Cranberry sauce for meat: recipe and cooking features

cranberry sauce for meat recipe The sauce is an addition to any dish, transforms its taste, makes it more juicy and aromatic. Despite the large number of such seasonings on sale, many housewives love to make them themselves. The cranberry sauce for meat has an exquisite and unusual taste, the recipe of which is especially popular in America. Not a single holiday goes on without him. This sauce has a spicy sweet and sour taste, slightly bitter and gives any meat a pleasant aroma.

Cooking rules

aromatic sauce for meat

An aromatic sauce of bright color is served with turkey and other poultry dishes. It goes well with fatty meats, neutralizing excess fat. Its sweet and sour taste complements and decorates the meat, making it more juicy and aromatic.

Not everyone knows how to make cranberry sauce properly. But the advice of experienced housewives will help you create a real masterpiece.

To do this, you need to know the features of the preparation of this dish:

  • berries should be ripe, unripe will add bitterness to the sauce;
  • use whole, not rotten and not wrinkled berries, you can frozen;
  • you cannot cook the sauce in an aluminum container;
  • starch or flour is added for density, but you can simply boil it down;
  • many people love sauce with whole berries, but it is better to grind them with a blender or mixer;
  • cranberries go well with honey, onions, oranges, lingonberries;
  • to add pungency and piquant taste, you can add ginger, garlic, cinnamon, hot pepper.

You can store the sauce in the refrigerator for several days, but it is better to sterilize the dishes and close the lid tightly.

Simple cranberry sauce for meat, recipe

simple cranberry sauce for meatCranberry sauce is very healthy as this berry contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also appreciated for its ease of preparation. It takes 10-15 minutes to do this, and you get a very tasty seasoning. The simplest recipe for their cranberry sauce involves using only berries, sugar and water. Starch is added to thicken. This sauce is popular in America, where it complements the Thanksgiving main course.

The recipe for cranberry sauce for meat is very simple, even an inexperienced housewife can handle it. What you need to do for this:

  • Pour 300 g of cranberries with half a glass of water, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and cook over low heat;cook cranberries
  • cook for 10 minutes, while the berries should burst, if necessary, you can add more sugar;ready-made cranberries
  • dissolve a teaspoon of starch in half a glass of water, pour the mixture in a thin stream to the cranberries, stirring constantly;add starch
  • cook for another 3-5 minutes, until the sauce thickens;cook until thick
  • Bring the mass to a homogeneous state with a submersible mixer or blender.

How else can you make cranberry sauce

There are many recipes for cranberry sauces for meat. Each housewife prepares it in her own way. Some people like a sweeter taste, others - a spicy one. Using ready-made recipes, you need to taste the dish, adding a little spice. Then the sauce will become an addition and decoration to the meat, and will not spoil it. How else can you prepare such a dish?

Sweet cranberry sauce goes with turkey or chicken

sweet cranberry sauceIt is also served with pastries and other dishes.

To prepare it for 300 g of cranberries you need:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 100 ml natural orange juice;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • seasonings to taste: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.

Citrus fruits and spices are added 5 minutes before cooking. Bring the finished sauce to a smooth consistency in a blender.

A spicy cranberry dish may not please everyone

spicy sauceBut such a spicy taste goes well with fatty meat. To prepare it, you first need to boil the syrup from a glass of water and a glass of sugar. Then add a red orange cut into pieces, a pod of hot pepper and 300 g of cranberries. Simmer over low heat until thickened. Shortly before removing from heat, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a spoonful of brandy and seasonings to taste.

Unusual taste of the sauce with onions, honey and orange

cranberry sauce for meat recipe with the addition of orange, onionThis dish goes well with fish. You need to fry finely chopped onions in butter, then add the orange zest, its juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and one and a half cups of cranberries. Stew until thick. Add salt, pepper, rub through a sieve.

Cranberry sauce makes meat dishes more juicy and flavorful. The advantage of this berry is its sweet and sour taste and compatibility with many products.

Therefore, each housewife can choose a recipe that suits her.

Video recipe for making cranberry sauce for meat


