Mountain ash propagation methods: cuttings, grafting, seed method

rowan ripens There are different ways of mountain ash propagation. All of them are effective if you follow simple recommendations. Proper procurement of planting material and appropriate care is the key to a beautiful and abundantly flowering tree.

Rowan ordinary: plant description

mountain ash

This is the most famous plant that has good decorative qualities. The berries of this tree are used both in the food industry and in medicine. In addition, rowan fruits serve bird feed in the winter season. This type of plant is grown in many countries of the world. The tree develops beautifully not only in European states, but also in Central Asia.

The mountain ash prefers a temperate climate, nutritious soil and a lot of light. It grows often singly, without creating thickets. The advantage of the tree is that it perfectly coexists with different types of plants. Rowan trees are not demanding to care for. Therefore, everyone can grow on their site.planting a rowan seedling

Mountain ash is propagated:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • vaccination;
  • layering;
  • root suckers.

The root system is well developed. Therefore, adult specimens do not need watering. The tree grows up to 12 m tall. The crown has a round shape, openwork. Young shoots are grayish in color, but eventually turn brown.

Deciduous plates are green, matte. Closer to winter, they change their color to golden red. White buds form lush inflorescences. Fruits are round, deep red. From one tree, you can collect up to 100 kg of berries, which are used to prepare various infusions, compotes.

Rowan propagation methods: seeds

rowan seedlingsOne of the easiest breeding methods for mountain ash is usually planting seeds. This method does not require much effort, so even novice gardeners can cope with it.

The collection of planting material is carried out in late autumn. Grains are removed from ripe berries, washed under running water and dried thoroughly. Ready seeds are kept in wet sand at an air temperature of about +5FROM.

The seeds are sown in early spring. For this, grooves are made up to 8 cm deep. You need to place the seeds evenly. Cover everything from above with wet sand 1.5 cm thick.

1 m2, about 250 rowan grains should be placed.

After planting, water the garden bed thoroughly. For this, it is recommended to use shallow sated to prevent the seeds from washing out.

The first thinning is carried out after the shoots appear above the soil surface. The distance between shoots should be 3 cm. After 5 leaves appear, the procedure is repeated. In this case, the distance between shoots should be at least 7 cm.

rowan from seedWater the seedlings only after the topsoil has dried well. This should be done 2 to 3 times a week. Also, do not forget about loosening the soil and removing weeds.

For those who want to get a constant bountiful harvest of mountain ash, it is recommended to plant several different plant varieties on the site.

Proper care of seedlings includes timely feeding. For this use liquid organic fertilizer... 1 m2 add up to 5 kg of manure. Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place of growth is carried out in the fall of next year.

Rowan grafting on mountain ash

rowan graftingFor an ordinary variety, the split grafting method is best. To carry out this procedure, you will need to prepare cuttings. It is recommended to separate areas from shoots in January. Tie the prepared cuttings into a bundle and dig into the ground to a depth of no more than 15 cm.

Rowan grafting is carried out in the spring. It is necessary to use the strongest stalk on which the buds have appeared. Before grafting it, you should clean the lower part of the soil and cut it in the form of a blade. On the reverse side, you will need to cut a small section of the cutting at an angle to the first bud.

For fast rooting, it is necessary to treat the scion with a garden decoction.

In the upper part of the main plant, make a split 3 cm deep and place the graft in it. Wrap the place where the two elements are connected with polyethylene and carefully tie with a thread.

Place the grafted seedling in a greenhouse. It must be buried in the ground up to the junction. The best soil in this case will be a mixture of sand and peat... It is not recommended to use other types of soil, as they are not able to pass air well.

In order for the seedling to develop correctly, it is necessary to systematically moisten not only the substrate, but also the air. As soon as the elements successfully grow together, you can plant rowan in a permanent place of growth. But before carrying out the procedure, you will need to cut off all the shoots on the cart.

Rowan propagation by cuttings

rowan cuttingsThis method is often used by gardeners. To grow a new plant, you will need to use green or lignified shoots. Of course, it is better to give preference to the first type of branches, since they take root much faster.

Propagation by green cuttings

Planting material is harvested in the first week of summer. Each stalk should be 10 to 15 cm long and with several healthy buds.

It is recommended to make a cut exclusively at an angle.

Soak the stalk in a growth stimulator before planting. It should be kept in liquid for about 6 hours.

Planting a copy should be in a previously prepared area. The first thing to do is to dig up the ground. Sprinkle generously on top with dry river sand. Its layer should be within 10 cm.

In order for the cutting to take root better, several small incisions should be made in the lower part and one on top, above the bud itself.

In August, rooted specimens must be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. Cover the cuttings with polyethylene and keep in this state until the first signs of development appear.

Caring for planting material involves periodic airing of the greenhouse, as well as systematic watering. As soon as the seedlings take root, top dressing must be carried out. To do this, dilute 30 g of ammonium nitrate in 8 liters of water. Fertilizing is recommended once every two weeks.

Propagation by lignified cuttings

rooting of woody cuttingsIn order to implement this method, it is necessary to use cuttings only from annual shoots. They should be cut in the second part of September. Cut cuttings should be 15 to 20 cm long with multiple buds.

It is necessary to plant specimens on the day they are harvested. Cuttings are placed in loose soil at a distance of 15 cm between elements and 70 cm between rows. Then water the site abundantly and mulch with peat.

Rowan propagation by layering

reproduction by layeringBefore growing mountain ash from a branch, you need to remember that in this case, only one-year shoots are used. To do this, the upper part of the branch must be tilted to the previously prepared groove. Fix it along the entire length with metal brackets. It is recommended to pinch the upper part of the shoot.

After the first shoots appear (10 cm), they should be covered with humus. Repeat the procedure as soon as the shoots are 15 cm high.

It is best to carry out the procedure in spring, when the soil warms up well.

You need to separate the layers only next spring.At this time, the seedling is transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Rowan propagation by root layers

mountain ash propagation by root layersMany offspring appear around the red-fruited mountain ash every year. They are an excellent option for growing young trees. To do this, they are separated and placed in a separate groove.

The depth of the dimple should be within 80 cm, and the distance between specimens should be about 6 meters. Each groove must be filled with a composition of manure, wood ash, garden soil. After planting, each plant will need to be watered abundantly with water at room temperature.

Cut off all the seedlings that have taken root. To do this, using a sharp knife, the upper part of the central trunk is removed. The side branches are cut in the spring.

Reproduction of common mountain ash is a simple procedure. To achieve the desired result, and to grow this beautiful tree on your site, you need to adhere to all the recommendations. Only then will your garden sparkle with new colors.


