Homemade goat feeders and adult goats

feeder for goats and kids The goat is a very clean animal; it does not eat food that has fallen to the floor. The goat feeder must be stable as the goats rest on the body with their front hooves. This could cause the trough to tip over and all feed must be replaced.

In order to reduce the irrational consumption of feed to almost zero, you can make a frame feeder. If the number of goats is large, then you can make a container for hay in the form of a book.

A large number of materials are needed to make such a feeder. Its installation in a barn is justified only if the number of goats is more than ten individuals, not taking into account the kids.

Preparing a place for a feeder

Under the frame feeder, vertical supports from a bar of 120x50 cm are installed. The height of the support depends on the height of the building in which the feeder is installed. In order to hold the frame frames from a bar in weight, chains are mounted in the supports.

Also, a wooden platform is prepared for the feeder, on which two frame frames will be attached. These frames are connected with door hinges, which are mounted in the platform in advance.

Feeder construction

The frames are made of 50X50 timber. For this you will need:

  • eight pieces of timber of the same length;
  • mounting metal mesh;
  • screws for connecting frames.

After the frame of the frame is ready, it "sits" on the door hinges. One of the frames must be in contact with the wooden platform, and the other must be secured with chains. Thus, the two frames will form an angle of 60 °.

A metal reinforced mesh with large cells is pulled over the frame frames. The mesh size must be 2X2 cm or more. This will allow the goats to comfortably consume the hay while keeping the feed from spilling out of the feeder.

In order to goats did not trample the leaves and branches that fall to the floor, a crossbar is nailed to the frame. Thanks to her, animals will not be able to come close to the feeder and trample the food. In addition, the crossbar will support the little kids so they can eat from the trough too.

Little goat feeder in a separate room

If the kids are kept in a separate room, you can make another feeder for them. It is a trough with feed, which is hung on a chain.

The feeder is raised higher as the kids grow up. To make it convenient for the kids to consume food, wooden lintels are nailed to the feeder.


