We sow asters before winter
Despite the fact that the main time for sowing seeds is spring, most crops, including asters, can be sown before winter. Sowing in winter will help protect plants from most diseases and from their most important enemy, Fusarium, but for this it is necessary to start planting on time. After all, if you sow the seeds too early, during a warm autumn they will quickly sprout, which means that the very first frosts will nullify all efforts, and the flowers will simply freeze, never waiting for not only spring, but also real winter.
When to sow?
According to the rules, you need to sow seeds before winter in the ground, which is already frozen. However, this does not always work out, because winter can suddenly catch flower growers. The optimal time for winter sowing of asters is about October, but not earlier.
How do I prepare my landing site?
To play it safe from fusarium from all sides, it is not enough to sow asters before winter, it is also necessary to properly prepare the site. As you know, the fungus that causes the disease lives in the soil, so you need to take care of its destruction.
Most flower growers advise spilling the ground with boiling water to kill the fungus, but there is another rather simple and effective way. Having chosen a place for planting asters, you need to kindle a fire on it, for example, from fallen leaves. During burning, the ground under it will warm up, and pathogens will be destroyed.
The ash from the fire does not need to be thrown away - it will serve as a fertilizer.
When the ash has cooled, smooth it over the steamed area with your hands, being careful not to go beyond it, so as not to pick up an infection from the untreated soil.
It is better not to use metal tools in the form of rakes or hoes during work - fungi from other areas may remain on it.
It may seem that the planting area is too small, but in order to grow aster seedlings, this is quite enough. The grown seedlings from such a bed will subsequently be transplanted to a permanent place.
How to sow aster?
Now you can start planting:
- draw shallow grooves directly on top of the ash with a wooden stick or branch (you do not need to mix the ash with the soil);
- put seeds in prepared beds, not very thickly;
- cover with earth.
If the sowing is not carried out in frozen soil, it will be better to fill the grooves with a purchased loose substrate. When using ordinary soil, a crust forms in the beds, through which the seedlings may not break through.
Sowing under winter will allow you to get stronger plants that are resistant not only to diseases, but also to weather conditions. In addition, flowering occurs earlier in such crops.