Crop rotation in the garden - optimal plant rotation
The change of cultures is one of the unshakable foundations of agriculture. Will such a rotation be complete if the plot is several acres of land? Crop rotation is possible in almost any territory: in the garden, in the front garden, in the summer cottage. This is one of the most affordable ways to get more good quality crops.
Where to start crop rotation on the site?
The importance of crop rotation is to interrupt pest cycles. A change in the host plant most often leads to a decrease in the number and death of pathogens. Most of them prefer the same botanical families. In addition, related plants require similar nutrients. The main rule of crop rotation is to prohibit sowing in the same place the same or related crops more often than once every 2 - 3 years.
The advantages of crop rotation in the garden:
- preventing soil depletion;
- enrichment of the earth with nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms using legumes;
- improving soil structure;
- suppression of weeds by broadleaf and compacted crops.
Do I need to remember every year where and what grew in the past, the year before last? It is not rational and cumbersome. A competently drawn up crop rotation scheme at a summer cottage allows you to plan all work in advance, prepare the necessary planting material, inventory. We need a plan or a schematic drawing of a summer cottage, a garden on which trees, beds, flower beds are marked, it is indicated where various crops will be planted. They shouldn't grow in the same places next year.
How to organize crop rotation on the site?
The garden must be divided into parts according to the number of groups of compatible crops. The next year, move the plants from the first field to the second, from it - to the third, crops from which to grow in the first plot. Perennials are usually not included in this rotation; they grow for several years in the same place.
An approximate scheme of crop rotation in the garden:
- Parsley, carrots, onions, radish-hardened potatoes.
- Peas, squash, pumpkin, sweet corn, compacted with beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers.
- White and cauliflower cabbage, compacted with cucumbers.
If the area permits, then in the crop rotation scheme at the summer cottage, you can increase the number of crops:
- Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.
- Peas.
- White cabbage and cauliflower.
- Sweet corn.
- Potatoes.
- Zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons, melons.
- Beetroot, cucumbers, herbs.
- Beans, beans.
Important additions to the crop rotation scheme at their summer cottage
The introduction of compactors allows you to grow a wide range of plants in a limited area. If there is a greenhouse in the country, then lettuce, radishes, onions on a feather can be excluded from the crop rotation on the site, and they can be grown in closed ground. One area can be left under fallow or green manure (green fertilizers). In the first case, the soil is loosened and thoroughly cleaned of weeds. Siderata - legumes or their mixtures with cereals are not harvested, but dug up.
To increase yields, obtain high-quality fruits and vegetables, it is not enough just to crop rotation in the garden. The alternation of crops must necessarily be combined with the correct methods of cultivating the land, applying fertilizers. Then you can get consistently high yields and maintain soil fertility.