The best varieties of low-growing tomatoes with photos and descriptions

Low-growing tomatoes are in the lead in summer cottages and vegetable gardens. What is the reason for this success? Why did tall vines with large fruits give way to their inconspicuous relatives?

  • Low-growing tomato varieties do not require planting tools, a lot of attention and are distinguished by high yields.
  • Most undersized varieties are not needed pinch, they grow with a stem.
  • They quickly bear fruit and delight with a rich harvest.
  • They are distinguished by friendly fruiting, which is important for housewives.
  • Tomatoes of this species manage to give up the main part of the crop before the onset of the active phase. late blight.

Each gardener chooses the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for himself individually, depending on the region of residence and growing conditions.

In order to choose the right tomatoes for your plot, you need to know that all low-growing tomato varieties belong to the determinant group, which is divided into three subgroups:

  1. determinant;
  2. semi-determinant;
  3. superdeterminant.
  • Determinant subgroup of tomatoes intended for planting in open ground and closed spaces. The side shoots of the bushes are very densely located, due to which a stem is formed, which does not require tying and pinching.
  • Semi-determinant tomato varieties are recommended for outdoor cultivation. If you do not pinch off the top at a height of 80-90 cm, then it can reach 120 cm. Tomatoes of this group are not recommended to be pinched to harvest a larger crop, but experienced gardeners resort to this technique to speed up the fruiting of the bush.
  • Superdeterminant tomatoes are characterized by early and medium ripeness, amicable fruit return, good productivity. These varieties are characterized by a short growing season. After the amicable return of the fruits, they do not form a new ovary. All varieties of tomatoes of the superdeterminant group require pinching and forming a growth point.

It is better to buy hybrid seeds of low-growing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground of all three subgroups in specialized stores, since those collected with their own hands lose their maternal properties, and instead of a small bush, a long liana can grow in the garden.

Choosing the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that tall varieties of tomatoes grow on a long trellis in the greenhouse. But there is not always the time and opportunity to engage in the formation of a bush, the distribution of brushes, and pinching. Then undersized varieties of tomatoes come to the rescue, which are simple and easy to care for.

Among the wide variety of tomatoes, I would like to highlight several of the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses:

  • "Magus H" is a hybrid of early fruiting, it is distinguished by its resistance to diseases and productivity. The growing season is up to 65 days, the fruits are red, round, weighing up to 180g. One meter can accommodate 3-4 plants, which is very important when growing indoors, as thickened plantings increase the yield several times. The main condition for planting this variety is frequent airing of the greenhouse and the absence of condensation.
  • The novelty of the last season "Orange Princess" has proven itself well in greenhouse conditions. This is a low-growing, very high-yielding variety of medium late ripening, intended for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses.With good care and agricultural technology, up to 40 kg of sweet orange fruits can be obtained from one bush per season.
  • Cherry
    Recently, cherry tomatoes have become increasingly popular. From this group it is worth highlighting such undersized varieties as "Aztec", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Duckling", "Banana Legs". The fruit weight of these tomatoes does not exceed 15–20 g, and the sweet aromatic taste does not leave anyone indifferent. Small pea fruits in marinades look especially beautiful as a decoration for salads and baked meat dishes.
  • AmpelnyAmong the undersized tomatoes are popular dwarf and ampelous varieties. Tomatoes variety "Talisman" feel great in baskets and hanging pots. They serve as an excellent decoration for winter gardens and greenhouses; they look beautiful in the garden, suspended from tree branches.
  • blankThe Aztec variety is ideal for indoor and balcony cultivation. Plants of these tomatoes are often planted in tubs and flower pots. Then tomato bushes play the role of decoration, not just food. Dwarf tomatoes and cherry varieties have medicinal properties: their regular consumption reduces the risk of cancer.

The best undersized tomatoes for open field

All varieties of low-growing tomatoes are suitable for open ground. The huge variety of tomatoes in this group allows you to choose tomatoes of any color, taste and size.

  • Tomato variety Heavyweight of Siberia - undersizedMany people like undersized tomatoes for open ground of Siberian selection: "Siberian Garden", "Sibiriada", "Heavyweight of Siberia", "Abakan pink", "Ballerina", "Siberian troika", "Moscow pear". The varieties of this series are distinguished by high yields and resistance to viral diseases.
  • Novice gardeners should pay attention to such tomatoes for open ground as "Alaska", "Parodist", "Boni-M", "Bobkat". They are distinguished by even and tasty fruits, form a lush bush on their own and do not require pinching.
  • Fans of especially fruitful varieties will like the following varieties: "Rocker", "Tourmaline", "Russian tasty", "Sunny Bunny", "Buyan". With proper care, up to 5 kg of even fruits weighing 150-200 g can be removed from one bush of tomatoes of these varieties.
  • The ultra-early hybrid tomatoes "Bringing good luck" and "Gayas Bekseev" deserve special praise. They are distinguished not only by high yields, but also resistance to heat and dry soil, diseases and are recommended for growing in areas unsuitable for gardening and agriculture.

A large assortment of low-growing tomatoes is presented today not only in specialized stores, but also in the markets of the country, where it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of products and compliance with the variety. It is better to play it safe and buy seeds in a store where experienced specialists will share the secrets of successfully growing undersized tomatoes in greenhouses and in the garden.

Low-growing high-yielding varieties of tomatoes - video

  1. Larissa

    I do not remember a case when in special shops selling seeds they could give qualified advice. They do not know and do not want to know anything about what is offered for sale. Complete incompetence!

  2. Ludmila

    In front of me is an envelope with seeds of the firm "Poisk". It is written: the variety "Abakan pink" of the Siberian series, a plant up to 150 cm high. Is it undersized?


