What should be the most efficient feeding of bulls

the most efficient feeding of bulls With stable demand and high purchase prices for beef, breeding cattle can be a very profitable business for a farmer. This publication will look at the most efficient calf feeding based on the experience of successful European farms.

Where to begin

feeding the bull

The first thing a breeder should pay attention to is the creation of a place for normal housing and care of the calf.

To create conditions for rapid weight gain will allow the correct organization of the stall for the bulls: at home, the appearance of drafts, high levels of humidity and sudden changes in temperature that can lead to diseases should be excluded as much as possible.

Proper calf care involves:

  1. Compliance with the feeding regimen with a correctly selected diet corresponding to a specific age category.
  2. Daily change of litter and timely removal of sewage.

European technology for fattening bull calves for meat includes the purchase of healthy livestock. Experienced farmers recommend purchasing young stock exclusively from reputable breeding farms.

nutritious diet for bullsThe ideal option is to purchase bulls for fattening at the age of 2-3 months. Despite the low production of digestive enzymes, in the intestines of a healthy calf of this age, microflora, bifodo- and lactic acid bacteria are already sufficiently developed, which contribute to the proper processing of the contents and the removal of waste products from the body.

Often, livestock breeders put monthly calves to feed. Feeding calves for meat at home is associated with certain difficulties in the selection of the diet. Indeed, at the age of 1-2 months, the digestive system is just forming in the body of ruminants. Under natural conditions, the staple food of the calf is breast milk. That is why they eat often, but in small doses.

When fattening one-month-old calves, remember that small feed portions are easily processed and absorbed. This reduces the likelihood of developing enterobacteria in the digestive tract, causing intestinal upset.

How much does a goby gain over the summer? The weight gain of young bulls is very breed dependent. The most beneficial in this aspect are meat breeds:

  • hereford;
  • Aberdeen Angus;
  • Kalmyk;
  • Kazakh white-headed;
  • simmental.

With a well-chosen diet, healthy young animals of these breeds are able to gain up to 1.5 kg of muscle mass per day.

Feeding calves for fattening: diet

young bullsFractional and proper nutrition is the key to health and rapid weight gain in all ruminants. There are a huge number of feeding schemes and principles that allow you to get the effect of rapid weight gain in the optimal period of time.

Proper feeding of fattening bulls should serve two purposes:

  1. Development of cicatricial digestion.
  2. Effective weight gain.

The farmer is free to independently select the diet for keeping the bulls based on his capabilities. Nevertheless, you should adhere to certain rules for the selection of food, depending on the age category of young animals.

First month of content

calf 1 monthIn the first month of life, the main food for calves is colostrum in an amount of 8-10 liters per day, adding from the tenth day 5 g of table salt and phosphate feeding. From day twentieth, steamed barley or oatmeal cereals are added to the calf's diet.The daily norm is 100 g.

Second month

calf 2 monthsKeeping bulls at home involves supplementing the diet with hay in the amount of 200 g. To gain weight, increase the daily rate of grain supplements to 200 g. the scheme of dividing the daily norm of milk into equal parts of whole milk and skim milk. At the 7th week of life, the daily rate of hay is increased to 500 g, the grain mixture to 700 g.

Third month of feeding

calf 3 monthsIn the third month, the young are completely transferred to the return 10 l / day, the amount of concentrates is increased to 1 kg, potatoes in the amount of 200 g / day. Starting from day 70, fattening bulls in a quick way involves increasing the daily rate of potatoes to 300 g of roughage to 900 g, concentrated feed to 1.4 kg. At the end of the third month, the calf should receive 1 kg of hay, 0.5 kg of potatoes, 1.6 kg of steamed grain mixture per day.

Fourth month

calf 4 monthFrom this moment, the amount of skim milk decreases to 8 liters, but the amount of rough food increases to 1.2 kg. The daily norm of root crops and concentrates is already 1.5 kg. In the middle of the fourth month, silage in the amount of 0.5 kg is introduced into the diet of gobies. At the end of this period, each calf should receive 1.5 kg of roughage, 1.6 kg of grain mixture, 1 kg of silage.

Fifth month

calf 5 monthsThe most effective diet for fattening bulls of the fifth month is to get the daily rate of the following products: 8 liters of skimmed milk; 1 kg of silage and root crops; 1.8 kg of concentrates in the form of a chatterbox. At the end of the month, the rate of plant food is increased to 2 kg per day. The milk rate is reduced to 4 liters.

Sixth month

calf 6 monthsFeeding calves for meat by this time involves a gradual cessation of milk consumption.

To receive adequate nutrition, a young bull should receive:

  • 2.5 kg of plant foods;
  • 3 kg silage;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 kg of concentrated feed.

The daily salt intake is 20 g; phosphates - 25 g. At the end of the sixth month, milk is completely removed from the diet. The hay rate is 3 kg. The amount of silage increases to 5-6 kg / day.

If this feeding scheme is followed at the end of the sixth month, the weight of the bull can reach 200 kg.

Diet for feeding bulls at the age of 6 to 12 months

bull 6 monthsA properly selected diet during the dairy period is most important for the formation of the necessary amount of enzymes in the intestines for good digestion.
Beginning breeders often ask how to feed calves for rapid growth in a life span of 6 months to 1 year. The ration of calves put to fattening is formed depending on the availability of a certain feed base and the selected type of feeding. Consumption rates are designed to add muscle mass of 700-800 g per day.

There are three types of feeding:

  1. Hayage. Includes daily consumption of 1.5 kg of fresh hay, 8 kg of haylage, 2 kg of concentrated feed (KR-1). The daily norm of table salt is 20 g; phosphate feeding - 35-40 g.
  2. Silage and haylage ration includes: 10 kg of silage (better than corn); 2 kg of fresh hay; 4 kg of silage; 2 kg of concentrated feed. The daily intake of salt and phosphates is 20 and 40 g, respectively. On average, the daily weight gain on such a diet is 0.8 kg.
  3. The combined diet involves the use of silage, hay and root crops for feeding calves: potatoes, sugar beets, pumpkins, zucchini, carrots. The daily diet for a bull is: 5 kg of hay and root crops; 8 kg of silage, 3 kg of concentrates. Salt and phosphate consumption at 20 and 40 g, respectively.

By the end of this period, the weight of a one-year-old goby can reach 320-400 kg.

Diet of bulls aged 12 to 18 months

hogIn livestock breeders, this period of time is called the growing period. Depending on the type of feeding chosen, the young bull should receive a certain amount of products that contribute to a set of muscle mass up to 600-700 kg.

Diet of gobies:

  1. The silage type of feeding assumes a daily consumption of 10 kg of haylage, 2 kg each of hay and concentrated feed.
  2. The silage and haylage ration includes: 14 kg of silage, 5 kg of hay and 2 kg of concentrated feed.
  3. The combined ration for feeding the bull is: 10 kg of silage, 5 kg of haylage, 3 kg of fresh hay, 6 kg of root crops.

With any feeding diet during this period, the daily intake of minerals is: table salt - 40 g, phosphate additives - 50 g.

How much hay does a bull need for the winter? The winter food structure assumes the consumption of 45-50% of the total daily ration of hay.

There is a formula by which you can calculate the approximate amount of hay needed to feed bulls: 4 kg of quality product per 100 kg of body weight.

The most effective fattening of bulls: diet and nutrition scheme

fattening a bull for meatThe optimal time for fattening bulls for meat is 18 months. Domestic livestock breeders have developed a scheme for the most effective ration for feeding cattle.

She suggests:

  1. Feeding 3 times a day, strictly at 6:00; 14:00; 22:00.
  2. Stall cleaning after every feed.
  3. Use of the prebiotic "Lactobifadol" at every feeding.
  4. Adding a growth stimulant for bulls "Kresacin" to the diet.

The specialists of the biotechnological company "Component" recommend the use of crushed grain fodder as feed. For calves 2 months of age, its daily rate is 0.6 kg. By six months, its amount is increased to 3.5 kg per day. By the age of 14 months, the amount of grain feed mixture (barley and wheat) increases to 10-14 kg per day.

No less important for raising a healthy livestock is the use of special vitamin complexes. Vitamins for the rapid growth of bulls strengthen the immune system, help fight diseases, and help strengthen bone and muscle tissues. Among a wide range of various additives, the following are especially popular among domestic livestock breeders: "Biovit-80"; Eleovit.

Fattening bulls - video

  1. Oleg

    someone will tell me if it is possible to feed a goby GZK (hydroponic green fodder), for example
    in a mixture of wheat, barley, corn and how much is needed per day on average for one head


