Runny variegated - an unpretentious plant for decorating garden lawns
Runny variegated is considered one of the most vibrant cultures. It is widely used to decorate open and shaded areas on the territory of country houses. The plant grows rather quickly. In just one season, a chic green carpet is formed from several seedlings. What attracts fans of greenery to runny variegated? What are the features of planting and caring for a plant? How is it used in the design of garden landscapes? The answers to the questions will help you get to know the unique creation of nature better.
Biological characteristics of the plant
The most glamorous part of the plant is its variegated foliage. It is painted pistachio green. The edges of each leaf plate are framed by a snow-white border. Sometimes it is painted yellow, which looks no less attractive.
When the plant grows, it resembles the marble decoration of the royal chambers. In addition, it differs:
- frost resistance;
- unpretentiousness;
- short stature.
During flowering, around early June, miniature buds appear on the tops of the lush greenery. They are collected in graceful umbellate inflorescences that adorn the variegated runny for about 30 days. After successful pollination on the bushes, flattened fruits are formed. Inside each of them are seeds. So that they do not have time to ripen, the inflorescences are carefully cut, preserving the primitive beauty of the green carpet.
Since the variegated is a hybrid crop, it is better not to use its seeds for plant propagation. They do not repeat the main features of their predecessors.
Runny variegated at their summer cottage
The indescribable beauty of the green marble bedspread attracts the attention of not only beginners, but also seasoned gardeners.
To plant a variegated runny on the site, perform simple actions:
- choose a suitable site;
- plow the soil thoroughly;
- remove weeds;
- apply top dressing (humus, manure or compost) to the ground;
- make funnels of medium depth;
- moisten with clean water;
- planting material is laid;
- sprinkle the roots with earth;
- lightly tamp the top ball of soil.
Propagated, already available decorative variegated snow, in a vegetative way. To do this, using a shovel, a small part of the plant is separated and transferred to a new territory. Usually, the culture takes root quite quickly and does not require special care.
To establish the boundaries of the planting, it is advisable to dig a piece of iron or slate into the soil.
Ease of care
As a rule, such perennials easily take root in new territories. Therefore, it is enough for them to create comfortable conditions that would contribute to the active growth of variegated dreaming.
Planting and caring for the crop includes:
- regular hydration;
- seasonal feeding;
- planned pruning.
Water the plant after sunset with water at room temperature.Thanks to this, the sheet plates are protected from sunburn. Periodically, to maintain optimal moisture levels, the grass is sprayed with a spray bottle.
With a lack of moisture, the foliage loses its color saturation, becomes much smaller and dies off over time.
To enrich the soil with minerals, nitrogen or organic fertilizers... As a result, runny variegated retains its unique decorative effect. Every year the culture needs periodic pruning. Usually, dried, damaged and diseased shoots are removed.
Sometimes the culture is affected by spider mites, aphids or powdery mildew. Over time, it starts to hurt. They solve the problem with the help of various drugs that are sold in flower shops.
The use of culture to decorate the territory
Not every plant will thrive in shaded areas, especially under bushes or garden trees. However, this is not a hindrance for ornamental grass. She wonderfully takes root in such places, forming a lush marble carpet.
How beautifully variegated looks in landscape design! It is planted:
- along the curbs;
- garden alleys;
- on the alpine mountains;
- in complex flower beds.
A green bedspread with marble foliage gives the summer cottage a special flavor. Therefore, fans of flora are actively growing variegated runny to decorate the landscape.