For sight and not only - carrot juice, useful properties and contraindications
It is low in calories, extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, strengthens vision and is indispensable for a weakened body. This is not all that carrot juice is famous for, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been carefully studied by nutritionists and even traditional medicine. Due to the large amount of nutrients contained in orange roots, the juice from them helps to establish the functioning of internal organs. It will not only strengthen the immune system and make up for vitamin deficiencies, but also help to cope with some diseases.
Carrot juice - useful properties and contraindications
How does carrot juice affect the human body?
Regular intake of vitamin juice:
- strengthens the immune system, nervous system and respiratory system;
- lowers blood pressure and blood glucose levels;
- increases appetite;
- normalizes the functioning of the intestines, stomach, heart;
- improves vision, sleep, metabolism and skin condition;
- promotes losing weight.
Carrot juice is a prophylactic agent against cancer, heart disease, and anemia.
In what cases and who should not drink carrot juice
With some diseases, especially in the acute stage, a freshly squeezed drink can only do harm, namely:
- pancreatitis;
- acidity gastritis;
- colitis;
- ulcer.
If you have stomach problems, it is better to take the juice not in pure form, but after diluting it with water, and after eating. Healthy people are advised to consume fresh juices 30 minutes before meals.
In addition, allergy sufferers should also not drink carrot juice, so as not to provoke an attack and a local skin reaction.
The healing effect can be obtained if the juice is not overused. The daily norm is 600 ml of the drink, divided into equal portions for 3 doses. Exceeding the recommended levels leads to weakness, dizziness and yellowing of the skin.