What varieties of columnar apple trees to choose for different regions of Russia

varieties of columnar apple trees Today, breeders have bred the most diverse varieties of columnar apple trees. They are very comfortable fruit trees that have many advantages. They do not form an extensive and spreading crown, so they do not take up much space on the site. For different regions of Russia, you can choose any varieties from early to late. The choice of a particular one will depend on the growing area.

Distinctive features of columnar apple trees

what is the difference between varieties of columnar apple trees

Varieties of columnar apple trees have a crown up to 80 cm in size, but most often less than 60 cm. The main distinguishing feature is the factor that the side shoots, along with branches, will not grow sprawlingly, but along their trunk. Most trees from different varieties grow in height 2.5 - 3 meters. They will be able to bear fruit in the second year after they have been planted. However, everything will depend on the variety. Apple trees can bear fruit on average up to 20 years, but many varieties are much less. This should be considered when choosing the right one.

Columnar apple trees can be planted in pots by placing them on a terrace or balcony. They have a shallow root system so they don't require a lot of space around them.

flowering columnar apple treesA rich nutritious soil with humus is well suited as a soil for columnar apple trees. It should maintain moderate humidity, so such apple trees are not planted in too dry areas.

In order to constantly enjoy the fruits of apples, you can grow on your site about 10 varieties with several ripening periods. If you take good care of the plants, you can harvest up to 20 kg of apples from one tree.

Early varieties of columnar apple trees for the middle lane

early varieties of columnar apple treesColumnar apple varieties are considered early if they ripen from July to mid-August. They can be used in almost any form, except for storage for the winter. When choosing them, it should be borne in mind that such fruits can lie for only 2 to 4 weeks.

The most popular varieties include:

  • Vasyugan;
  • The president;
  • Nectar;
  • Dialog.

Features of the Vasyugan variety

Vasyugan varietyThe Vasyugan variety can be classified as one of the best summer varieties. When choosing it for your site, it should be borne in mind that a tree can grow up to 3 m in height. The fruit can be removed from it at the end of August and stored for about 1–2 months. The weight of each apple reaches 130-200 g.

Apples of this type are distinguished by an elongated conical shape and a persistent smell. They have a dense skin and grainy dense pulp. The color of the fruit initially turns yellow-green, but turns into pink-red as it ripens. They are characterized by a sweet taste and a slight sour aftertaste.

The Vasyugan variety has a high frost resistance up to -40 degrees. This property allows you to breed it not only in the middle lane, but also in colder regions.

Active fruiting of apples of this variety usually lasts for 15 years. After this time, their yield begins to decline and trees can be replaced with younger ones. If you take good care of the variety and apply top dressing on time, you will be able to collect about 5–7 kg of apples per season.

Features of the President variety

apple-tree presidentRefers to semi-dwarf summer varieties. Trees can grow 2–2.5 meters. Their crown grows by an average of 15-25 cm. On thick lateral shoots, many leaves usually grow.This variety is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees. It is considered fast-growing with regular fruiting, which will last for 15 years. The trees are disease resistant.

Ripening begins in mid-August and reaches mid-September. You can store such fruits for no more than 1.5 months. Trees give good yields from 4 years. One tree can be harvested from 8 to 16 kg of apples.

Fruits grow all over the tree trunk. They have a rounded and slightly flattened shape and can be greenish or pale yellow with small pinkish stripes. Their skin is quite dense and does not come off when eating fruit. They are characterized by a sweet and sour dessert taste. Apples are well suited for winter harvesting.

Summer varieties of columnar apple trees do not have a long shelf life, so they can only be enjoyed during their season. Despite this, the fruits have excellent taste and useful properties.

Features of the Medoc variety

honey apple treeDwarf trees grow in a small column up to 2.2 meters. Their crown does not grow much to the sides, not exceeding 25 cm. When planted in the middle lane, you can get apples in August. These are early-growing apple trees that bear several fruits in the same year.

Apples have a standard round shape. Their color can be bright yellow or white-yellow, depending on the growing conditions. By weight, they can reach 250 g. Fruits are characterized by a dense skin and sweet taste with a distinct honey aroma. Apples can be eaten fresh or as winter preparations. They are not suitable for long-term storage, since they can lie no more than a month.

The Medoc variety is considered a high-yielding variety. After a few years, it will be possible to pick 8-10 kg of apples.

Such fruiting lasts for 15-16 years, after which the apple tree will gradually become depleted and it can be replaced by another tree.

Features of the Dialog variety

features of the dialogue varietyIt is one of the earliest columnar plants, ripening in July. Fruits grow small. They are rounded and light yellow in color. The inner flesh of these apples is white and juicy with a slight graininess. While eating, you can feel a sweet and sour taste and a characteristic apple smell.

Variety Dialog is drought tolerant, so it is well suited for the middle lane. Its branches grow by only 20 cm, which is convenient for dense planting in rows. Apple trees of this variety need good soil moisture, as well as frequent feeding.

Autumn varieties of columnar apple trees for the middle lane

autumn varieties of columnar apple treesThese types of apple trees include varieties that will bear fruit in September-October. In most cases, their fruiting continues throughout the fall. Such varieties withstand the winter cold of mid-latitudes well. Fruits have a longer shelf life, starting from 3 months.

The most popular varieties include:

  • Triumph;
  • Gin;
  • Senator.

Features of the Gin variety

It is a dwarf autumn variety with a stem height of no more than 2 meters. Their crown grows by 30 cm. Fruits can be formed already in the second year, therefore this species is considered fast-growing. He is not afraid of frosts down to -40 degrees. In addition, the variety is resistant to scab and various diseases.

Apples of bright raspberry color have a rounded shape and weigh up to 150 g. They are characterized by a sweet and sour taste, a light shade of pulp. These are crunchy dessert apples with a distinct aroma.

Ripening occurs at the end of August, but in some areas it can be delayed until September. When choosing this option, you should not expect large yields in the first few years. As a result, it will reach 15 kg. The only thing is that the Gin variety will actively bear fruit only for 12 years, after which there will be much less fruit.

Gin apples do not fall off and stick firmly to the tree. Thanks to this property, they can be collected gradually.

Features of the Senator variety

grade senatorThis is another successful cultivar with a medium ripening period. It is very resistant to various weather conditions and is not afraid of frost. In addition, it does not lend itself to diseases and does not require special care conditions. During the period of active growth, it will be possible to remove up to 16 kg from the tree.

If grown correctly, you can get apples of average size not less than 130 g. They have a red color with interesting striping. The closer to maturity, the darker they become. The fruit has a sweet taste with soft pulp inside.

You can pick apples already in September. They have a fairly long shelf life, which can be up to January. This will allow you to enjoy delicious and juicy apples from your plot during the winter season. You can use them in any form.

Features of the Triumph variety

triumph apple treeThe Triumph variety is a small semi-dwarf with a height of up to 2 m. It has a small crown. You can pick apples from trees in about two years, and by the age of five the trees yield about 6 kg per tree. Apples can weigh up to 200 grams.

The fruits have a slightly flattened spherical shape. Their skin has a dense and glossy texture. Apples are deep red in color with a slight striped blush. They are characterized by a honey-sweet taste and subtle sourness. The crispy flesh has a dense structure.

Fruit picking can be done around mid-September. They can be stored for about a month and a half. Apples can be used in any desired form. The Triumph variety is planted in areas with average winter temperatures. It can withstand slight frosts. If the winter is too cold, it is better to cover the trees.

Late varieties of columnar apple trees for the middle lane

late varieties of columnar apple treesDespite the fact that many people love summer apples, there is a need for late varieties. They have a good keeping quality and can be stored until spring.

For this region, such late varieties are suitable as:

  • Yesenia;
  • Amber necklace;
  • Arbat;
  • Currency;
  • Poetry;
  • Constellation.

Features of the variety Amber necklace

grade amber necklaceThis is a semi-dwarf winter variety with a possible yield of about 20 kg per season. The only thing this variety requires is a pollinator. Other varieties can act in its role. Moscow necklace and Currency are ideal, as they have the same flowering period.

The variety adapts well to difficult climatic conditions. It is well suited not only for the middle zone, but also for Siberia.

Fruit picking can begin at the end of September. They have a fairly long shelf life, which can be up to 5 months. At the same time, the beneficial properties and quality of apples will not be lost.

The fruit has a bright yellow color reminiscent of amber. Thanks to this, the variety got its name. By weight, each apple can reach from 150 to 300 grams. The fruit has a sweet taste with a subtle sourness. The pulp is bright white with a juicy and crunchy texture.

Variety Currency

apple tree varieties currencyThis is a winter variety with a height of over 2.5 meters, which thrives very well in the middle lane. The green color remains this way until late autumn. Trees have a narrow trunk that will wrap around apples on all sides. High yields can be achieved in 5 years. With proper care, you can take about 10 kg from each of the trees.

The apples themselves are characterized by a round shape. They are quite large, 100–250 g, and also have a thin skin with a slight natural shine. Their yellow color combined with red barrels makes them very appetizing. The fruit has a sweet taste. Also, while eating, you can feel a slight sourness. The aromatic white pulp has a high juiciness.

Harvesting can start in September-October, depending on its ripeness. Due to the fact that the apples of the Currency variety do not crumble, they can be harvested gradually.

The trees are disease resistant. They are immune to frost.The harvested fruits can be stored and transported for a long time without fear of damaging them.

Arbat variety

Arbat varietyIt is a frost-hardy columnar apple that can take root well in areas with a changeable climate. The harvest is ready for harvest in September. During the season, you can pick about 20 kg of apples with good care from one tree. Plants will begin to bear fruit actively from season 3. Apples stick tightly to the tree trunk and hang from it like a garland.

Arbat apples have a bright cherry color. They taste sweet and juicy. A slight sourness may be felt, but the longer the ripening period, the less noticeable it is. This variety has good low temperature tolerance. Its storage is possible until the end of December.

Variety Constellation

apple tree varieties constellationColumnar apple trees of this variety are very popular not only in the middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia. They have good taste. The trees have a high degree of winter hardiness, but they do not bear fruit for a long time - only 10 years. From them, you can remove 13 kg of the crop per season.

Apples have a deep dark red color. They taste sweet and sour. The main advantage is a long shelf life. In good conditions, they can lie until spring, despite the fact that the harvest is harvested in the fall.

Variety Poetry

apple tree varieties poetryTrees of medium height are quite disease resistant. The maximum yield can be achieved by 4 years. The variety does not require additional pollination. Fruiting continues for 15 years.

The fruits grow large and juicy. By weight, they go from 140 g and above. They have a slightly flattened shape. They have a dark red color, which is closer to brown. Fruit pulp is greenish and very juicy in taste. Apples can lie until February.

Yesenia variety

yesenia varietyThis is a late ripening variety that is not afraid of low temperatures and various diseases, especially scab. The harvest will be ready for harvest at the end of autumn, it will be stored until the beginning of February.

The fruits have a rounded conical shape. Their average weight is 170 g. Their color at the time of harvest is light yellow, but when keeping quality, they develop a blush and red specks. On the inside, apples have a greenish and fine-grained flesh. They taste more sweet, but have a slight sourness.

Columnar apple varieties for the Moscow region

varieties of columnar apple trees for the Moscow regionThe varieties for the Moscow region are able to withstand severe winters and summer heat. When developing them, the temperate continental climate of this region was taken into account. Most varieties require practically no chemical treatments and are not afraid of fungal diseases. Many of them are found in the middle lane.apple orchard in the suburbs.

The most popular varieties suitable for the Moscow region include:

  • Moscow necklace;
  • Arbat;
  • Vasyugan;
  • Nectar;
  • Titania;
  • Ostankino;
  • Gin;
  • Moscow necklace;
  • Bolero;
  • Iksha;
  • Baby;
  • The president.

Ostankino variety

ostankino gradeSemi-dwarf trees exceed 2.5 meters. They have a compact and small size. They have good winter hardiness. They bring their first harvest from the second year of growth. The Ostankino variety is considered a high-yielding variety. From one tree during the period of active fruiting, you can collect about 16 kg of fruit. This period lasts up to 15 years, after which the yield will decline. This type of apple tree needs pollinators, which can be other varieties that have the same flowering period.

Apples grow on columnar trees, starting from 40 cm from the ground to the very top. Their weight is about 100-150 g, but with good care, some specimens can reach up to 300 g and will be ready for September harvest.

The fruits are round and slightly flattened. They are characterized by a bright red color with a red-violet blush and a sweet and sour taste.

After picking, apples can lie until December-January. They can be used for winter spins and canning.

Variety Moscow necklace

grade Moscow necklaceIt is a winter variety with good cold resistance.The height of the columns can reach from 2 to 3 m. The trees have a narrow crown. The cultivar needs pollinators in the form of other cultivars. In addition, it requires protective measures to prevent various diseases and pests. At the same time, the variety is resistant to scab.

The Moscow necklace is considered a fast-growing variety and bears fruit immediately in the 1st year of growth. Large apple harvests will be carried out already for 4 years. Each tree can produce 10 kg of round apples weighing 170-200 g. The thin skin has a dense structure. At first, it has a green color, but closer to autumn and ripening it becomes dark red. Dessert juicy taste goes well with pleasant aroma.

Fruiting of the Moscow Necklace variety takes place annually in the autumn season. Harvesting can be done continuously for 10 years.

Iksha variety

iksha apple treeIt is an early maturing variety that adapts well to different temperature conditions. It easily tolerates frosts that occur in the Moscow region. Trees can give their first fruits as early as one year after planting. The variety has good resistance to various diseases and parasites.

The apples are light green in color with a slight yellowish tinge. They taste sweet with pronounced granularity and creamy pulp. Apples can be stored for a long time without spoiling. The average fruit size is 40 to 140 g.

Titania variety

It belongs to the early varieties. The trees grow to be 5-6 meters high. Apples grow all over the trunk. Harvesting will be possible in early September. It is stored for several months without losing its attractive appearance and taste. The trees are frost-resistant and winter well in the climate in the Moscow region. In case of frostbite, they can easily build up green mass. They are not a terrible scab and powdery mildew... It will be possible to get a crop in the 2nd or 3rd year.

Apples grow small in size with a weight of about 110 g. They are characterized by a round shape and dark cherry color. They look very beautiful on the columnar trunk. Over time, it will be possible to collect about 10 kg of fruit from one trunk. The dense and crispy flesh has a wine-sweet taste.

Malyukha variety

baby varietyMalyukha apple trees grow small. Their trunk can reach 170 - 180 cm. The first fruits they can give in 2 years. For one season, each apple tree can bring an average of 13 kg of harvest.

Fruits of the Malyukha variety have an elongated and oblong shape. The skin is light yellow in color. The weight of apples varies between 110-120 grams. The taste of these fruits is closer to sour. They are suitable for any kind of use. They can also be used in the preparation of various confectionery products.

Bolero variety

columnar apple boleroThe columnar variety Bolero has a late ripening period. It gives the first fruits already in the first or second year of growth, but large yields of 12-15 kg will be obtained a little later - by 4-5 years.

Apples are green in color and have a sweet and sour taste. Ball-shaped fruits may have a slight creamy blush as they ripen. They can be stored for a long time, which is convenient for winter supplies. They are characterized by a waxy coating, as well as a juicy, pure white pulp. It is possible to consume such fruits in any form.

Columnar apple varieties for Siberia

varieties of columnar apple trees for siberiaColumnar apple trees for Siberia and neighboring regions have increased resistance to winter cold. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and frost. Many varieties for the middle lane are suitable for use in these regions. There are those that can only take root in these regions.apple tree in Siberia

The following varieties are suitable for breeding in Siberia:

  • Barguzin;
  • Baby;
  • Stella;
  • Vasyugan;
  • Moscow necklace;
  • Nectar;
  • Iksha.

Barguzin variety

It is an early autumn variety with good frost resistance. You can harvest in early September.

The fruits have a round-conical shape of bright red color with a slight yellowish tinge.The juicy flesh has a delicate texture and a creamy green color. The apples are sweet and sour with a fragrant aroma. They have an average weight of 75 to 135 grams.

The yield of the variety is quite high and ranges from 20 to 35 kg, which can be removed from one tree. Apples can be transported and stored for several months. Trees begin to bear fruit from 3-4 years. They are immune to various diseases. The variety is suitable not only for Siberia, but also for other cold regions of Russia.

Benefits of Columnar Apple Trees

the benefits of columnar apple treesGiven the wide variety of varieties of columnar apple trees, you can easily choose the right type for your site.blank

There are several main advantages of such plants:

  1. Ease of growing.
  2. The trees are compact in size, which allows them to increase the density of their plantings. The roots do not grow too far to the sides.
  3. Even in a small area, large yields can be obtained.
  4. You can plant apple trees with different ripening periods and eat them almost all year round, which is very convenient.
  5. Convenient harvesting allows you to collect all the fruits from the tree.
  6. Most varieties are resistant to various fungal diseases, scab and pests.
  7. Intense and early fruiting of most of the bred species.
  8. High taste, which can be selected for every taste.
  9. Columnar trees have a beautiful decorative appearance.

When choosing a suitable variety, you need to take into account the characteristics of its growth, ripening time and other characteristics. Despite the unpretentiousness of most varieties, it is worth remembering that in order to get a good harvest and large fruits, plants need good care in the form of watering and applying nutrients. If there is no opportunity to constantly care for trees, then you should give preference to the unpretentious option. They will not be afraid of pests, diseases and frost.

Video about columnar apple trees


