Personal Cinderella - Bucket Wring Mop from China
Cleanliness is the key to family health and well-being. A lot of dirt accumulates in the house and in the country. Sometimes the hostess does not have enough time to quickly and efficiently clean her apartment. Therefore, she needs a skillful "assistant", a kind of personal Cinderella - a mop with a bucket and a wringer with Aliexpress. In the modern world it is known by the name - "Spin Mop". A unique device unscrews the nozzle on its own, and at the same time efficiently cleans the floor of varying degrees of dirt.
Second mistress
- wooden floor;
- tile;
- window;
- tiles;
- parquet;
- doors;
- glass surfaces;
- mirrors.
The shape of the nozzle (width - 23 cm) is round, reminiscent of a children's whirligig, but only with dreadlocks. The plate rotates around its axis through 360 °. The fibers are made of microfiber, so they absorb moisture very well and remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. It removes stubborn stains. Thanks to this, the hostess does not have to use additional cleaning agents. Users have noticed that the material is rough and often scratches surfaces. Therefore, you need to properly sweep the floor or dust off before wet cleaning.
Efficiency for 5 stars
It is a pleasure to work with such a mop. The bucket holds up to 8 liters of liquid. In its upper part, there is a special wringer. It is made in the form of a centrifuge. A perforated stainless steel bowl is attached on a plastic base. With its help in just 10 seconds. up to 90% of the liquid is removed from the nozzle. Much depends on the number of clicks on it. The foldable handle (height - 124 cm) can carry up to 10 kg. But it's important to remember that it has a plastic mount that can break.
The handle is attached to the mop with a special hinge. As a result, the hostess will be able to maneuver her as she wants, penetrating into the most secret corners of the room.
Unlike real products of the Spin Mop series, Chinese counterparts do not have a special pedal / device for unscrewing. Therefore, a woman will have to adjust her strength to squeeze out excess water. However, on the Aliexpress trading platform, such a miracle technique costs about 1,400 rubles. In other stores, the price of similar products is doubled. Therefore, you will have to pay 2,690 rubles for it.