With love we grow indoor epiphytes for an exquisite interior

indoor epiphytes Rainforests are famous for amazingly beautiful plants that have gradually migrated to our homes and offices. Exotic indoor epiphytes conquered the hearts of color lovers with their unsurpassed endurance. They are an example of how to survive in adverse conditions and maintain majestic beauty. While in their natural environment, these crops rise to the light along the branches and trunks of trees. And moisture is obtained from the environment. At home, they feel much more comfortable, delighting the owners with lush greenery and ornate buds. Find out which flowers belong to this group of plants.

Indoor epiphytes through the eyes of biologists

indoor epiphytes

Green spaces are often used to decorate home interiors. Recently, epiphytic cultures have gained particular popularity.

Scientists divide them into 4 groups:

  • protoepiphytes are distinguished by succulent foliage and succulent stems;
  • staple or pocket form from the roots a kind of bird's nest, where nutrients are collected;
  • reservoir tanks are capable of accumulating moisture in a leaf outlet;
  • epiphytic algae are found in wet and liquid media.

epiphytes on a treeAlthough plants naturally grow on trees, they are not parasites. Powerful trunks and branches of the plant are used as a support, since they feed exclusively from the environment. For this purpose, some species develop porous air roots. When watered, they store moisture, which stimulates growth and prosperity. Sunlight is obtained naturally. Therefore, fans of exotic flora are happy to grow various types of such crops. Let's get acquainted with the most popular epiphytic plants that "settled" on the windowsills of our compatriots.


bilbergiaThe culture belongs to the Bromeliad family. In its natural environment, it grows in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia. The genus has about 60 varieties.

The most popular indoor crops:

  1. Queen's Tears or Drooping (grows up to 40 cm, the buds are lilac-green, the bracts are bright pink).drooping bilbergia
  2. Magnificent (the length of the leaf plates grows up to 70 cm, the buds consist of blue spiral petals).Bilbergia is magnificent
  3. Ribbon (variegated foliage, bright blue buds with pink bracts).banded bilbergia
  4. Zebra (purple-red foliage marked with transverse lines).Zebra Bilbergia

Generally speaking, bilbergia leaf plates form a powerful rosette to collect moisture. They are painted in a deep green color, and the surface is strewn with small grayish specks or stripes.

There are types of indoor Bilbergia epiphytes, the foliage of which reflects a pink hue.

powerful peduncleIn winter, a powerful peduncle emerges from the central part of the outlet. Buds of a drooping character are formed on it. Their bracts are pink or scarlet and attract more attention than the main bud. The plant loves spacious windowsills where there is a lot of light. It takes root well in the middle of the room. The minimum temperature for the existence of a culture ranges from 12-15 ° C.

During the flowering period, the epiphyte is placed on a flat container with damp pebbles or moss.

Indoor epiphytes wild orchids on the windowsill

indoor epiphytes orchidsAt all times, these luxurious flowers have had enduring fame.Orchids were sung in poetry, songs and novels. And the buds were worn on the hair of women of "blue blood". Today the flower is actively used as a decorative decoration for home and office interiors. Let's get acquainted with some varieties of epiphytic culture.

Majestic Wanda

epiphytic orchid wandaIn the tropics, the plant is a blooming giant three meters high. Fascinated by the beauty of the epiphyte, scientists have developed a variety that successfully takes root at home. Wanda belongs to the Orchid family. Indonesia, the Philippines, India and China are considered its homeland. The powerful roots of the plant attract particular attention. They are colored gray-green and covered with a layer of dead cells. The resulting "material" has a porous structure, due to which the culture absorbs moisture from the air.

Popular varieties:

  • Blue;blue wanda
  • Sander;wanda sandera
  • Rothschild;wanda rothschild
  • Rolled.wanda roll

The stem of an adult epiphyte orchid reaches 1 m in height. On it are the next leaves of a leathery character.

During the flowering period, shoots emerge from the axils of the plates, strewn with many buds. They are:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • blue.

Usually inflorescences are pleasing to the eye for about 1.5 months. If the plant is provided with ideal living conditions, it blooms 2 times a year. The orchid loves an abundance of light and warmth. The optimum temperature for epiphytes ranges from 25 to 35 ° C. Indoor humidity should be between 70% and higher.

The best place to grow Wanda is the greenhouse.


orchid cattleyaThe flower is considered the most beautiful of the xerophyte orchids that were bred in the last century. It got its name in honor of the gardener who managed to grow it in a home greenhouse. When the plant blooms, it's a real holiday. Its buds are white, purple and even black. They give off an amazing aroma that resembles a lily of the valley or a lily. Breeders have bred about 1000 varieties of the crop.

Let's note several options:

  • Two-color;cattleya bicolor
  • Bowling;cattleya bowling
  • Triana;triana orchid
  • Forbeza.forbes orchid

Each variety has its own characteristics, which will be appreciated by lovers of indoor crops. As you know, modern orchids easily tolerate dry air and do not need frequent watering. It is enough to place a container with a flower in a tray with clean liquid. Besides, Cattleya prefers window sills where there is an abundance of sunlight. Comfortable growing temperature - 22 to 25 ° C.

A change in the color tone of the foliage indicates a lack of moisture or a sunny color. If necessary, an epiphytic tree is created for the plant artificially.

Indoor epiphytes cacti

indoor epiphytes cactiCute thorns have successfully taken root in the offices and homes of flora lovers. They come in different shapes and colors. epiphytic cactiSome of them delight the owners with gorgeous inflorescences. Let's get acquainted with cacti worthy of our admiration.


cactus hatioraThe homeland of the plant is sunny Brazil. There it is found in tropical forests. Botanists have about 10 varieties of Hatiora.

At home they grow:

  • Hermine;hatiora germina
  • Pink;hatiora pink
  • Gartner;hatiora gartner
  • Saline.hatiora salicata

Epiphytic cactus Hatiora is a miniature shrub consisting of cylindrical or flat jointed shoots. Periodically, it is decorated with apical buds of pink, scarlet or yellow. Epiphyte loves an abundance of light, so it is placed on windows facing south.

During the sun shine, the plant is shaded, protecting the shoots from burns.

Hatiora needs a comfortable temperature. In summer it ranges from 18 to 25 ° C. And in winter, when flower buds form, 12-14 ° C. The buds open in mid or late spring. Watering is carried out as the substrate dries. Regularly ventilate the room where the epiphyte lives.


cactus epiphilumThe cactus was first described in 1812. Mexico is considered his homeland. Scientists count up to 20 varieties of such indoor epiphytes.

Most popular names:

  • Guatemalan;epiphilum guatemalan
  • Jagged;epiphilum serrated
  • Anguliger;epiphilum anguliger
  • Oxypetalum.epiphilum oxypetalum

Epiphilum is distinguished by elongated shoots with a wavy frame. They come in triangular or flat shape and are equipped with graceful airy spines. During the flowering period, the plant is decorated with funnel-shaped white buds, resembling an orchid. Watering is carried out as needed. In summer, it develops wonderfully in the fresh air.

In winter, hydration of the epiphyllum can be completely excluded.

Mysterious fern

indoor epiphytes cactiThere are many superstitions associated with this plant. However, its beauty does not in any way affect the life of a person with a mind. Lovers of lush greenery grow epiphyte ferns on windowsills and enjoy their beauty all year round. One of the popular types is nephrolepis... It belongs to the Lomariopsis family. The homeland of the culture is considered to be tropical forests growing in Africa, America, Australia. As a houseplant, fern is used to decorate home and office interiors.

Most often, such varieties are grown at home.:

  • Exalted;fern sublime
  • Hearty;fern heart
  • Xiphoid.fern xiphoid

Nephrolepis, which belongs to the epiphytes of ferns, has a short rhizome. Long (about 70 cm) light green leaf plates emerge from it. They consist of many serrate-crenate segments, approximately 5 cm long.

Fern prefers diffused lighting. Therefore, they are placed on window sills facing north, west or east. The temperature of the content is up to 25 ° C. In winter, a minimum value of 15 ° C is allowed. Moisten the culture in the traditional way. If necessary, feed.

Once a month, the fern is sprayed with a spray bottle.


indoor epiphytes tillandsiaThe plant belongs to exotic indoor epiphytes, which are often grown on windowsills. In its natural environment, Tillandsia parasitizes on the trunks and branches of trees or stones. It absorbs moisture and nutrients. At home, it is grown to create a spectacular interior.

Popular varieties:

  • Usneiform (old man's beard);tillandsia usneiform
  • Tricolor;tillandsia tricolor
  • Medusa head;tillandsia jellyfish head
  • Silvery.tillandsia silver

Tillandsia leaf plates are elongated. They are painted gray, dark green or red-brown. The leaves form a lush rosette, from which a spike-shaped inflorescence emerges. Tubular buds are framed by pointed petals. They take care of the plant according to the traditional scheme.

So, we examined: what plants are called epiphytes, the varieties of indoor crops and the rules for caring for them. It turns out that they are considered a chic interior decoration. Therefore, we will be happy to grow indoor epiphytes from the tropics.

To your attention indoor epiphytes ferns - video


