Delicious garden decoration - plum renklode tambovskiy
Every spring, the orchards dress up in chic flowering outfits. Among the many trees, it amazes with its beauty - Tambov Renklod plum. She attracts not only with delicate flowers on the tree, but also with useful fruits. Such plums are distinguished by a dessert taste and tender pulp, which melts in your mouth like honey.
Such trees almost always look neat against the background of other garden trees. And only sometimes they demand trimming to form the original crown.
There are more than 250 types of plums in nature. Some of them are combined into special groups, one of which is Renklode. Instances belonging to this family have not only similar characteristics, but also visible differences.
General characteristics of the variety
Plum Renklod Tambovskiy prefers drained soils that allow air to pass through well. It can be sandy loam, loamy soils, as well as various types of chernozems.
The tree reacts poorly to drought, but also does not like long stagnation of water on the surface of the soil. If such a threat exists, you can take care of it in advance. Before planting, make additional soil drainage.
Tambovskiy Renklod plum grows well in sunny places. Otherwise, the fruit may lose its sweetness. And the yield will be much less than that of trees growing in open areas.
It is advisable to plant a plum tree of the Renclaude family between summer cottages to protect it from cold northern winds and frosts.
Plum is inferior in frost resistance to apple and cherry. In areas with frequent temperature changes, trees should be covered for the winter. If this is not done, tender young buds will suffer from severe winter frosts, which are replaced by unexpected thaws.
All Renclode trees have similar characteristics. Here is some of them:
- The height of an adult plant, on average, reaches from 4 to 6 meters.
- The crown is almost always spherical.
- Young shoots are colored brown with a red tint, and sometimes green with the same tint. The bark of old branches takes on a grayish tint.
- Fresh spring shoots are usually soft and pliable, but harden over time.
- The green leaves have streaks on which delicate villi are visible.
- Fruits have a spherical shape, up to 5 cm in size. Renklodes are rough to the touch and hold on a short, lowered stalk.
- Some varieties require additional pollination.
- The amount of the harvest depends on favorable weather conditions.
Trees bear fruit 3 or 6 years after planting for 15 years. Then it is advisable to update them. A more detailed description of the plum variety Renklode Tambovsky will help to imagine this family in all its splendor.
This hybrid was obtained by crossing the early ripening red with the green rennlode. This resulted in a tree that reaches about 4 m in height with a spreading crown. Its delicate buds can withstand severe Russian frosts.
Since the Tambov rennlode is a self-fertile species, it needs additional pollinators. The best are considered - Hungarian or Kolkhozny renklod.
On average, about 10 kg of fruit can be harvested from one plant, and with a high yield - 30 kg.The fruits of the Tambov renklode are rounded or slightly elongated.
The average weight of one piece reaches about 20 g. The color of the berry is purple. From above it is covered with a thick coating. The pulp is dense, sour-sweet on the palate. Fruits are stored in a cold room for a long time, since they are quite resistant to decay. They are used for canning and making wine.
Popular species of the Renclaude family
Given the value of this tree's fruit, it becomes clear why there are so many different varieties.
Each individual plum contains the following useful elements:
- organic acids;
- vitamins of the main groups (A, B, C, E);
- sugar;
- nitrogenous, pectin and tannins;
- a set of mineral salts (iron, manganese, potassium and iodine).
Interestingly, the beneficial properties are retained after heat treatment of berries or drying. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Famous hybrids from the Renclaude family were bred by the outstanding breeder I. V. Michurin. Here is some of them.
Collective farm
The collective farm plum was bred specifically for the central regions of Russia. To create it, the breeder used ternoslum and green rennet. The hybrid grows up to 2.5 meters in height. The tree has a spreading crown in the form of a ball, on the branches of which delicious fruits grow. They are small in size as they weigh only 20 or 15 grams.
The skin of the fruit is yellow, slightly greenish in color with a waxy coating. Many small dots are visible under it. Sometimes plums come with an orange blush, which is caused by direct sunlight. The pulp is sour in taste, but tender and juicy, which causes pleasant sensations.
The fruits should be picked on time so as not to lose part of the harvest. On average, one tree can get from 20 to 40 kilograms of plums.
When pruning a tree in spring, it is important to leave bouquet branches as 90% of the fruit grows on them.
Renklod kolkhoz variety perfectly tolerates severe frosts up to 30 degrees. The berries ripen in late summer or early September.
The original fruit tree was obtained by crossing the collective farm and the Victoria variety. An amusing plum grows in the form of a bush. It reaches a height of up to 3 meters. Begins to bear fruit already in the third year after planting. On average, about 15 kg of plums are harvested from a tree. For successful pollination, it is advisable to plant a Moscow Hungarian or Timiryazev's memory nearby.
The berries are blue with a purple tint. They are oval in shape, weighing about 16 grams. The bone does not stick to the pulp, but is easily separated. The tree is used for landscaping summer cottages, with the hope of enjoying delicious fruits.
A unique hybrid of plum opal was developed by Swedish breeders in 1926. It was obtained by crossing the varieties "Renklod Ulena" with "Early Favorite". The result is a tree variety that grows up to 3 meters. Its wide, conical crown is formed from many dense branches. Plum opal blooms in mid-spring, after which tasty fruits develop on it. Most often they are round in shape. They are small in size. Fruit weight - up to 20 grams.
At first, the plum skin is yellow-green in color. By the time it ripens, it changes, acquiring a reddish, slightly purple hue. Sometimes the fruit may even be orange. The surface of the skin is covered with a gray-blue waxy coating.
The dense and juicy flesh of golden color exudes a pleasant aroma, reaching full ripeness. In addition, it amazes any connoisseur of plums with its sweet and sour taste.
A detailed description of the plum variety, opal, causes considerable delight among gardeners. Such a tree is capable of producing a good harvest - up to 50 kg of fruits in one season. It is especially prized for its frost resistance. Only if the temperature drops below 30 degrees, the tree can freeze. Opal variety is resistant to various diseases, requiring no additional care.
Karbyshev's variety
The original Karbyshev's renklod was brought out in Ukraine in the 50s. It is characterized by fruits weighing from 35 to 50 grams. The outer skin is quite dense. When ripe, it is bright red, sometimes deep pink.
If the fruits are overripe, a waxy blue tint appears on them. The pulp of Karbyshev's pink plum has a honey tint, for which it is appreciated in cooking.
To form a beautiful crown, it is advisable to prune the tree regularly.
Looking for exotic fruits
The plum tree often amazes with its exquisite appearance and the unique taste of juicy berries. Therefore, before planting such a fruit in a summer cottage, it is worth taking a closer look at its varieties.
Golden drop
The original Zolotaya Kaplya variety was developed in Western Europe. Most often it is found among fans of exclusive types of plums or in special nurseries.
This tree is usually of medium size. The crown is rounded in shape, created from gray or reddish shoots. Small dark green leaves grow on them, which have a silver tint. When the plum blossoms, white single or paired buds appear on the branches. By the end of the summer period, juicy fruits ripen. Usually, young seedlings begin to bear fruit in the fifth year after planting.
The fruits of the Golden Drop plum are usually large. Weight, on average, is approximately 70 grams. The shape of these berries is oval with flattened sides. The skin is golden, decorated with light green stripes. The fruit tastes sweet with a subtle acidity. The stone peels off freely from the pulp. A truly unique fruit!
Variety Kirghiz Excellent
This variety is often called "pink plum". The secret lies in its large pink fruits, which weigh up to 70 grams. The fruit is usually oval, slightly elongated. The inner flesh is yellow-green in color with a sweet dessert taste.
The trees of the Kirghiz Excellent plum reach an average height (2-3 m). The crown is not dense, but spherical. It tolerates mid-latitude winters. Almost always yields a harvest.
Homemade plum
This type of plum was developed by combining several varieties. Most often, it is distributed in the northern latitudes with a temperate climate.
The tree grows to about 15 meters. The crown is spreading, sometimes with upright smooth shoots with thorns. Home plum lives for about 25 years. Begins to bear fruit as early as the 2nd or 3rd year after landing on the site.
Depending on the variety, the tree bears fruits of different sizes. These can be small fruits up to 50 grams, and real giants - about 100 grams in weight.
The shape of the berries is round and elongated. Color most often:
- yellow;
- pink;
- red;
- purple;
- dark purple.
All of them are covered with a wax coating.
Plum cultivation began during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. Later she migrated to Greece, later to France, and then came to Russia. Today, many varieties of home plums are known. They can be divided into several subgroups:
- Natural hybrids. This subgroup includes varieties bred in Europe before the beginning of the 21st century. The fruits of these varieties are often ovoid, often medium to large in size. The color of the peel is yellow, pink, purple. The flesh of the berry is amber. When the plums are fully ripe, they have a sweet and delicate flavor.
- Italian plum. The trees in this subgroup are usually of medium size, round and neat crown. Fruits are yellow with a greenish tinge. The pulp is light green, firm. Sometimes there are specimens with purple fruits.
- Mirabel. This subspecies appeared as a result of crossing a common plum with cherry plum. The fruit is small, round in shape with yellow flesh. Mirabelle is grown throughout Europe. Its berries are used to make exquisite yellow jams, as well as a plum strong drink - Brandy.
- Teroslum.Climatic hardiness is characteristic of thorny trees. They easily tolerate excess moisture, as well as temperature changes.
Plums usually have a wide crown and an upright trunk. Small dark purple fruits grow on spreading shoots. They have a tart or sweet and sour taste. Despite this, they are widely used in cooking. The only drawback is that the pulp does not lag behind the stone.
Amazing Variety Morning
Who doesn't like to taste the aromatic sweet fruit under a shady tree in the garden? We are talking about the amazing type of Morning plums, which turned out thanks to the crossing of the early ripening red with the Ullens' rennlode.
The tree can grow up to 3 m in height. The crown is spherical, slightly raised. On dark brown smooth shoots, there are always a lot of thick and wrinkled leaves. Their shape is in the form of an ellipse, light green, jagged edges. The tree begins to bloom in mid-May, and bear fruit as early as the 4th year after planting. Interestingly, this species is self-fertile, so pollinators are not needed for the plum in the morning. Fruits are usually green or yellowish in color.
In the sun, some specimens may have a pink barrel. Outside, the skin is covered with a wax coating, which is easily washed off. The inner flesh is slightly fibrous, yellow in color. The fruit tastes sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma.
Berry weight is approximately 40 grams. The bone comes off well from the pulp. Up to 60 kg of delicious plums can be harvested from one mature tree.
The popular types of plum trees described above wonderfully take root in the middle latitudes. In general, they are frost-hardy, bear excellent fruit and have a pleasant taste. Having planted such a beauty in a summer cottage, you can get real satisfaction from your work. After all, near the house there will be not only a shadow from the summer heat, but also tasty healthy fruits.