How long does a tulip grow in a greenhouse - we drive out bulbs for the holidays

Tell me how long does a tulip grow in a greenhouse? I want to try to drive out the bulbs for the spring holidays, but I have no experience at all. I only grew tomatoes in the greenhouse, so everything is clear to me, because I have been planting for sale for several years. I learned how to get seedlings myself, and to fight diseases. As for the bulbous, so far only a theory. I would like to know how long it takes from planting to bud formation.

how much does a tulip grow in a greenhouse Forcing bulbs, including tulips, is a pleasant procedure and, moreover, can also be beneficial. In early spring, fresh flowers delight in a special way, and they also cost many times more than in the season. Knowing how much a tulip grows in a greenhouse, you can time the distillation for the women's holiday. By selling the first flowers, it will be possible to return a hundredfold the cost of planting material. In addition, by moving away or bringing closer the germination bookmark, you can make a gift for your own birthday, even if it is in winter.

How long does a tulip grow in a greenhouse

forcing tulips

Provided that the optimum temperature is maintained, the plants are kept in the greenhouse for about 3 weeks. It takes so long for the tulips to bloom, but, again, provided that the bulbs have been previously germinated. The germination and cooling of the planting material itself takes 13 weeks. In general, it takes 16 to 17 weeks from the moment the bulbs are laid for germination to flowering. However, the distillation time may increase if the room is not warm enough. At temperatures up to 13 ° C, flower stalks form longer, which, in fact, prolongs the distillation.

Knowing the duration of the entire distillation, it is easy to adjust the flowering to the desired date. So, if you plant tulips in late October - early November, just by March 8 they will already bloom in full.

How is the forcing of tulips

tulips in the greenhouseTulips, like all bulbous plants, go through 2 stages of forcing. First, they are germinated, but for a long time and at a low temperature, cooling. This is necessary in order to get a strong stem and a developed plant. Then comes the second stage - growing in a warm, that is, in a greenhouse.

In short, the procedure for forcing tulips is as follows:

  1. The bulbs are pretreated for disinfection in potassium permanganate.
  2. Clean sand is poured into the container or mixed with sawdust.
  3. Tulips are planted in the sand, deepening the bulb by 4 cm and sprinkling them with a substrate.
  4. Containers with bulbs are placed for 13 weeks in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 9 ° C. In this case, the lighting should be minimal.
  5. After the specified period, the bulbs will expel the stems about 7 cm high.
  6. Then chilled and sprouted tulips begin to light up. They also gradually increase the temperature, bringing it to 18 ° C during the day and 14 ° at night.

That's all the secrets of distillation. By "playing" with the temperature, you can regulate the onset of flowering. If it is necessary to delay it, the temperature is lowered, to accelerate the appearance of peduncles, it is increased.

Forcing tulips, foreign experience - video


