The most popular types of pedilanthus for growing at home
Pedilanthus is one of the brightest representatives of the Euphorbia family. The plant is native to the tropical strip of Central America, but some types of pedilanthus have gained popularity when grown at home. The flower won the love of flower growers due to its bright color and unusual structure of the leaves. Moreover, it looks very beautiful during flowering. Basically, its inflorescences are small, but they have a rich pinkish-red color and an unusual shape. The plant practically does not require special conditions.
Unlike most indoor plants, pedilanthus bloom in late autumn - early winter.
For indoor cultivation, such types of pedilanthus are used as:
- Titimaloid;
- Finca;
- Large-fruited;
- Shportsevy;
- Koalkomanensky.
All varieties of pedilanthus are very resistant to pollution by toxins and heavy metals and are able to cleanse the air of harmful substances by themselves. Such an assistant on the windowsill will become not only a decoration of the house, but also its kind of filter.
For growing at home, all types of pedilanthus are recommended to be used with caution in a home where there are small children. A twig accidentally broken off by a child and poisonous milkweed juice left on children's hands or splashed into the face can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. See photo of tradescantia on our summer cottage site!
Pedilanthus Titimaloid - dangerous handsome
The bush is able to grow up to 2 m, but it itself lets out very few side shoots. Leaves of medium size (about 7 cm long) have an elongated shape and a slightly pointed tip. The surface of the leaf is smooth, without fibers, the edges are wavy.
Experienced growers to give the plant a bushy shape are advised to regularly cut off the shoots, leaving 10 cm. The cut should be immediately sprinkled with sulfur or coal.
In the southern regions, Titimaloid Pedilanthus is often used to create hedge... After pruning, new shoots grow very quickly, making it easy to form a shrub.
A characteristic feature of the species is the ability of the leaves to change color depending on the conditions of detention. Under the influence of external factors, a pink or white border can appear along the edges on the green leaves of the titimaloid pedylanthus. Also, deciduous plates can take on an olive hue, keeping light points in the center. At the end of autumn, the tops of the shoots are decorated with red small (no more than 1.3 mm) inflorescences, similar to shoes or bird beaks.
The sap of the flower has useful antimicrobial properties, which allows it to be used in medicine for the manufacture of medicines.
The juice of pedilanthus (milkweed) Titimaloid is very poisonous and can cause an allergic reaction and irritation of the mucous membrane. In severe cases, contact dermatitis or poisoning may occur.
Pedilanthus Finca - a variegated native of the humid tropics
The most hygrophilous type of pedilanthus is also called variegated. Young bright green leaves in the center have a darker color. Over time, the leaf brightens, keeping the green color only in the middle of the plate, and the edges turn pinkish-white. The surface of the sheet is covered with a glossy sheen, and the shape resembles a zigzag. The plant itself develops as a shrub, with a deciduous head and side branches forming at the tops of the shoots. The lower part of the trunk does not branch.
To grow Fink's pedilanthus, it is necessary to choose a light substrate that will provide free air access to the root system.
Pedilanthus Large-fruited - flowering succulent
Outwardly, the shrub is not very attractive - almost naked, non-leafy shoots grow together in groups, forming a dense shrub. The leaves are so small and small that they are almost invisible, they resemble scales in shape. The shoots themselves are fleshy, green with a gray tint. In section, they are most often round, but sometimes they can flatten. They absorb and store moisture, which makes the plant thrive in arid climates.
But during the flowering period, Pedilanthus Large-fruited demonstrates all its beauty: small groups of charming inflorescences-shoes are formed on the tops of the shoots. Their color ranges from red to orange, and the petals have a glossy sheen.
Pedilanthus Shportsevy: evergreen giant spurge
The tallest species grows in the form of a tree and is capable of reaching 3 m in height. The wide crown is covered with medium-sized (up to 6 cm) leaves. They have a solid green color and shine, while the shoots themselves are dark green, almost black. The deciduous plate is slightly elongated, and its edges are slightly wavy.
Despite the fact that Shportsevy pedilanthus is an evergreen tree, under the influence of low temperature or with a lack of moisture, it can shed its foliage.
Pedilanthus Koalkomanensky - large-flowering handsome man
One of the most beautiful pedilanthus species fell in love with flower growers due to its unique inflorescences. During the flowering period, very large (unlike other plant species) flowers of pink color with a peach tint appear at the tips of the shoots. The plant can form either a spreading bush or a low tree.
The birthplace of pedilanthus Koalkomanensky is the mountainous regions of Mexico, where the period of rains gives way to drought. This climate determined the nature of the plant - it is able to withstand a sharp change in weather conditions, but at the same time it tends to shed its leaves during a dry period.
Among fans of ornamental plants, there are rumors that pedilanthus attracts an active change in life positions. For example, if it is presented as a gift, this may mean that in the near future it is possible to change the place of residence or, at least, repair. To wait for changes in the professional sphere, it is advised to break off the stalk of a plant that grows in a public place without asking. To believe such signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. But one circumstance is definitely not in doubt - unpretentious types of pedilanthus are ideal for growing at home, especially for those gardeners who love plants that are easy to care for.