Homemade plastic bottle mousetraps - two simple but effective models
Homemade mousetraps from a plastic bottle are a real salvation from intrusive rodents. They will help you out at any time, and even help you save money. Of course, you can buy good old little mousetraps at hardware stores. But, alas, now their quality is not what it used to be. Either the spring is weak, or it falls off altogether. In addition, only one individual will catch such a trap. Whereas a bottle can "collect" a whole mouse family of at least ten mice. And, mind you, absolutely without any chemistry and poisons, which is important if there are children or animals in the house.
Homemade mousetraps from a plastic bottle
- baits with oil;
- trap-rocking.
Bait bottle
We need a bottle with a minimum capacity of 1.5 liters. Cut off the neck and the upper part, closer to it (about 1/3). Turn the cut top over and insert it into the bottom half of the bottle. We fix it with paper clips on top. We fall asleep inside the bait, for example, seeds. And now the most important thing: so that the mouse cannot get out, grease the neck with oil.
This mousetrap can also be used to catch rats. Only then the bottle will need more. Plus, the part below the cut neck must be cut into wedges so that a large animal can get inside.
Rocking mousetrap
A deadly attraction that ends with the death of mice can be made from a bottle and a bucket of water:
- We make a through hole in the bottom and cork.
- We insert a wire into it, the length of which should be greater than the diameter of the container with water. You get a kind of rocking chair.
- Glue the bait on top of the bottle - cookies, pieces of cheese.
- We fix both ends of the wire on the bucket by installing a rocking chair.
- Pour a couple of liters of water into the bucket.
- Do not forget to take care of how the mice climb onto the bottle. To do this, we attach a couple of bars to the bucket.
The animals will climb the ladder onto the bottle, which will scroll under their weight and fall into the water.