What is sunflower meal and what is it for

sunflower meal When processing sunflower seeds, in addition to the essential oil in the economy, other valuable products are also obtained. Among them is sunflower meal, which contains many proteins, vitamins, amino acids and is used as a nutritional supplement in the diet of farm animals and poultry.

In the manufacture of vegetable oil, two main methods are used - extraction and pressing. What is sunflower meal? This is a departure from oil production. If the seeds come under the press, the cake is a by-product. After extraction, the meal remains. To remove residual fat and chemicals used during the spin cycle, the residue is subjected to additional processing, as well as high temperatures or toasting. This removes traces of solvents and improves nutritional value.

Description and characteristics of sunflower meal

fresh sunflower meal

The quality of the finished product and its storage conditions are described by GOST. According to this document, sunflower meal is characterized by a gray color, while toasted meal is characterized by a gray-brown color. Loose or granular product contains from 1 to 3% fat, which is significantly less than in cake. But in terms of the concentration of vegetable protein, meal is much ahead of it.

Plain and toasted sunflower meal contains:

  • from 34 to 39% easily digestible protein;
  • up to 23% crude fiber;
  • up to 1% ash;
  • 7 to 1% moisture and volatile matter.

The plant product contains minerals important for the body, vitamins B and E, the amino acid methionine, which promotes the synthesis of many irreplaceable protein compounds. Sunflower meal proteins are better absorbed than proteins of other varieties. The greatest nutritional value is possessed by fodder from husked seeds that do not contain coarse husk.hulled seed meal

Since the seed processing product is intended for feed to livestock and poultry, it is important that the meal does not contain hazardous chemicals, pests and coarse impurities, such as glass, stones, metal chips.

Producers must strictly monitor the presence of heavy metals, pesticides, nitrites and nitrates in the meal. Quality feed additive depends on storage conditions.

Meals with signs of mold, rancidity and mustiness should not enter the food of animals.

The use of sunflower meal in agriculture

broiler mealAs a valuable source of protein, meal is indispensable for raising all types of livestock and poultry, fur animals and even fish.

The use of sunflower meal in agriculture allows:

  • reduce the cost of keeping animals;
  • speed up feeding;
  • improve the quality of the eggs, meat and milk obtained.

The introduction of a protein supplement with a high fiber content into the diet has a positive effect on the digestion and metabolism of livestock and poultry, increases their productivity, and helps to get strong healthy young animals.

The meal does not require any special preparation. It is immediately ready for use, saving the farmer precious time.

The meal is given to animals in pure form and as part of combined feed. Adults receive a crushed product, young animals are offered wet or dry mash. If animals consume a lot of crumbly or granulated sunflower meal, the diet is supplemented with lysine, which is lacking in the feed.

feeding cowsCows are given 2.5–3 kg of feed, young animals can receive up to 1.5 kg per animal, a little less meal is given to pigs and other livestock. The main consumer of sunflower meal is considered to be poultry. Layers in the warm season, they receive 35 g of product per head, in winter consumption decreases to 10 g. broilers already from 7 days of age.

Storage conditions for sunflower meal

storage conditionsIn order to preserve all the useful qualities of the meal, GOST provides special rules for its storage and transportation. A product containing vegetable fats, proteins, amino acids and vitamins deteriorates quickly if treated carelessly. It not only loses its nutritional value, but also becomes dangerous for livestock.

For storage of sunflower meal, the State Standard prescribes to choose closed rooms equipped with ventilation and protected from moisture penetration.

With increasing humidity, the meal is affected by mold fungi. In the sun, it quickly turns rancid. A loose product can cake, heat up and burn from the inside.

Sunflower meal is stored on pallets and racks, in bulk or in bags. Stacks with packaged product should not be higher than 3 meters. Bulk meal must be agitated at least 1 time in 10 days. The shelf life of a valuable food additive is 3 months.

The effectiveness of the use of sunflower meal - video


