Pruner from Aliexpress: is the quality of the product worth waiting for delivery?
Do you need a pruner, and you are thinking: order on Aliexpress, order in the Russian segment of the Internet, or drive to the nearest store with a gardening inventory department?
What is good about the Aliexpress online store is the breadth of the choice provided and the relative cheapness of the product. Here you can find inventory of any price category (exactly, like any quality!), The breadth of the range will allow you to find the most acceptable tool design, and, at the same time, get acquainted with the reviews of buyers who have already become happy owners of a pruner.
Stores praise their goods, and buyers confirm the quality or expose an unscrupulous seller, and on Youtube you can almost always find a video about the tool you like at work. And then decide whether to take it or not.
Let's consider what Russian Internet sites can offer. Here are a few offers of the Uragan Instrument store with guaranteed delivery by courier, Russian post or transport companies. The delivery method depends on the destination, there is no free delivery, and you will have to pay extra for it in excess of the specified amount. On the site you can read customer reviews, but they are mostly single, besides, there is not every product. This is understandable: the flow of buyers on Russian sites is incomparably lower than that of the Chinese Internet giant. To assess the quality in these conditions, it is necessary to search the Internet for available information about the manufacturer and, preferably, about the location of its production facilities, given that a lot is produced, again, in China.
Traditional shopping in a store, especially if a hypermarket of one of the network giants is available, can be a profitable alternative for many reasons:
- wide price range;
- the tool can be evaluated before buying by holding it in your hands;
- there is no need to wait for the purchase;
- in some cases, a pre-order is possible, which can be picked up at a convenient time.
But far from large cities, where there is no opportunity to use the services of a hypermarket like Leroy Merlin or OBI, turning to Internet sellers and, in particular, to the Chinese portal Aliepress is quite justified. Just be careful when choosing not only a product, but also a seller: pay attention to how many years it has been on the market and what its rating is.
Good luck with your choice!