Eating beans for type 2 diabetes and other conditions
Harvesting beans, gardeners husk the beans, ruthlessly sending the shutters into compost, and sometimes do not even suspect that they contain a lot of nutrients that can support the body in a variety of diseases.
Traditional medicine, and after it the official one, recognized the benefits of bean pods in diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, problems with the skeletal system and overweight. At the same time, simple plant raw materials compete on equal terms with drugs of complex composition, having no contraindications and not requiring serious purchase costs.
So how do bean leaflets work in diabetes? To whom is their use shown, and what does the beneficial properties of natural raw materials depend on?
Possibilities of using traditional medicine for diabetes
The development of diabetes affects all systems and organs of a person, including blood vessels, the pancreas and the entire digestive system as a whole.
If people with diabetes of the first type are directly dependent on receiving insulin, then the second type implies only a partial deficiency or immunity to this substance.
In any case, not receiving insulin, a person experiences a deterioration in well-being, sometimes of a very serious nature. As a means of maintaining the body, they provide the introduction into the patient's diet of foods rich in compounds similar in properties and composition to human insulin. Of particular importance is the introduction of beans into the diet for type 2 diabetes, because these are the substances that were found in the shoulder blades of this type of legume.
Bean pods chemical composition
A closer look at the biochemical composition of bean pods, scientists have discovered a unique complex of vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids and minerals that can have a beneficial effect not only on the course of diabetes, but also on a number of other diseases. Bean seeds and shells contain an extremely high concentration of proteins that are close to and sometimes superior in value to components of animal origin.
Eaten by a healthy person and with diabetes, beans can be an excellent substitute for meat dishes, they are just as nutritious and healthy.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to amino acids, bean pods contain:
- flavonoids;
- glycosides;
- irreplaceable organic acids;
- B vitamins, and vitamin C, vitamin F, E, K and P;
- minerals;
- natural sugars;
- alimentary fiber.
The list of amino acids included in the bean contains arginine, which is a natural antioxidant; methionine, lysine and tyrosine. These compounds play a significant role in protein synthesis and metabolic processes; they are considered essential in the production of hormones and enzymes.
It is obvious that their intake into the body of a person suffering from diabetes mellitus with bean pods is of great healing and preventive value.
There are amino acids and flavonoids in the biochemical composition of beans that have the ability to protect and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, activate and maintain immune defenses.
However, the most important compound for diabetic patients can rightfully be considered glucokinin, which has an effect similar to human insulin and can lower blood sugar levels.
The healing effect of bean pods
In addition, bean leaflets in type 2 diabetes may provide additional benefits due to their diuretic, anti-inflammatory and other qualities. Introduction to the diet and use of drugs based on this natural medicine will provide:
- reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
- removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
- removal of edema;
- restoration of digestive processes;
- activation of metabolism;
- strengthening the nervous and immune systems;
- weight loss;
- strengthening of visual function.
Bean pods are an excellent general tonic for both sick people and healthy people. And for everyone who suffers from diabetes, beans will help to feel more vigorous, increase tone and vitality.
Use of bean leaflets for type 2 diabetes
Due to the unique combination of proteins, minerals, amino acids and vitamins, beans with diabetes normalize blood sugar, thereby improving human well-being. For this reason, the bean shells and the seeds themselves are highly desirable to be included in the menu of diabetics diagnosed with type 2 disease.
If on garden beds Beans grow on the backyard, the shutters that begin to dry are collected from green bushes, then they are dried in a ventilated, protected from the sun and crushed.
In the dark and cool, a tightly closed container with beans recommended for diabetes mellitus can be stored for about a year. As a therapeutic agent today, both crushed dry plant materials and powder obtained at industrial enterprises in the process of freeze drying are used, as well as extracts based on bean blades:
- Extract from the leafs of beans with diabetes is drunk three times a day, 10-15 drops.
- Alcohol tincture of bean pods is also used in the treatment of diabetes and up to 50 drops are prescribed.
- The most commonly used decoction is made from 100 grams of dried scoops and a liter of water. The agent is evaporated until the liquid is reduced by half, and this dose is calculated for a daily intake.
There are also ready-made, sold in pharmacies, fees, which, in addition to the bean valves, include blueberry leaf, rose hips, St. John's wort and Eleutherococcus.
Cautions for use
The use of beans for diabetes is possible only at the initial stage of the disease, and the reception must be approved by a specialist and take place under his constant supervision.
If the patient notices a worsening of his condition, he will have to give up the bean leaflets for diabetes. The cause of the malaise can be an individual intolerance to the components of the beans. In this case, even a decoction from the pods can cause respiratory reactions, skin rashes, itching and other disorders.
Bean decoction or other bean-based products should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, the leaflets of beans for type 2 diabetes are taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, combined with drug therapy and a prescribed diet. Possible deterioration of well-being in patients with hypertension, so the accuracy in taking such drugs will not be superfluous. As a diabetes prevention, beans can be used to control blood pressure and sugar levels, reduce swelling, improve digestion, and strengthen immunity.