Aphid control tips
Aphids are a pest that colonizes cultivated plants and flowers in the garden. The settlement of aphids is called a colony. A large colony can destroy a strong plant in a week. These insects are constantly multiplying, up to 200 new individuals emerge from the eggs in a few days. They accumulate on young leaves and shoot tops. In the process of vital activity, aphids release sweet honeydew.
When aphids are affected, the leaves of the plant begin to curl slightly, sweet spots appear on them, which are clearly visible in the sun. Aphids like to settle on berry bushes and fruit trees during their flowering and ovary formation.
Use biologicals during flowering
At this time, it is not worth treating the plant with chemicals, since insecticides are harmful to bees. During flowering, it is better to treat the plant with bioactive drugs. They last a little less than insecticides, but biologics are safe for bees and other pollinating insects.
Unlike chemicals, biological insecticides can be used at any time of the day, even during the flight of bees. Chemical insecticide treatment should be carried out in the evening when bees have already completed the evening flight.
Control the ant population and breed ladybugs
You can fight aphids using folk methods:
- prepare an infusion of garlic or hot pepper and spray;
- use sticky tape or special trapping belts;
- breed ladybirds on your site.
Aphids do not like pungent odors and sap of burning plants, therefore, in order to get rid of aphids, you can prepare a decoction of garlic, strain it and spray the affected plant. Due to regular spraying, the aphid will be immobilized, will not be able to feed on the juice of the leaves and will die.
Aphids are carried around the site by ants. They feed on sweet honeydew, which is secreted by aphids in the process of life. One of the methods fight against aphids - get rid of ants. The trunk of a fruit tree, to which these insects transfer aphids, is wrapped with adhesive tape or a special trapping belt. The ants stick to the tape and eventually die.
There may be cracks on the trunk of the tree, along which insects will bypass the trapping belts. In this case, the skeletal branches are wrapped with adhesive tape.
The shrubs can be populated with ladybirds. They can be caught in the forest. Usually ladybugs hibernate in fallen leaves. One insect can eat up to 500 aphids per day.