Reliable support for vines - do it yourself garden trellis

do-it-yourself garden trellis Effective landscape design techniques include vertical gardening. A do-it-yourself garden trellis is ideal for the process. Climbing plants help to make even ordinary garden corners original. The special design is responsible for the decorative and functional purpose. Any site owner can make a lattice on his own.

What is a garden trellis

garden trellis for climbing plants

The trellis device is not complicated. Modern structures are made from lumber, plastic pipes, metal and polyethylene. Various cultures grow beautifully on such a wall.

small garden trellis with your own handsRobust structures protect stems from damage. Due to the simple design, the plant does not break and does not get wet from the abundance of moisture. The trellis makes it easy to care for any plant. It can be used to mask unsightly areas or give a certain direction.

A do-it-yourself garden trellis is a rope structure or lattice tied to a support, which is used for the growth and development of ampelous crops. With the help of a trellis, plants can form full-fledged whips.

decorative trellisWhen deciding how to make a trellis with your own hands, it is worth considering the type of plants and methods of forming stems. Landing structures grapes must have rigidity and reliability. It is designed for heavy loads.

For cucumber bushes, trellises, nets and devices with high arcs are suitable. Supports of medium height are used for tomatoes. When planting roses, you can use wrought iron and wood trellises. Panels and decorative nets look great.

Original configurations

single plane garden trellisThe form of trellises differs in a variety. Arched, two-cavity and single-cavity structures are in demand. Many gardeners prefer V-shaped and T-shaped varieties.

Simple variations include a single-plane product that includes two parallel supports with tensioned cables. Two-plane trellis have bases that are arranged crosswise and have a short and a longer upper crossbeam. Rows of wires are attached to the ends of the elements. Especially popular are vertical and lattice structures, along which it is good to guide climbing plants. trellis with large cellsThe interiors have fine-mesh structures or are composed of thin pieces that are cross-to-cross. The choice of configuration depends on the location of the trellis.

The advantages of trellis structures

narrow garden trellises

Trellis in landscape design has such advantages:

  1. Protects against fruit contact with the ground. The berries or vegetables are kept clean.
  2. Provides high-quality ventilation, which prevents the appearance of fungal growth.
  3. Allows you to create uniform lighting.
  4. Facilitates watering, pruning and harvesting.

The support allows you to mask unattractive areas in any area. Horizontal variations of the supports are used for mounting the gazebo. This option allows you to create a shadow on the territory. The trellis is a wonderful device for decorating the garden area.

Types of trellises

There are several types of trellis designs that form reliable supports.

Mesh products

mesh trellisMesh designs are ideal for planting clematis and roses.To create them, meshes with large cells and PVC coated are used. The tapestry is resistant to deformation and the required strength.

The installation consists of two supports with a mesh stretched between them. It is not difficult to make such a structure, the following steps are performed:

  1. Before arranging the trellis, the elements are marked on the ground.
  2. Recesses are dug where wooden or metal support posts are placed.
  3. The installed elements are painted with paint of a suitable shade. This helps to protect structures from rot and corrosion.
  4. Then the mesh is stretched.trellis net for cucumbers

Made of wood

DIY wooden garden trellisDo-it-yourself wooden trellises are popular, which are distinguished by aesthetics and special beauty. To make them, you need to stock up on branches, as well as ropes and wire. It is a simple design that does not require complex calculations to install.

Wood trellises are safe and reliable elements. They go well with any design. Well suited for climbing plants. They look natural and beautiful. They are easy to attach and easy to process.

The creation of a trellis includes the following steps:

  1. The branches need to be laid out.
  2. Each element is set in the ground, and the second branch is located at an angle of 60 degrees. Then these parts are tied with ropes.
  3. All other branches are intertwined in a similar way.
  4. The result should be diamonds of the correct configuration, which are fixed with ropes.
  5. All protruding branches are removed and a grid with a rectangular shape is obtained.

portable garden trellisIf necessary, the system can be disassembled and stored. Before arranging the structure, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the planted crops. For some climbing plants, the supports need to be strengthened. For this, a frame made of high strength wood is used. Fixation can be done with nails or by cementing the supports. A simple twig design is more suitable for raspberries, blackberries and climbing roses.wood structures

In order for the product to serve for many years, it must be processed from moisture. Special impregnations are suitable for this.

Support structures made of plastic pipes

plastic pipe trellis for cucumbersFor large climbing crops, do-it-yourself plastic pipe trellises are ideal. The constructions allow you to create a reliable frame system. They can be used for vineyards.

Plastic pipe structures allow you to create any configuration. From flexible elements, you can make objects from arches or make an additional veranda against the wall of the house.

To create a structure, clamps are used to connect plastic parts. You also need to prepare fittings and a hacksaw for fastening the structure to the ground. First, the marking is performed on the territory. Then a structure is placed according to certain dimensions.

original design of the garden trellisPlastic elements have many advantages. They are resistant to moisture, stress and temperature fluctuations. Small diameter pipes are suitable for creating trellises, which do not impede the penetration of light rays.

Made of metal

do-it-yourself garden trellis made of metalTo decorate the site, you can use metal trellises for climbing plants. Such structures are suitable for the location of weaving crops - cucumbers, grapes and a variety of flower variations. And also for shrub plants - raspberries, blackberries and currants.

decorative garden trellisBefore installing structures, it is important to correctly calculate the load and select high-quality materials. The larger the plant, the more stable the reinforcement should be chosen. To place bush varieties, you can use a thin lattice of metal reinforcement, connected by posts. The parts of the supports are attached using a special wire. To make the metal mesh more durable, welding must be applied.welded structures

How to make a do-it-yourself garden trellis

do-it-yourself garden trellisWith minimal skills and a set of tools, you can make a garden trellis with your own hands. The design can be either horizontal or vertical. Mixed support structures are popular. They are suitable for fixing tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes.

do-it-yourself wall garden trellisTo make a simple trellis, you need to prepare in advance a ruler, a special solution, nippers, a hacksaw and a hammer. For woodwork, you will also need nails. For arranging a wall of reinforcing elements, wire is required. To build a trellis from pipes, you need to stock up on clamps.

The trellis manufacturing process includes the following stages:

  1. First you need to choose the optimal size of the structure. At the planning stage of the garden area, you should decide on the configuration of the trellis. The shape is selected taking into account the type of plant. Combined or vertical supports are suitable for the vineyard. For the location of tomatoes, it is worth choosing elongated vertical structures. Cucumbers go well with mixed and vertical meshes. For shrubs, trellises are suitable along the perimeter of the bush in the form of a round fence. Any products are suitable for curly varieties.choosing the size of the garden trellis
  2. The necessary parameters and shapes of the walls are entered into the drawing.forms of garden trellises
  3. It is important to correctly calculate the weight of the trellis walls, which should exceed the weight of the crops.
  4. With the help of a solution, it is necessary to fix the posts in the soil. Supports are installed at a certain distance. If the structure is small, the posts are simply buried in the ground. Then the grill should be evenly fixed on the support.fastening the garden trellis

After installing the wall structure, different plant varieties can be placed. The branches are attached at a certain distance. To strengthen the structure, support pillars are additionally used. This will protect the structure from falls, even with the growth of large liana-like crops. To strengthen plastic and wood elements, you need to use axial parts and special crossbars. To extend the service life of the structure, varnish coatings should be used for processing. When placing the trellis along the track, it is recommended to use not one wide element, but several prefabricated parts.

features of fastening wooden trellisesUseful recommendations and a step-by-step installation plan will allow you to build a functional and beautiful trellis in any area.

DIY decorative garden trellis - video


