Modern high-tech garden
The name hi-tech comes from the English phrase "high technology", or "high technology". This term is used to describe a modern trend in design and architecture, characterized by minimalism in details and the spirit of industrialization. This style is one of the most popular today, and thousands of designers around the world are engaged in the design of objects in it.
Hi-tech garden
The first thing that catches your eye is the large amount of free space. There are few flower beds, mostly shrubs and short trees. The paths are usually tiled or stone paved. They turn sharp angles and form strict geometric shapes.
In addition to paths, other elements of the garden (for example, reservoirs, playgrounds, beds) also have predominantly the shape of a triangle, circle, square, spiral and other shapes.
The vegetation is uniform. Here you will not find a variety of varieties and types of landings. Mowed shrubs, sloping lawns and extensive paved areas dominate.
Together with lawns, ground cover plants are used to give the garden areas a geometric shape and uniformity. Thanks to the competent seating, there are different in color, even surface areas. Options for such plants:
- pachisandra;
- cuff;
- clefthoof;
- loosestrife aurea.
Large trees may be present, however, their location must be carefully planned. Like everything else, they obey a single plan and cannot be chaotically located.
Some designers create entire walls of low shrubs, trimmed by waves, and the paths between them are laid out with tiles. This idea looks fresh and beautiful, however, it gives extra hassle for pruning.
From the color palette, discreet white, gray and green colors, sometimes blue, are most often used. Rarely are black and orange accents used to accentuate specific areas.
The buildings are predominantly ivory and cappuccino, with no unnecessary flamboyance. As you have already noticed, the variety of shades and bright colors is absolutely not characteristic of the high-tech style.
For plants, galvanized containers are often installed in a clear sequence. Garden areas can be separated by metal ropes and crossbars on which urban objects such as large fans are placed.
The materials for the techno garden are modern, some can be expensive, however, they are wear-resistant and will last for many years. There are only 4 main types:
- a rock;
- glass:
- valuable wood species;
- metal.
Metal chairs and tables, or made of perfectly flat wood panels are often used. The hidden illumination of wide steps looks beautiful, as well as lamps made of thick glass dug into the ground.
Zoning is often done by changing the level. For example, “floors” lined with large flat tiles, decorated with shrubs on the sides, and steps leading up to a higher level, where there are several trees.
In addition to modern materials, minimalist designs and carefully selected vegetation, accessories play an important role. Since a “high tech” garden implies the use of cutting edge technologies, maximum attention should be paid to the selection of accessories.
Think in detail backlight. The large round lamps made of frosted white glass look very attractive.
Furniture made of steel is one of the most recognizable features of the high-tech style.
The main rule for all accessories is that they must be modern and fashionable. The more gadgets your techno garden contains, the better. For example, the “smart home” system, or smart lighting. Creative gazebos made of precious woods or concrete, pools and fountains - all this will emphasize the uniqueness and status of your site.
If you have no experience landscape design, then it is best to contact a professional to create a technological garden project. Due to the complexity of the design, the need to think over every detail and follow the geometry of all shapes, it will be difficult for a beginner to take into account all aspects. However, the invested time and money will ultimately allow you to create a real masterpiece of engineering and technical thought on your suburban area.