"And they became one" with the help of superglue from China

super glue from chinese manufacturer When a favorite thing breaks or even worse breaks, the heart stops for a few seconds. After such stress, serious rehabilitation is needed. However, superglue B-7000 with Aliexpress will help to connect what seems to be forever lost. Of course, the subject will no longer be the same. Cracks and seams are eloquent reminders of the tragedy. Nevertheless, the owners are overwhelmed with joy from the fact that they are holding their jewel in their hands again. This special glue is successfully used for processing:

  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • skin;
  • wood;
  • rubber;
  • fabrics;
  • plastics;
  • films.

gluing any materials

A unique adhesive connects materials that are different in their structure and texture. Superglue B-7000 is used for both handicrafts and household needs. But before starting the delicate procedure, it is important to check how the fiber reacts to the chemical composition.

When all eternity is aheadgluing small parts

The peculiarity of such synthetic products is that it must connect forever. In most cases, the desired eternity lasts no more than a month / half a year. To securely fasten two parts of a smooth or rough object, you should adhere to several rules:

  • carry out the procedure at a temperature of 18 to 30 ° C, in a dry room;
  • thoroughly clean the surfaces that need to be glued (sometimes they should be degreased with alcohol);
  • apply the substance evenly;
  • connect and hold for 4 to 6 minutes;
  • leave the thing in this position (put under the press) for 24-48 hours.

Unlike other products, chemical B-7000 emits a slight odor, but inhalation of its vapors is dangerous for the respiratory tract. On contact with cotton and woolen fabrics, an exothermic reaction occurs - the treated area becomes unusually hot. The substance is highly flammable. Care must be taken to prevent drops from getting into the eyes or on the skin.

Convenient but dangerous

special plugFor the convenience of working in the tube, a special plug is provided - a thin tube through which glue is released. This drip effect allows you to penetrate into the most problematic areas and process gaps of 2-3 mm. A needle is attached to the cap to prevent liquid from drying inside the plastic cap. The volume of one package is 25 ml.

safety complianceIn the process of creative activities, bunches of fingers most often suffer. You can wash off the glue prints with acetone or the pharmaceutical solution "Dimexide". special solutions are used to remove glueOtherwise, the palm is immersed for 5 minutes. in warm water, after which the stains are removed with a pumice stone. It is removed on the fabric with soapy water: washing powder and ammonia (in a ratio of 2: 1 tbsp. L.). The thing is soaked in this liquid for 2-3 hours and then brushed.

superglue on AliexpressA favorable offer for B-7000 superglue is provided by sellers from the Aliexpress trading platform. A 25 ml tube costs only 60 rubles. superglue in the online storeAt the same time, the price for a regular product of such a plan (3 ml) ranges from 94 to 108 rubles.


