Tips for successful quail keeping

quail keeping Quails carry very healthy eggs. In quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, there are never pathogenic bacteria. These eggs do not cause an allergic reaction, so they can be consumed by people with protein allergies. Depending on the quail breed, you can get from 240 to 350 eggs per quail annually. To obtain the maximum number of eggs, the conditions for keeping quails must be observed:

  • provide adequate space for birds and keep the house clean at all times;
  • choose a suitable food base;
  • install good lighting and soundproofing in the house.

The reason for the decline in quail egg production can also be constant drafts, injuries and dampness in the house. If your quails are not flying, make sure they are already in puberty. Depending on the quail breed, this period occurs at different times (from five weeks to two months), and the duration of the laying period varies.

Keep your house clean

Quail - birds whose egg production drops if they live in a dirty room. Although adult birds do not get sick due to high body temperature, their chicks are susceptible to many diseases. Therefore, in order not to waste energy on growing weak offspring, in nature, quails first look for a clean place for incubation, and only then begin to rush.

In order to increase the egg production of quails, regularly remove the cages and change the sawdust in the house.

Quail feed base

Quails are very picky about feed. For feeding the birds, special feed is used. They contain over 130 components that complement each other. It will not work to balance quail feed on your own at home.

Use compound feed as a basis for the feed base and add greens and steamed cereals to the quail diet.

Conditions of detention

In order for the quails to start laying eggs, the house must have a constant temperature of 22ABOUTC. Stress in quails can occur for several reasons, from abrupt replacement of the food supply, to moving the cage to a new place and loud noises. Excessive lighting can cause stress, so fluorescent lights should be installed in the house.

Drafts are unacceptable in the room where the quail are kept, so install insulation in the house and seal all the cracks. Installing soundproofing in cages will help protect quails from stress.


