Let's take a closer look at pumpkin seeds
The giant pumpkin berry surprises with its size. This is how you need to work the roots and leaves in order to gain centners of useful pulp and seeds per season. Yes, some giants weigh over 100 kg. In summer cottages and private farmsteads, overwhelming fruits are grown. But the most valuable product is pumpkin seeds in the composition of only up to 11% of the fruit weight. The rind weighs up to 17%, the rest is pulp. The seeds are collected, dried and used to promote health.
Pumpkin seed health benefits
- phosphorus - 39.7%;
- iron - 15.7%;
- zinc - 16.8%;
- manganese - 73.5%;
- tryptophan - 53.1%;
- magnesium - 47.7%;
- copper - 21.5%;
- protein - 19.5%.
Just 33 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds provide 180 Kcal, or a tenth of the daily energy requirement for a woman who does not engage in heavy physical labor and watches her weight. However, if the total amount of nutrients is decomposed into individual ingredients, then their exclusivity in certain conditions for women will become clear, in others they save the male genital area, or become a panacea for expelling parasites.
The article deals only with raw seeds without heat treatment and stored in a shell until use! Peeled seeds for sale have oxidized oils in the upper layer, and fried seeds have a destroyed structure of arganine and other biologically active components.
Make a unique product irreplaceable contained in seeds up to 40% of the total composition:
- cucurbitin;
- glycosides;
- resins, alkaloids;
- essential oils and vitamins of group B and E.
The content of energy reserves of pumpkin seeds is presented in this scenario per 100 g of product:
- carbohydrates - 8.2 g;
- proteins - 25.4 g;
- fats - 45.7 g;
- fiber - 4.1 g
The calorie content is 540 Kcal, no less than that of the nuclei of other plants. Pumpkin seeds are good for men in this article!
How to dry pumpkin seeds?
The method of storing seeds remains unchanged, only technical equipment is added for industrial production. In private backyards they use the old way. Prepared pumpkin cut out, making a hole near the stalk, and select the fibrous pulp in which the seeds are hidden. If the fruit goes further to make pumpkin honey, then the fibrous mass is carefully selected by hand. You can cut the pumpkin in half if further work involves cutting. How to dry pumpkin seeds depends on their further use.
Selected seeds should be separated from the pulp that is thrown away. The seeds are washed and dried on filter paper, and then in the sun or draft. The main requirement is that the seeds must dry out and remain light, not moldy. At present, it is possible to create a low temperature in vegetable dryer... The main thing is to save useful properties of pumpkin seeds they need to be dried at temperatures up to 40 degrees.
For the use of kernels in cooking, drying is carried out at temperatures above 60 degrees and even fried. The fragility of the shell will become a sign of seed readiness.In the future, the seeds are stored in canvas bags.
Pumpkin seeds with honey - a healing composition
To the extremely useful composition of seeds, including arginine, which acts on the male body no weaker than Viagra, honey is added containing:
- Threonine, which, through serine and glycine, participates in the construction of proteins, increasing muscle activity. He is also an antidepressant and has a stimulating effect.
- Proline strengthens muscles by participating in the creation of collagen and has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.
- Vitamin B6 promotes sexuality.
The two healing compositions of honey and the kernel reinforce each other and work great in the prevention and treatment of the prostate. The composition is valuable because it is used without heat treatment. If you consume balls made from pumpkin seeds with honey once a year, men's health will be guaranteed for many years. For the prevention of male diseases, you need to eat a little pumpkin seeds daily.
Pumpkin seed fiber
When oil is squeezed out of pumpkin kernels, the meal remains, which is a valuable product. The cold-pressed oil is used alone, and the remainder is used to make the fiber from pumpkin seeds. This food supplement is used as a dietary product for diabetics, diseases of internal organs and obesity. Purpose of fiber in the cleansing function. It will remove toxins and parasites, cleanse the intestinal walls and give those nutrients that have not gone into the oil.
Fiber performs general cleaning of all internal organs, ensuring their efficient work. The meal is used for weight loss, as it creates a feeling of satiety when it enters the stomach. Its action is aimed at:
- cleansing the body from radionuclides, heavy metal salts, deposits and harmful radicals;
- increasing the activity of digesting food and regulating the flow of bile, stimulating its formation;
- destruction of dense cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and its removal through purification systems;
- diuretic effect;
- acceleration of metabolism;
- antiparasitic effect.
Pumpkin flour
Recently, sunflower kernels and pumpkin kernels have been widely used in the baking industry in baking bread. Such bread is considered healthy and tastes better than ordinary bread made from wheat flour. However, there is pumpkin flour, when added, the baking turns out to be airy, the products do not stale for a long time. During heat treatment, organic useful components are not retained in full. But the mineral part, and the ash residue is more than 4%, enriches the bread with zinc, phosphorus and other minerals during baking.
Who and how much pumpkin seeds should be eaten per day
Like any high-calorie food, pumpkin seeds are limited. In this case, it is a product with active ingredients, and the first commandment of healers is not to harm. Therefore, excessive consumption of seeds can lead to salt deposition and immobilization of a person.
There are some recommendations that are not exhaustive, but allow you to navigate how many pumpkin seeds you need to eat per day:
- For men for prevention prostate health the daily norm should be the use of 55 pieces of raw dried pumpkin seeds.
- Pregnant women are advised to eat no more than 40 seeds per day during the entire period of pregnancy.
- It is no longer possible for nursing mothers to start using seeds no earlier than a week after giving birth from several seeds, bringing the intake to 40 pieces, there may be problems with the intestines, constipation in the mother and baby.
- When removing worms, strictly follow the recipe, using 100 seeds per day in a three-day course.
- For preventive purposes, 33 g of peeled nucleoli per day is enough, this is a quarter of a glass.
Use the healing power of nature in reasonable quantities and the effect will not keep you waiting.In addition, pumpkin seeds bring reproductive and physiological health to women, and are used in cosmetology.