Late planting of potatoes: how to get a full harvest

Summer planting potatoes The optimal planting time for potatoes is determined according to the principles of the technology used when embedding tubers in the soil. This stage of the process should be given special attention. Its timing depends on the planting method, and on them, directly, the usefulness of the resulting crop. Before the tuber is planted in the ground, it must be germinated. To do this, 14 days before the expected date of planting, the potatoes are laid out in one layer in a well-ventilated and well-lit place. Whitish scabs are removed from the tubers in advance.

Ready-to-plant potatoes have thick, green shoots that are neither too long nor too thin.

In our usual understanding, the planting process consists of the following manipulations:

  • The first person to sit down digs holes in the ground and monitors the observance of the measured distance between them.
  • The second deepens the planting material by adding a portion of humus or manure to the holes.
  • The best potato planting depth is 13-15 cm.

With this approach, labor is saved, and besides, this is an excellent option for most potato plots.

Determining the optimal timing of planting potatoes

Optimal planting time for potatoes

In order to determine the best planting time, you need to know that not only very early, but also late planting of the root crop can reduce the yield. The optimum temperature for embedding tubers is 5 degrees Celsius at a depth of 13-15 cm. This promotes rapid germination of potatoes, and the green mass of the bush grows faster. When potatoes are planted in June, a definite dependence of yield on soil temperature is no longer observed. Since, as the corresponding observations have shown, planting in cool soil brings more results than in warmed up to 12 C. And in June, the soil at the required depth has just such a temperature.

Seed preparationThe steams reach their peak of vital activity at the moment when the earth is warmed up from 3 to 7 C. In our latitude, the last dates for planting potatoes are mid and late May. The ground is already warm enough, but at this time the tubers can be planted at a shallower depth. Heat is not a shortage, and the surface of the garden is warmed up the best way possible.

The sooner the potatoes are planted on the plot, the shallower the planting depth should be.

If saturated chernozem lands are rare at a certain summer cottage, then potatoes must be planted at the end of April. In the Southern region - this period is shifted to the beginning of April. Here it is impossible to be late with planting, since even a weekly delay threatens with a 30% decrease in yield.

Important points and nuances of the June potato planting

Late planting of potatoesWhen, for some reason, it turned out late to plant a garden, then you need to know several important points, as well as take into account favorable days suitable for planting potatoes in June. Nothing is impossible, but such landing dates in our country are usually practiced in the south. If nothing else remains, you should purchase early-maturing tubers that are guaranteed to ripen before the onset of the cold season. With a warm autumn, potatoes have time to give good harvest... And yet, this type of landing is quite problematic:

  • The first problem is the preservation of full-value planting material.
  • Second, planting potatoes in June, especially if the summer season is very hot, requires protection from drought and sun for each individual bed.
  • And third, in the middle lane at this time the Colorado potato beetle is very active, and not only its matured larva, but also adults.

So is it possible to plant potatoes in June? Naturally, but in this case, the summer resident will have to tinker a lot to get a good harvest.

Late planted potato harvestBut if planting is needed in order to obtain planting material, then June is the most favorable time. In the specialized literature, this term is called "summer landing". Planting is possible until the end of the month, and the grown tubers are harvested in mid-October. Agrotechnical difficulties are the same as with timely planting in the spring. Tuberization lasts from late summer to autumn, but only if the ambient temperature does not drop below + 9C.

Feature of caring for late-planted potatoesPotatoes planted in June must be well watered, it is best to do this by root irrigation, preferably in the evening. You can organize watering using a hose, simply make high row spacings and move the hose to the high edge of each high row. So that water is not consumed in excess, it is recommended to make a kind of dam from improvised materials on the lower edge of the bed. If the potatoes were not germinated, then it is unnecessary to waste precious time, high humidity and heat will do their job and the potatoes will certainly grow. This will give a chance not only to get a harvest, but also to avoid a massive raid. Colorado potato beetle.

Summer terms for planting potatoes - video


