Plum variety Hungarian Donetskaya - early ripe leader of canned varieties

Please tell us what is the variety of the Hungarian Donetsk plum? I bought a seedling specifically to make homemade prunes, I even got a recipe. How long to wait for the harvest and when will the first fruiting come? And one more question: how does Donetsk plum winters? In general, in winter we have quite warm temperatures, but sometimes there are short-term severe frosts.

plum variety Hungarian Donetsk Plum jam is one of the most delicious, and what can we say about everyone's favorite prunes. The plum variety Hungarian Donetskaya is ideal for its production and not only. Large juicy fruits ripen much earlier than other species. Even in a cold summer, you can get a good harvest - half-ripe plums "reach" well in the pantry.

Plum Donetskaya is the result of the selection work of Ukrainian scientists. The species is quite "old", bred back in 1951.

Description of the variety

plum hungarian

Donetsk Hungarian grows to quite decent size - the height of the tree can reach 5.5 m. Due to the fact that the shoots are located at an angle, the plum forms a wide and spreading, but raised, crown. Young one-year-old shoots curl slightly.

The variety belongs to early early-growing. The first harvest ripens already 4 years after planting the seedling, in the second half of August. Flowering later, so the ovary does not freeze. The fruits themselves are large, weighing up to 30 g each, slightly elongated, resembling a drop. The skin is brown-blue, covered with a blue bloom. The pulp is juicy, dense, bright green in color, with a slight sourness and sweet aroma. The stone is small, it separates well. You can make compotes, jam, prunes from plums. The dense fruits are well transported and can be stored for a couple of weeks after removal. Up to 40 kg of plums are harvested from an adult tree.

Donetsk plum is self-fruitless, but the presence of a number of pollinators will increase the yield. They can be Hungarian Italian, Altana, Anna Shpet.

Plum variety Vengerka Donetskaya: advantages and disadvantages

Hungarian fruitsOf the advantages of the variety, it is worth noting its such features:

  1. Stable yield regardless of weather conditions.
  2. High taste characteristics. Donetsk Hungarian is recognized as one of the best varieties of the canning group.
  3. Possibility of transportability without damaging the fruits and storage of the crop for a certain time.
  4. Early maturity.
  5. Self-infertility.
  6. High resistance to moniliosis.

The variety has only a few drawbacks, but they do not particularly harm its reputation. If the second half of summer turned out to be cold, the plums do not have time to fully ripen, but "reach" in maturation. Another nuance is the average winter hardiness. If the winter is harsh, the shoots freeze slightly, but during the season the plum is restored.

Hungarian plum, harvesting - video


