Lentil soup - preparing first courses of Turkish cuisine

lentil soup

In Turkish cuisine, lentils are used quite often, after all, it is very satisfying and nutritious. For example, if you come to visit lunch, you will definitely be served with your first lentil soup. Hot, fragrant, thick and rich soup will satisfy hunger and warm you on a cold winter evening. However, there is no need to travel so far - a delicious dish is not difficult to prepare and houses.

List ingredients

You don't need a lot of food to make a delicious lentil soup, and you will find most of them in your pantry.

So, for a Turkish first course you will need:

  • litere of water;
  • a glass of lentils;
  • large onion;
  • some flour;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • half a teaspoon of tomato paste;
  • oil for frying;
  • 2 tsp adjiki;
  • pepper, cumin and turmeric - 0.5 tsp each seasoning;
  • salt.

You can use one small pumpkin instead of traditional carrots. This will make the soup even more aromatic, but with a slight sweetness.

Lentil soup - step by step cooking

First of all, we wash the lentils and prepare our vegetables. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. In the same way we cut and carrots. But if you are using a pumpkin, you can chop it a little larger.

Now you can start directly preparing the soup:

  1. Pour oil into a deep saucepan, add onion.
  2. When the onion becomes soft and its aroma is heard, add flour and fry everything together. Also at this stage, add a little turmeric - it will give a beautiful golden color.
  3. Pour carrots or pumpkin into a saucepan with fried onions. Pepper immediately. Stew a little and put tomato paste and adjika here.
  4. Add lentils to the vegetable mass and fry it a little.
  5. Fill in water. Do not forget to remove the foam, and then close the lid. We tighten the fire and cook for about 15 minutes.
  6. When the lentils are boiled, our soup is almost ready. It remains only with the help of a submersible blender to transform its puree-like mass.

If the soup lacks acidity, you can add freshly squeezed lemon juice.

So, from simple products we got spicy and delicious lentil soup. And if instead of water you take beef broth, soup will become even more satisfying. It is customary to serve such a dish with pepper-adjika seasoning. To do this, fry a small amount of paprika in hot oil. (dry, crushed) and adjika. And put the slices on a separate saucer lemon - suddenly someone from your family or guests prefers more acidity.

Turkish Lentil Soup Cooking Video


