Early ripening tomato variety Katya
The Katya variety is one of the favorite early maturing species among summer residents. When grown both in a greenhouse and in an open garden, they produce a good harvest. Vegetables are distinguished by excellent taste and beautiful appearance.
Tomato variety Katya: description

The main advantages of Katya tomatoes:
- high yield rates;
- early dates and uniformity of fruit ripening;
- disease resistance;
- undemanding to growing conditions;
- high commercial qualities, good transportability;
- fruits do not tend to crack;
- have high taste characteristics.
Inflorescences on the bush begin to form above the 5th leaf. Up to 9 tomatoes can be tied in each brush.
Characteristics of tomatoes:
- The fruits are round, sometimes elongated.
- Each tomato weighs from 120 to 160 g.
- Unripe fruits are light green in color, which turns into a bright red color as they ripen.
- Tomatoes do not have a greenish spot, typical for many varieties, around the stalk.
- They have a pleasant taste.
- Each fruit is divided into 3-4 nests.
- The dry matter content is 4.6%. The fruits are not prone to cracking, they are well preserved, ripen evenly.
- Tomatoes of this variety are distinguished by their density, which is important for good transportation.
The yield of the vegetable crop of this variety depends on the cultivation conditions. From each square meter when grown outdoors, from 8 to 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested, and when cultivated in greenhouses or greenhouses, the yield reaches 15 kg.
Growing features
Katya tomatoes are best cultivated by the seedling method. After the cotyledons develop, the plant must dive. On open beds, you can plant seedlings, the height of which is within 15-20 cm. This is done on the condition that there will be no cold snaps at night, and even more so there will be no frost. Gaps of up to 45 cm should be left between individual specimens; holes for seedlings are dug deep enough.
To obtain the earliest harvest, seeds for seedlings are sown in early March in a nutritious soil.
Soil requirements
To harvest the maximum yield, it is necessary to provide the tomato with optimal soil conditions. Soil with high air permeability, such as loamy or sandy loam, is best suited. To understand what type of soil is in the garden, you need to pour a small amount of it with water, knead it in your hands like a dough and form a "tourniquet". If it is bent into a ring and it does not crack, then the soil is clayey. If the figurine begins to burst, then the earth is loamy.
Both types of soil are suitable for cultivating Katya tomatoes, but they must be prepared with fertilizer. For this:
- If the soil is acidic, then every 3 or 4 years lime or dolomite flour is added to it at the rate of 250-600 g for each m².
- If the soil is heavy and clayey, then add up to 2 buckets of well-rotted manure within 1-2 years, or compost mixture per square meter.The second way: add 150 g of urea to a bucket of water and soak river sand in such a solution, which then add to the soil in a bucket per square meter.
Seed planting dates
It is not at all difficult to calculate when it is best to sow seeds of this variety. Katya is an early ripe tomato variety, from the appearance of the first green shoots to ripening it needs about 100 days. You also need to take into account from 7 to 10 days for seed germination and up to a week for the adaptation of young plants after planting them in new conditions. To harvest red tomatoes by mid-July, you will need to sow seedlings in the first decade of April.
Seed preparation and planting scheme
In order for the seeds to germinate well, and the seedlings to be strong and healthy, the seeds must be prepared. Begin by disinfecting the seed. The simplest and most reliable option is suitable - soaking the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, prepared at the rate of no more than 1 g of potassium permanganate per 100 ml of water. The tomato seeds are soaked for about 20 minutes. This guarantees protection against infections.
Before sowing, it is good to just insist the seeds in melt water. To get it at home, it is enough to pour about ¾ volume of liquid into a dense bag. When half of it freezes or a little more, the rest of the water is drained. This technique allows you to reduce the amount of mineral salts. After thawing the ice, biologically active water will be obtained. She is able to stimulate seeds to germinate. You cannot store melt water for more than 2 days, otherwise it will lose all its useful properties.
You can plant seedlings on open beds in various ways. The simplest option, which is suitable even for novice gardeners, is that 3-4 copies are placed on each square meter. This is a classic planting scheme with a step of 70x30 cm.
Rules for caring for a tomato variety Katya
If you follow all the conditions for growing a tomato, timely fertilize and water the bushes, carry out pinching, you can get a good harvest.
Watering and fertilizing
Since Katya's tomatoes are early ripening varieties, they need good irrigation. Each instance will require 700-900 ml of water for one watering... It is held in the late afternoon, when the sun's rays are not so scorching. It is also important to water the tomatoes during their flowering, especially the first as well as the second brush. Moisten the soil after feeding the plants with granular mineral fertilizers and before loosening the soil.
The first time feeding is applied 10 or 12 days after the young plants are transplanted into the ground. For these purposes, a mixture of organic substances and mineral salts is needed. In an ordinary bucket of 10 liters, 1 liter of liquid manure or mullein is placed, 8-9 liters of water are added, 20 g of superphosphate are added. One bucket will be enough for 10 tomato bushes.
The second and third time fertilization in the form of dry mineral salts is applied with a difference of 14 days for hilling tomatoes or after loosening the soil. For each square meter of the garden, 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potash fertilizers and 10 g ammonium nitrate.
It is better to carry out this procedure in the morning, so that the wounds on the plant are already healed by the evening. All lower stepsons are cut off with a knife or scissors. These are lateral shoots that form from the foliage axils. This procedure is needed so that the tomato bush has only one stem. If the formation of two stems is planned, then the main shoot is left in the plant, as well as a strong additional one.
Soil care
To increase yield indicators, enhanced growth of the bush and a strong root system are required. To do this, the ground around the tomatoes is periodically loosened, all weeds are removed at the same time.
Tomato variety Katya is so unpretentious in cultivation that it can be successfully grown not only by experienced gardeners, but also by those who have just started a summer cottage.The fruits of such a plant will please everyone due to their beautiful bright color and excellent taste.