Growth stimulator Energen: indications for use and dosage of the drug

Among domestic gardeners, the growth stimulator Energen is very popular. Such a demand for the drug is explained by the effectiveness and versatility of the effect on any plants. Application in dosages recommended by manufacturers can significantly increase crop yields, vitality of seeds and seedlings.
Growth stimulant properties Energen
According to manufacturers, Energen has the following properties:
- Changes the characteristics of water, reducing its natural salt content.
- Significantly reduces acid content in soil.
- Loosens the soil by providing natural oxygenation.
- Saturates the soil with nutrients.
- Provides rapid formation of humus in the treated soil.
- By acting directly on the cell membrane, it stimulates the increased absorption of nutrients and oxygen by the plant.
Fertilizing seedlings with Energen allows the summer resident to significantly increase its survival rate, disease resistance, decrease in temperature and moisture content. The complex action of the drug creates all the prerequisites for obtaining a high quality crop with a significant reduction in the maturation time of marketable products.
Growth stimulant Energen: instructions and rules of use

Energen is a representative of the humus group of natural phytoharmonic. The effectiveness of the drug extends to all plants regardless of species. According to the manufacturer's assurances, the there is no use of this drug. Energen contains sodium salts, mass fraction of which is 70% of the total mass of the drug. Besides active substances, the drug includes a solid set of micro and macro elements.
The tool is available in two versions:
- Capsules that dissolve easily in water to form a stock solution. (Energen-Extra).
- Liquid concentrate. (Energen-Aqua).

The preparation with dosed capsules is intended for prophylactic watering and processing of green mass of plants, ornamental grasses, shrubs and fruit trees.

Concentrate in liquid form is applied to soil before plowing as fertilizer, treatment and soaking of seeds, root systems and vegetative part of seedlings of vegetables and seedlings of fruit and berry crops.
Despite the identical composition, the drugs differ in their areas of application. Soaking seeds with Energen in capsules is not performed. For this operation, a liquid form of the product is used - Energen-Aqua, which is produced in the form of a small bottle equipped with a dropper to accurately determine the dosage of the substance.
Energen in capsules instructions for use

On sale, the drug is presented in the form of a blister. IN depending on the packaging, it can contain 10 or 20 capsules white and green. To create an active solution, it is necessary to dissolve a certain amount of the drug in the recommended volume of water.

The scope of the product is limited to:
- Top dressing of seedlings and adult plants during the period of active growth.
- Aerosol treatment of various crops.
For root feeding of seedlings and vegetative plants you should dissolve 1 unit of Energen growth stimulant in 1 liter of pure water. The resulting solution is enough for processing area 2.5 m2... For spraying, use a basic solution: 1 capsule for 1 liter of water. Average consumption rate of 1 liter of solution - 40 m2 plantings.
Energen-Aqua: methods of application for seeds and seedlings

The stimulant is presented by the manufacturer in the form of a concentrated solution of the active substance, poured into a vial with a 10 ml dispenser. To obtain a base solution, the concentrate is mixed with water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.
Prescription of the drug:
- pre-sowing soaking of seeds of various crops;
- watering seedlings;
- treatment of the root system of seedlings fruit and berry crops, shrubs and fruit trees.
To soak the seed fund, it is necessary to dilute 15 drops of the drug in 50 ml of water. Pre-sowing seed treatment time is from 6 to 20 hours. This composition is sufficient to soak 50 g of seeds. For root watering of seedlings (especially after frost, prolonged lack of moisture or picking), it is necessary to dilute 30 drops of concentrate in 1 liter of water.
Consumption: 1 liter of solution per 2 m2 plantings.
Energen Aqua a plus

The composition of this preparation is completely identical to the growth regulator Energen Aqua considered above. The difference in the concentration and packaging of the drug. The active substance is in the form of a concentrated solution, packed in a plastic container without a dispenser, 5, 10 liters each.
In the absence of a dropper dispenser, domestic gardeners often have problems with consumption rates.
Energen Aqua plus: the consumption rate of the drug depends on the scope and area of the treated area:
- Application to the soil before cultivation - 800 l of base solution per 1 ha. (20 liters of concentrate).
- Presowing treatment of seeds of various crops - 10 liters of working solution per 1 ton (0.5 liters of concentrate).
- Presowing treatment of tubers - 10 liters of working solution per 1 ton (0.4 liters of concentrate).
- Soaking seeds before sowing - 10 ml of concentrate / 1 liter of water.
- Root dressing - from 0.2 to 2.5 liters of the drug are applied together with irrigation water. Consumption depends on the rate of watering.
Many novice gardeners and truck farmers are interested in the question: do i need to rinse the seeds after energizing? The answer is no, rinse the seeds after treatment with this drug is not necessary. The point is that over time soaking biologically active substances penetrated into the structure of the seed, activating metabolic processes. For better flowability, the seeds can be dried.
Measures safety when working with the drug

Growth stimulator Energen belongs to drugs of the 4th hazard class. In order to avoid the manifestation of allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the components, all work with the drug is recommended to be carried out in closed clothing and personal protective equipment. It is necessary to store the drug away from food in a dark place out of the reach of children and pets at a temperature of 0 to 30 ° C.
If the product gets on the skin, wash the affected area with soap and water. The mucous membranes of the nose and eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water and a doctor should be consulted.