We will defeat the slugs in the country - we will save our harvest!
Slugs and snails are a real disaster for the garden and garden. They live wherever there is high humidity, heat and power sources. And these mollusks give preference to juicy plants, eating both leaves and fruits: strawberries and strawberries, cabbage, salads, peppers, cucumbers and even carrots and potatoes.
In addition to the areas where crops grow, these pests settle even in cellars, where they brazenly spoil the vegetables and root crops put for storage.
How to deal with slugs?
There are several ways that experienced gardeners and gardeners are advised to use.
To drive out or destroy slugs, it is recommended to use:
- manual collection of pests;
- spice;
- bait traps;
- spraying;
- dry mulch;
- protective barriers;
- frogs;
- hedgehogs.
It is very important to start the fight with uninvited guests in time, otherwise they can proliferate on the site so that it will be quite difficult to get rid of their invasion.
Hand picking slugs
This method is quite time consuming. Moreover, mollusks go out to "hunt" at night, and collecting them at this time of day is inconvenient for many reasons.
But if it has already been decided to fight in such a "old-fashioned" way, then here is the advice of the experienced: you need to collect slugs in a bucket, where a little water is poured into the bottom. You can add poison to it so that the captured mollusks cannot crawl out while the process of collecting the rest of their congeners is underway.
To facilitate the work, a plot of land is watered in the evening next to the beds and covered with a piece of slate or a board. Slugs will gather there in large numbers. It will only be necessary to raise the "trap" and put the pests into the bucket.
Spices against slugs
Modern summer residents doubt this method. However, old-timers claim that it helps. They say that the spices scattered throughout the beds scare off the nasty gluttonous shellfish.
You can use:
- cilantro;
- rosemary;
- allspice;
- parsley.
Bait traps
This is a way that can be called humane! Pests die because of their greed. To play on the "base instincts" of mollusks is not to poison a living creature with pesticides.
To do this, you just need to dig into the ground a cut plastic container filled with ... beer. Just make sure that the edge of the bottle is flush with the surface of the ground, otherwise snails and slugs simply cannot overcome the barrier.
They also construct traps from plastic containers, inserting two parts one into the other so that the entrance is in the form of a funnel. A bait is placed on the bottom of the bottle, for example, mashed berries or grated carrots. Pests crawl for a tasty aroma, penetrate easily inside, but cannot get out.
Slugs love cornmeal. But, apparently, they cannot stop and gorge themselves on it, immediately dying. If you pour this bait into a container, putting the container on its side, in the morning you can collect a lot of dead shellfish nearby.
Spraying plants
The market offers a wide range of different pest control products. They are supposed to spray vegetables and berries, plant leaves. However, there is no guarantee that these chemicals will not enter the human body due to inadequate washing of the products or due to the fact that the plant will absorb them into itself.
Do not use poisons very actively to combat pests of the crop. This can be harmful to those who eat the fruit.Also, chemicals penetrate the soil, change its composition, kill microorganisms and beneficial insects.
Therefore, it is better to use natural slug and snail repellents. These are infusions of bay leaves, garlic, sage, thyme, lavender. They are prepared simply: the grass is poured with water overnight, and in the morning the plants are sprayed. Instant coffee is an excellent remedy. It is diluted with water and also processed.
They do not like pests and the smell of ammonia. The ammonia added to the water for spraying in a ratio of 1 to 6 will scare the glutton away from the garden. In addition, this solution will kill the slug larvae, which they have already managed to lay next to the plant stems.
Dry mulch against slugs
The method is simple, but requires carefulness and patience. In order for the pests to not be able to get close to the plants, after watering, the summer resident needs to thoroughly sprinkle the moist soil with dry sawdust, fine gravel, sand, wood ash, tobacco dust, straw.
A good effect is achieved if the approaches to food sources are covered with chopped eggs or nutshells. Only one natural question arises ... And if the planting area is large enough, where to get so many shells, even nuts, even eggs?
But replacing the shell with shell rock - this idea will be cooler! It is much easier to get it in large quantities.
Barriers between beds
The natural feature of the mollusk is that it moves by crawling over the surface on its belly. And this creature has it rather gentle. Having covered the aisles with boards or pieces of roofing tar, the gardener will block the approach to the crop for pests.
There is another option - to protect the beds with a low, but sharp barrier made of metal or plastic plates. Dug into the ground and rising above the surface by only 2-5 cm, they will not let pests into the harvest. You can make a "fence" around each bush. But this is not always possible.
Some cut plastic bottles lengthwise and place them on the paths. You can even pour water into them to be sure. It will be impossible for slugs to overcome such an obstacle.
A frog and a toad in the country - good luck!
And this is truly so. And all because these most useful creatures will destroy not only slugs on the site, but also numerous harmful insects, their larvae, caterpillars and even mosquitoes. In order for such free defenders to settle in the country, you need not only to bring them to a new place of residence, but also to equip a small pond for them. It is enough just to put a bowl of water in a secluded cool place or to dig another container into the ground.
The hedgehog will solve the problem - he will eat all the slugs in the country!
Not everyone thinks frogs and toads are pleasant creatures, although in vain. But almost everyone is touched by hedgehogs. Well, there are pluses here too.
Anyone who takes a couple of these thorny forest dwellers on their site can sleep peacefully at night - instead of them, small defenders of the harvest will fight with slugs. And you shouldn't worry about hedgehogs getting ready for vegetables or berries. In fact, they do not have a weakness for vegetarian food at all, since they are predators. Apples and cabbage can enter their diet only in the event of the most severe hunger.
There are also disadvantages to this method. Since hedgehogs are predators, they can harm the owner of the dacha if he breeds poultry. Chickens, ducklings, goslings may well become their prey, especially at night, when adult birds are sleeping and cannot see anything in the dark.
Hedgehogs can also harm beekeepers. They just love insects! Therefore, sometimes hedgehogs climb under the hives, jump, hitting their backs against the bottom, which frightens the bees. And when insects crawl out of the entrance, predators deftly deal with them.
These are the options for protecting against slugs and snails offered by experienced summer residents. The gardener and the gardener should choose the most suitable one on their own, based on their preferences, capabilities and understanding of the problem.
And if someone has an opinion on this, he can share it here. This is very important for us and our readers!
the branches of a 2-year-old apple tree were bitten by a dog, only one stem remained 80-90-
see what will happen to him? throw it away or will he come to life and give new branches?
Give the plant a chance. Trim the wood torn by the dog with a pruning shears or saw and cover with garden pitch or a bunch of clay. There is a chance the tree will survive. Kidneys may hatch on the remains of the trunk. Next year, you can form a beautiful bowl-shaped crown.