" for one more reason - so as not to confuse it with similar inedible mushrooms.
Lilac-legged row - photo and description
A distinctive feature of the bright row, thanks to which it can be distinguished from similar species, is increased resistance to low temperatures. In late autumn, when there are already light frosts on the street and other mushrooms have long "moved away", the bluefoot continues to grow.
Young mushrooms are small in size, "fatty", the diameter of the old cap can reach 25 cm. The cap itself is smooth and convex, like a pillow, yellowish with a slight lilac tint. The skin is dry, covered with a sticky bloom only after rains. Multiple plates are very densely located and they are wide enough, cream-colored. The pulp is thick, smells like fruit and even slightly sweet in taste.
All lilac-footed rows have short legs, from 5 to 10 cm, but thickened, and painted in lilac color. The color may change slightly towards blue or purple, but it is always present. Actually, it was he who gave the name to the species. In young fungi, the legs are fibrous, they may have remains of a blanket in the upper part. Adult rowers grow on perfectly smooth legs.
What edible mushrooms look like blue feet
Purple ryadovka belongs to the fourth category of food classification, but it is actually very tasty. The pulp is not boiled down much, remaining fleshy and sweetish. It tastes like champignons, although more dense. The row is boiled, stewed, but it is especially tasty pickled.
Some other types of edible mushrooms have a similar bright color in purple tones, for example:
- purple ryadovka with a bright purple cap, grows on decaying deciduous litter in coniferous and mixed forests;
- violet ryadovka with white flesh, but pink color on top, grows only in open areas;
- the webcap is purple with a dark purple cap covered with scales;
- lilac varnish with a fibrous long stem and a purple thin cap, which fades in old mushrooms.
Lilac-footed row - photo and description of inedible mushrooms that look like it
However, you should not lose your vigilance, because among species similar in color there may be dangerous ones. Among them is a goat's webcap with a large purple cap, which brightens with age and becomes gray. Unlike the bluefoot, which smells nice, the cobweb gives off an unpleasant aroma, so it's easy to distinguish them.
It also resembles a little purple-legged ryadovka and a white-purple spider web. He also does not have a very pleasant smell, like dampness, and the hat has a lilac tint only at a young age. In old mushrooms, it is ocher yellow.